Chapter 25 - Was that even a duel?

Arya awoke the following morning full of nerves, not for the duel, she had full confidence that Draco and her would mop the floor with the opposition. No, her nerves were coming from the thoughts of what is to come after the duel. This will be the first step in the Life of Arya Rosier that she takes full control of her future and refuses to back down. Arya got dressed and made her way outside to go through her morning workout to warm up and prepare the body for what is to come. After she had completed her light workout she made her way back to her dorm.

Arya washed up and headed down towards the Great Hall filled with a quiet confidence in her almost predatory demeanor. The Great Hall was filled with silence when they saw Arya walk in. The other students in her year couldn't take their eyes off her, they saw she was full of confidence and were looking forward to the duel at noon. Arya made her way to her house table. Hermione greeted her with a nervous smile but felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she saw the small smirk on Arya's face. Hermione jumped onto Ayra's shoulder shouting at her for worrying her so much over the week all while snuggling into Arya's shoulders happy that her friend is back to normal.

Arya - "Just watch Mione, I am about to turn everything on its head"

Hermione looked at her friend questionably but nodded her head. The morning classes passed extremely slowly for all of the students but especially for Arya. Arya spent all that time working through plans in her head for how to achieve her goal in the most impactful way possible, finally, a smile came to Arya's face as she now knew exactly what she would do.

Finally, the time for the duel arrived, both Arya and Draco changed into their formal dueling attire, both wore tight-fitting black clothing with Arya's sleeves embroidered with blue-white lighting and Draco's embroidered with golden-red flames. On the back of Arya's robe was a white wolf the symbol of her House and on Malfoys was a Green Basilisk the symbol of his house. They made quite an intimidating pair as they walked to the dueling arena that was set up in the middle of the training grounds. Their opponents had not yet reached the arena so Arya quickly turned to Draco and said "You already know my situation with my family, I have a solution but in order to act on it I need you to take a step back and just support me in this duel. Draco looked at his friend in the eye and could see the struggle inside her eyes, so he simply nodded his acceptance and stepped back a step and to the left of Arya. Arya let out a quiet breath of relief as she mentally prepared herself for the duel.

Finally, their opponents walked out on stage, all four were dressed up in a much more flashy-looking attire full of outrageous colors and extra fabrics, both Arya and Draco burst out laughing sharing the same thought 'Have these fools ever had a duel before?' Ronald looked very pleased with himself as he strutted around like a peacock with his colorful robes. Arya shouted across the way loud enough for the entire crowd to hear her words, "oi oi twinkle toes you sure you're here for a duel and not a ballroom dance?" The crowd burst into laughter even the teachers couldn't hold back their chuckles as the inexperienced foursome clearly showed how green they were.

Rom - "What are you talking about? Mother said this is the most stylish clothing out there for formal duels, I need an outfit to match the skills I will show to the world today against you blood traitors"

Everyone was silenced at Weasley's words, Draco responded first " Oh great one please show us your skills that match your outfit because as of right now you four look like yellow-bellied greenhorns who don't have a lick of experience in dueling. Please enlighten us". Yet again the crowd tittered to themselves at the interaction between the opponents. Professor Flitwick was to officiate this duel, he explained the rules " Family magic allowed, no Unforgiveables, once all members of the team have given up or lost consciousness that team is out. Now give a bow and begin. Arya and Draco bowed before taking their stances, their opponents barely inclined their heads and readied themselves too. Once the bang went off signaling the start of the duel Arya quickly launched her opening attacks Incarcerous - Caughtl - Avis - Duro - Draconifors Maximo as draco launched a barrier spell Protego Maximo that surrounded the duo. Everyone was completely and utterly shocked at the speed and fluidity of Arya's opening spell chain, she is only 11 years old. Flint and Ron quickly dodged the rope binding spell and both launched stunners at their opponents which were completely stopped by Dracos Barrier.

Crabbe and Goyle were quickly caught in the rope and were hit by the following restraining spell unable to move as Aryas following bird conjuring spell, hardening spell, and then transfiguration spell combined to produce three massive fire breathing dragons. The crowd, the teacher's, everyone was shocked at her ability. Professor Flitwick merely smiled at his proteges' prowess. Crabbe and Goyle quickly paled as they were enveloped by fire from the dragons, they were lightly burned, unconscious and had seemingly lost control of their bladders all at once. Professor Flitwick's voice loudly stated Crabbe and Goyle have been eliminated due to losing consciousness. They were then floated out of the ring by the support medics and taken away to the hospital ward. There was complete silence as everyone realized how quickly Arya had just eliminated two competitors in a matter of seconds. Ron and Marcus quickly came to their senses and combined a bombardo maximo jinx that destroyed the stone dragons, but Arya was unfazed about this and merely smiled back at them. Arya and Draco shared a look when Draco sent out an incendio spell in the form of a 10-foot Basilisk which was supported by Arya sending out Ventum Cicer to further fan the flaming Basilisk as it grew to 15 feet and rammed straight at the Slytherin Duo. Marcus launched Muram Aquarum forming a massive wall of water to try and extinguish the Basilisk as Ron supported him by levitating the broken rubble from Arya's earlier spell and throwing it at the Basilisk to finally extinguish it.

Flint followed it up with a nasty slug vomiting curse that Draco redirected straight at Ron who was hit by it instead. Flint was shocked at Draco's ability 'They are both first years, what on earth has this weasel gotten me involved with them for'. He quickly sent the counter curse at Ron allowing him to recover and stand up although he was a bit shaky on his feet. Arya stepped forward and said to Draco "Allow me to finish this" She launched a lightning-fast spell chain consisting of Impedimenta - Impedimenta - Hastum de Lumine - Flagellum Aqua - Ebublio. Both Ron and Marcus were instantly hit by a slow spell each followed by a sword of light straight into their eyes taking away their vision. Arya waved her hand and a long water whip came flying out of her hand wrapping around the duo whom she picked up and spun around her head three times before sending them flying into the wall of the arena before trapping them in a bubble made of water causing them to completely lose consciousness.

(a/n - Please keep in mind none of these four were accomplished duelists which is why they were so easily trounced by our favorite dueling duo. Not all duels will be that easy for them I promise.)

There was nothing but silence in the Arena even the reporters had no words for what had just taken place. Two first-year students challenged and took on four students at once including a fifth year and had not battled them but massacred them. Crabbe and Goyle were knocked out in seconds and Marcus and Ron didn't even have a chance to breathe before they were destroyed. Finally, the arena erupted into cheers and applause, even the doubting older students were left numb watching the abilities of the two first years they ridiculed all week. They collectively let out a weak gasp hoping the duo didn't hear their words.

Arya magically enhanced her voice before sending a blinding white wolf made out of lightning towards the sky grabbing everyone's attention as silence once again fell as they prepared to listen to her words.