Chapter 26 - Future Crazy Cat Lady?

Now that Arya had everyones attention she took a deep breath and prepared herself, letting out a vicious smile at everyone gathered. " My name is Arya Rosier and I am the heir of the Most Ancient and Noble house of Rosier. Too long I have allowed others to dictate my actions. But NO MORE to my dear grandparents I want you to know Grand Uncle Isaac has indeed named me the heir of the Rosier Family with my mother been given the position of regent if he passes before I come of age. I WILL NOT BE FORCED INTO ANY MARRIAGE NOT OF MY CHOOSING. I set out to become the greatest witch of the age and that is exactly what I will be. I Arya Rosier will not give my hand in marriage to anyone who can not defeat me in a formal duel, if my hand is taken in any other way through coercion, force or the Imperius Curse my magic shall be sealed so mote it be"

(A/N I known this is not how the bond works in canon but allow this shameless author to bend the rules a bit please.)

Gold lights flickered around Arya showing that the unbreakable vow was made between her and the head of the Rosier Family. The audience was in shock, there had been no named heir for the Rosier Family since Isaac Rosier had taken lordship and now there offically was, whats more is Arya the Transfiguration Transcendent had just made an unbreakable vow on her magic that if she does not give consent in tandem with her losing a duel she will not marry them. The silence was broken as Daphne Greengrass started applauding with a tear in her eye, after her the dam was broken and the audience burst into stupendous applause and cheering. Dumbledore could be seen with a from that was becoming all too familiar around Arya. Albus thought to himself 'Damn it I never imagined the Issac would agree to this now all my beautiful plans have been ruined again. I will not stop, I will find some way to tie her to Harry, maybe I should have another "grandfatherly chat" with her. No one can refuse the great Albus Dumbledore.'

All of Arya's friends were smiling at her, they could feel the pride and determination rolling off her. With one more look at the cheering crowd Arya smiled at them and left the arena, it was that moment that many wizards and even some witches had a determined glint in their eye regardless of their "magical blood" they had seen Arya at her finest after she dismantled the four Slytherins almost single handed and then defied her family. They were smitten and declared to themselves "I shall have her hand one day"

Finally away from prying eyes Arya took and deep breath and fell to her knees, all the adrenaline had left her body. She was proud she took her stand, her declaration would be sure to make the news but this is the person she swore she would be when she came to this world, she didn't care about fame, glory or money, no her only desire was to be the greatest witch alive and never be put at a disadvantage in this life. Tears flowed down her face as all her pent up emotions from the past week had come to a head and she was completely overwhelmed. It was then she was taken into a warm, comforting embrace. "I am so sorry you had to go through this alone little dove, but I am here now forever and always. I will be the pillar that props you up and supports you no matter who is against you, we will take on the entire world if we have to but you will not stand alone."

Arya looked up with watery eyes and saw Daphne hugging her tightly and she let herself melt into her arms. "We will all be the pillars that prop you up Arya, with us supporting each other nothing can stand in our way". Arya looked up from Daphne's embrace and saw Draco, Theo, Hermione and Harry around them all smiling warmly at her.

Draco - "However I am afraid that if your future partner must defeat you in a formal duel you will probably die alone surrounded by 27 Kneazles."

Arya burst out in laughter at his comment and responded "then so be it Malfoy, no one shall ever control me again. I will be happily surrounded by all those Kneazles if thats the case." Draco smirked at her and they all came together in a group hug. The moment was ruined however when Harry let out a whine "Would it be so bad to marry me? I know I complemented Daphne when we first met but come on give me a chance". Arya laughed and said "Then beat me in a duel Lord Potter, after all I am the heir of a Most Ancient and Noble house. Its the least you could do."

Harry let out a dramatic sigh and said "I don't have to beat you in a duel right Daph? I suppose you wouldn't be the worst back up wife". Daphne quickly smacked him in the back of the head and let out a very articulated "hmmmf". The group laughed to themselves and made their way towards the Great Hall. All eyes were on them as they made their way through the halls and endless muttering could be heard around them. Arya blushed and said "it wasn't all that special why is everyone talking about me". The group of friends looked bewildered at her before they nodded to each other and lined up to flick her in the forehead one after the other. Arya with tear filled eyes held her forehead and screamed at them "That was completely uncalled for". The group merely ignored her pout as they continued on their way as Arya muttered to herself "lousy friends all assaulting me, maybe I should challenge them all to a formal one on one duel and put them in their place". The entire group sweat dropped at this aside from Draco who simply gave her a bloodthirsty grin.

Once they arrived at the Great Hall they separated to their house tables. Arya took this moment to see who Draco would sit with as she was curious who he had in his friend group only to see a hyper Pansy Parkinson attached to his hip the moment he arrived at the table. Arya performed and prayer sign and said "R.I.P Malfoy who is always followed everywhere by his little fan girl. Arya smiled to herself as she thought back at all the times she saw the two together as she thought 'How dense is Draco not to see she is completely smitten with him'