Chapter 13: Twilight

Team 7 was standing in front of the Hokage. Naruto was standing in front with Kurenai and Anko on his sides. Sasuke and Sakura were behind their back with Hinata standing last.

"Mission complete, Hokage-sama." said Naruto curtly

On the other side of the room stood Hiashi, Kakashi and Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Any civilian casualties?" asked Hiruzen sternly

"None, they have been transferred to the nearest local police, they will take care of the paperwork and send them to their homes safely. A report has been given to me to hand it over to you." said Naruto and handed the file to Hiruzen

"Very well, enemies?" asked Hiruzen seriously

"Killed till the last man, the heads of Taro and Sasame are in this scroll. Enemy camp has been totally destroyed." confirmed Naruto and handed over the scroll containing the dead bodies of the missing nin.

"He sure has grown" thought Kakashi proudly.

Kakashi then looked at Anko who was looking at him a little warmly, he gave her a small wink that didn't went unnoticed by Naruto. Kakashi and Anko had gotten together a few days back and were now deciding on marriage. Naruto was very happy for both of them.

"Excellent work, you performed the mission faster than I expected. Now give me a brief report on the team's performance." stated Hiruzen simply

"Anko and Kurenai performed as expected, they got the job done. Sasuke was a little hesitant at first but he controlled his emotions and got the job done too. My performance was satisfactory. Sakura gave the best performance in this mission, she not only protected us but also destroyed the enemy. We owe our success to her." said Naruto with a short smile

"Sakura, you have done very well. Konoha is blessed to have such skilled shinobi like you in our forces, your contribution is definitely going to be taken into consideration for your promotion to Chunin." announced Hiruzen happily

"Its nothing Hokage-sama, all of us did our part." said Sakura a little embarrassingly, getting praise from the Hokage was a really Big thing.

"Naruto-san, how was Hinata's performance?" asked Hiashi seriously

Hinata who was standing in the back flinched a little when she heard her father's voice. She feared of what would happen now.

"Pathetic" said Naruto harshly

"What?" asked a shocked Kakashi, Hinata was his new student, she was a little shy but to call her pathetic was a little harsh.

"Care to explain Naruto-san?" asked Hiashi a little angrily. No one insulted a Hyuga in his presence, less his daughter.

"She was tasked with helping Anko in rescuing the hostages, but she failed, she couldn't kill the enemy, she left her comrade open to attacks, she was trembling in front of the enemy, if not for Sakura and Anko, I would be handing over her corpse to you Hiashi-sama." said Naruto truthfully

"HINATA" said Hiashi loudly

Hinata came forward, she was shaking from head to toe, her father was always angry when someone brought shame to the Hyuga clan and she had done just that, and worst of all she was the clan heiress.

"Now, now Hiashi calm down. Naruto, it happens sometimes in the field." said Hiruzen calmly

"I understand, that's why I gave her a second chance too." said Naruto tiredly

"You did?" asked a surprised Kakashi

"Yes, after capturing Sasame, we interrogated her. Then I asked Hinata to kill her as she was the enemy and the village protocol clearly states to kill the enemy. My aim was to make her accept the truth of being a shinobi." explained Naruto briefly

"Did she obey your order?" asked Hiashi hopefully

"She fainted." said Naruto bitterly

Hinata brought her head down in shame, how could she look at her father. She had failed everyone, she had failed Naruto-kun

Hiashi was looking murderously at his daughter, she was a disgrace to the entire clan, he could accept her not killing the enemy but FAINTING BY A HYUGA?

"I apologize for my daughter's disgraceful actions Hokage-sama, Naruto-san." said Hiashi bitterly, Hinata just kept her head down in shame.

"Kakashi-niisan, I know you are a good teacher, you taught me and Sasuke, but in my opinion Hinata is not fit to be a shinobi." said Naruto frankly

Hinata's heart shattered in a million pieces, she couldn't believe what Naruto was saying.

"How could you do this to me Naruto-kun?" thought a depressed Hinata

"I know Hinata has some issues but she can be a good shinobi. With time I can train her and make her ready." suggested Kakashi

"Naruto, while Hinata's performance was poor, I think I might have a solution to her problem." said Hiruzen kindly

"What is it Hokage-sama?" asked Kakashi curiously

"Let her be transferred to the hospital in order to become a medic. Some people are just not made for the front lines, I believe Hinata is not yet ready yet. So Hinata you are now removed from Team 8 and will join the medical corps." ordered Hiruzen

"But Hokage-sama-" said Kakashi in protest but was cut off when Hiruzen signaled him to keep silent

"I know what I'm doing." said Hiruzen sternly

"Hai" said Kakashi sadly

"Hokage-sama, if our presence is not required I request you to grant us permission to leave. Hinata has to answer to the elders for her disgraceful performance." said Hiashi curtly

"You may go." said Hiruzen quickly

Hiashi immediately left the office, he gave a stern gaze to Hinata to follow him. As Hinata was leaving she gave one last glance to Naruto who just gave her a short goodbye.

"Now Team 7 you have done a good job. You are relieved for 2 days, get some rest. The payment for the mission as well as the bounty of the two missing nin will be transferred to your bank account." said Hiruzen with a smile

"Thank you Hokage-sama." said Naruto with a bow.

"Naruto, I need to talk to you, the rest of you can go. It'll just take a moment." said Hiruzen seriously

"Alright, do any of you guys wanna go for lunch, My treat." offered Naruto happily

"I've got some personal work to do." said Anko with a light blush.

Naruto and Kurenai gave her a knowing smile, while Sasuke and Sakura just shrugged.

"Well, see you later. Hope you enjoy your time." said Naruto with a smirk

"Shut it brat." said Anko embarrassingly and gave Naruto a bop on the head,

"No need to get wild you know." said Naruto with a pout.

"Hn" said Anko and shunshined away. Kakashi bowed to the Hokage and left in a swirl of leaves.

"I've got to help my parents at the shop. Sorry." said Sakura apologetically

"I want to do some training." said Sasuke simply

"Alright, next time perhaps." shrugged Naruto

"Sure, well have a good time you too." said Sakura with a wink and shunshined away.

Naruto was a little surprised and so was Kurenai, Sasuke just gave him an amused smile before he shunshined away too leaving Naruto, Kurenai and Hiruzen in the office.

"Well that just leaves us for the lunch I suppose." said Kurenai with a wide smile

"Now I can finally spend some time with you." thought Kurenai happily

"I'll meet you outside." said Naruto with a warm smile

Kurenai gave him a smile and went out of the office. Hiruzen gave Naruto a knowing smile which was then replaced by a very serious look on his face, he made a signal and Naruto felt the Anbu leave the office.

Hiruzen then activated the silencing seals and motioned for Naruto to sit in front of him.

"Naruto, are you doing the right thing by doing this to Kurenai?" asked Hiruzen seriously

Naruto sighed, in truth he had not just expressed his love for Kurenai because he wanted to, instead it was his plan.

"I know what you mean." said Naruto sadly

"How long is it before that day?" asked Hiruzen sadly

"20" said Naruto stoically

"She would be broken when you do this, what in the world made you do this to her?" asked Hiruzen a little angrily.

"You are family Jiji, but there are somethings in my life which I have a right to decide. I will do my mission for the village but the rest is none of your concern. I have a right to choose my own path and I have chosen mine." said Naruto harshly

"The preparations have been made, I want you to meet our Anbu commander." said Hiruzen stoically, if Naruto didn't want him to interfere then he wouldn't. He then raised his hand.

Immediately a figure came out of the wooden floor, it was as if he had merged with it. Naruto was surprised, he hadn't sensed this man's presence in the room, then again that was to be expected from the chief of Anbu blackops.

The man was wearing a grey trenchoat, his face was covered by a wolf mask.

"Naruto Uchiha" said the man respectfully

Hiruzen had briefed the Anbu commander about Naruto's truth and his skills. Naturally the commander was surprised but he had agreed with the plan.

"It's an honor to meet you Taichou." said Naruto with a deep bow.

Naruto then sensed something in the man that made him widen his eyes.

"Your chakra, it is eerily similar to the.." said Naruto in shock

"The Shodai Hokage" explained Hiruzen

"Judging from the way he merged himself in the wooden floor, he must have some talent like Shodai-sama. You are certainly not a Senju as members of that clan had a unique chakra signature, your cells resemble Shodai-sama." explained Naruto briefly

"Astonishing, you are the first person besides the Hokage to recognize my chakra." said the Anbu commander in shock

"I want to know how you know this Naruto?" asked Hiruzen curiously

"Every clan of Konoha have a unique chakra signature and those with a special kekkai genkai. I know this because Danzo trained me in this." explained Naruto briefly

"And because he too has the same chakra signature." thought Naruto darkly

"Indeed" said Kurama sternly

"Now I see why you chose him Hokage-sama. He is indeed talented." complimented the Anbu commander.

"How are you going to explain my actions to the village, you will need a good plan." advised Naruto seriously

"That we have, but before that Naruto Uchiha it is my greatest honor to have a shinobi like you in our forces. Your sacrifice will save the village." said the Anbu commander firmly

"I see, what's the plan?" asked Naruto seriously

Hiruzen and the Anbu commander then explained the entire plan to Naruto. He was quite surprised with the plan they had came up with it.

"I guess this is it"


Meanwhile Kurenai was patiently waiting outside. She was very curious as about what was going on in the room. If it was not the Hokage and anyone else, she would have tried to listen what was going on.

After what seemed like 30 minutes the door to the office opened. Naruto stepped out of the door, his face was sad, his eyes it was as if they were dead.

"What happened?" thought Kurenai worriedly

But as soon as he saw her, his sad face was replaced by a wide smile. But something told Kurenai that the smile was fake.

"Are you alright?" asked Kurenai worriedly

"I'm fine, just the old geezer and his boring talks. Don't worry." said Naruto with a smile.

"If you say so." said Kurenai hesitantly

"Well then, would you like to go to Hebi's, its a very good restaurant." suggested Naruto happily

"That is also one of the most expensive restaurants of Konoha." chided Kurenai playfully

"What, you don't think I can pay for us. I'm hurt" said Naruto with a fake pout.

"I didn't mean that, I mean why waste so much money." said Kurenai warmly

"If it means I can make you happy, money doesn't matter. Come on I know you like the food." said Naruto firmly

"(sigh) I guess I can't win an argument against you." said Kurenai with a smile, she really was happy that Naruto cared so much about her.

"Nope, I'm the best after all." said Naruto proudly and punched high in the air.

"I beg to differ." said Kurenai with a smirk.

Naruto face palmed on hearing that, Kurenai couldn't stop her laughter on seeing that.

"She looks beautiful, I wish I could see her smile always." thought Naruto warmly

"I'm hurt Kurenai-chan." said Naruto with mock anger and roughly sat on the ground, Kurenai looked at him softly.

"He's such a baby sometimes...but I love it." thought Kurenai with a blush

Kurenai slowly bent down and wrapped her arms around his neck, it was very fortunate that they were in a secluded corner of the Hokage tower. She then gently started laying soft kisses on his neck.

"Ah..." said Naruto blissfully, as he felt very aroused when he felt her soft lips kissing his neck and her warm hands running through his soft blonde hair.

"Is that good enough for an apology Naruto-kun" said Kurenai sultrily

"You just know which buttons to press, don't you?" asked Naruto with a smirk

"I try my best." said Kurenai coyly

"Well, let's get going." said Naruto and got up.

He then offered his hand to Kurenai and they both the shunshined away.

(Hebi Restaurant)

Naruto and Kurenai were sitting in a secluded corner of the restaurant. Both seemed very happy as their first mission as a team was a success.

"Here's to more successful missions." toasted Kurenai

Naruto gave a short smile and drunk his sake. Kurenai also slowly drank her sake, she was really happy.

"So how are you feeling?" asked Kurenai softly and put her hand on Naruto's hand gently.

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto in confusion.

"You know with all the killing, I was really worried when I saw you doing that Naruto." said Kurenai worriedly

"I understand, I didn't enjoy that but I am shinobi and it was my job to do that. Besides those men were scum." said Naruto a little angrily

"I know how you feel, I'm not trying to start an argument here." said Kurenai defensively

Naruto nodded, he knew she didn't mean anything but was just worried. Both of them started eating their food until something came up in Naruto's mind.

"Hey, Kurenai can I ask you something?" asked Naruto hesitantly

"Yeah." said Kurenai nonchalantly, she was a little busy in eating her food.

"What was the mission you did a few years ago? You know, that one." said Naruto silently. He really wanted to know for all these years, what was that made her so sad.

Kurenai's breath stopped for a second, she looked at Naruto for a second, he seemed genuinely concerned about her. She knew he only wanted to ease her pain.

"Why do you want to know?" asked Kurenai sadly

"Was your mission similar to mine?'' thought Naruto sadly

"It's just I'm worried about you, you don't have to tell me if you don't want. I love you with all my heart, and no matter what happens I'll be there for you." said Naruto affectionately and caressed her soft cheeks.

"Even if you are the one who will kill me." thought Naruto with a sad chuckle

A small tear escaped from Kurenai's eyes, the pain was still within her. The little girl's fearful eyes, the look of betrayal on Yakumo's face, the hatred and sadness which she saw in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." said Kurenai to herself and a few more tears slipped from her eyes as she remembered her student.

Naruto got up from his seat and went and sat beside her, he gently hugged her. He couldn't see her tears, he wanted to be there for her, even if their love would be shortlived, even if she would hate him with all her heart, he would be there for her and always love her.

She hugged him more tightly and started sobbing more loudly, fortunately Naruto had placed privacy seals around their corner and paid the waiter a good sum to leave them alone until called.

Kurenai's grief was overtaking her, it had been 4 long years, how she had lived with such pain only she knew. If Naruto hadn't come into her life, she didn't know if she could have lived with such guilt.

"Its alright." said Naruto and rubbed Kurenai's back soothingly.

"Her eyes..." said Kurenai sadly, she still couldn't stop crying, those innocent eyes.

"I'm such a baka for asking you this. I'm so sorry." said Naruto remorsefully, he felt like stabbing himself straight to the heart right now.

"Its okay...its not your fault." said Kurenai calmly, her sobbing had stopped but there were still a few tears in her eyes.

"Let's just talk about something else." suggested Naruto softly

"No..will you please hear me out?" pleaded Kurenai, she just wanted to share her pain with somebody, and who better than the man she loved.

"If you want." said Naruto with a smile

He leaned a little and pressed his forehead against her, she gently removed his facemask and kissed him lightly. She just wanted comfort.

Naruto slightly opened his eyes and saw how passionately she was kissing him, she had her eyes closed but he could see the few tears slipping from them.

"She just looks so delicate, gentle." thought Naruto warmly.

He then gently wiped away the tears from her angelic face, and kissed her more lovingly. She moaned in his mouth when he gently caressed her tongue with his own.

They both kissed each other for a few minutes, Kurenai was feeling a little more happy, the pain in her heart was reducing with each passing moment. Naruto was trying his best to make her feel wanted, to make her feel loved even after what she did.

She broke the kiss after a few moments and kept her face down in shame.

"Would he still love me after he knows what I did?" thought Kurenai sadly

"Feeling better?" asked Naruto gently

"Naruto...I want to tell you the truth." said Kurenai hesitantly

"Truth?" asked Naruto in confusion

"I destroyed a young girl's life." said Kurenai sadly

Naruto was shocked to hear this, Kurenai was not a person who would do such a thing. Something was missing.

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto gently

"Before I tell you this, I know you would never love me after hearing this but I will always love you." said Kurenai with a sad smile

Naruto gently lifted her chin, so he could see her straight in the eyes. Kurenai saw his fierce blue eyes and the love which they had in them for her.

"Nothing you say could ever stop me from loving you." said Naruto with determination

A warm smile came on Kurenai's face when she heard how fiercely he loved her, but she didn't want to get her hopes high, after hearing the ugly truth she wasn't sure that he'd ever want to have a relationship with a person like her.

"A few years ago I was given the task of training Yakumo Kurama." said Kurenai hesitantly

"The heiress of the Kurama clan?" asked Naruto curiously

"Yes, she was my student." said Kurenai surprising Naruto.

"Really?" asked Naruto in a surprised tone, training a clan heir was supposed to be a great honor for a Jounin, only the best were chosen for the task.

"She was a prodigy Naruto, her skills and talent in genjutsu were far more powerful than mine. She could use her imagination and do almost anything." said Kurenai a little proudly

"That's amazing Kurenai, to have such talent in genjutsu." said Naruto in shock

"But-" said Kurenai in a choked voice

Naruto understood something bad must have happened, so he gently wrapped his arm around her and let her lay her head on his shoulders.

"I guess things went downhill." said Naruto solemnly

"Yes, she had a problem. She had a violent inner personality, it acted as a fail safe mechanism whenever Yakumo was scared, or sad. Its main purpose was to fulfill every wish of Yakumo, and it went to very bad depths to make it happen. It even went as far as to kill her parents." said Kurenai sadly

"That's horrible, did Yakumo knew about this?" asked Naruto gently

"No, she was a very scared child, the Kurama clan's reputation had decreased since the past few years, as they were unable to provide talented shinobi like before. Yakumo was born with exceptional powers and she felt as if the entire clan's existence, her parents wishes, all of them depended on her. Her body did not allow her to become a ninja, but still she thrived to become one." explained Kurenai briefly

"She must have been a good person, she really wanted to prove herself." said Naruto with a short smile, as he remembered how he wanted to prove himself to Kakashi in the past.

"But she couldn't control her powers, she was not fit to be a shinobi. I advised her to give up on her dream of becoming a shinobi." said Kurenai sadly

"You did the right thing, if she was not fit then by trying hard she must be hurting herself and her family." said Naruto thoughtfully

"That's what I wanted her to understand, but she thought that I didn't believe in her abilities and her inner personality started getting more violent, many accidents even happened in the Kurama clan because of her unstable powers." explained Kurenai briefly

"The Hokage must have taken some actions after such losses." said Naruto firmly.

"He did, he asked me to seal away her powers, and thus finally destroying her dream to be a ninja. It was my mission to stop her from the madness and I did that. The way she was hurt, the way she looked at me. Naruto, I cannot forgive myself." said Kurenai grievously

Naruto didn't know how to react, Kurenai had done a perfect job, she had did what a true shinobi would have done for his village. But he wasn't an idiot either, he knew he just couldn't say something like this straight to her face.

"You did the right thing, if she was allowed to stay that way, she would have hurted herself and many others. Sometimes for the future of many a few people must be sacrificed." said Naruto sadly


"Its alright, I know how you feel. I lost someone too." said Naruto shocking Kurenai

"Who was that person?" asked Kurenai silently

"He was my best friend." said Naruto sadly

"What?" asked a shocked Kurenai

Naruto just gave her a sad glance.

"He died protecting me from the villagers a few years ago. For my sake he sacrificed himself." said Naruto sadly and a lone tear escaped from his eye, he could never forgive himself for Shin's death. Only if he had just stabbed himself, Shin would have been alive, he could have had a future, a life. Shin died to save a scum like him.

"I don't deserve this, Niisan" thought Naruto miserably

He was quite surprised when Kurenai hugged him tightly, she was trying to comfort him. She couldn't believe what she had heard, the pain of losing one's best friend. She didn't want to even think about how she would feel if Anko died.

"What was his name?" asked Kurenai softly while still rubbing his back lovingly.


"He didn't have a last name?" asked Kurenai curiously

"We both were orphans, so..." muttered Naruto

"I understand, just stay with me like this." said Kurenai warmly and hugged him more tightly

Naruto just hugged her more tightly than ever, he needed this, he needed someone, he needed Kurenai.

This moment, he didn't want it to end, he wished to stay like this with her forever, he wanted to cherish this moment as long as possible. He knew what he was doing was wrong, he was hurting Kurenai by doing this.

But he just couldn't live like this, he knew he would save the village by stopping the coup but the blood of so many of his friends would always be on his hands. The pain Kakashi, Anko, Tsunade, Emiko, Sasuke, Sakura, all the Rookies, Hiruzen and most of all Kurenai would feel because of his actions would be unbearable.

The sins he had done in the past, present and future were hounding his soul. He wanted to atone for his sins, to atone for all the mistakes he did, to pay for all the innocent lives he took in the name of Konoha, all the lies and treachery which he had done for the village, the sin of murdering Shin.

The greatest evil was of breaking Kurenai's heart.

And he had found a way to pay for all of this.

He wanted her to kill him.

He wanted her to get him out of his misery, his guilt, his pain. He wanted to die by her hands, the person he loved the most in the world.

"All the Uchiha's are fucked up in the head.'' thought Kurama frustratingly, he didn't want to say anything as nothing could change his container's mind.

"I need you Kurenai." said Naruto desperately, he was hugging her so tightly that it was starting to hurt her, but she didn't mind, she knew he needed her right now and she would stand by his side.

"I'm right here, everything will be fine." said Kurenai soothingly.

"Get a grip you idiot!" yelled Kurama irritatingly

"Do you always have to ruin the moment." said Naruto tiredly to his long time friend and partner.

"You're a mess, you're supposed to comfort her moron, not cry like a little shit in front of her. What kind of shinobi are you?" asked Kurama frustratingly

Naruto just sighed, he knew he had to control his emotions now. He was an Anbu captain for Christ sake and he was crying like a little boy.

"What kind of shinobi am I if I cannot even control by emotions? Crying like a baby in front of you." said Naruto with a chuckle

"Its not a crime to cry Naruto, we are shinobi but we are human too." explained Kurenai and broke the hug

"Yeah I guess you are right. Just remember this Kurenai, it was not your fault. You did what was best for Yakumo and the village. You shouldn't feel guilty." said Naruto with a warm smile

"Says the person who blames himself for his friend's death for the past 4 years." said Kurama bemusedly

''Shut the fuck up for now. I'm having a moment here." said Naruto angrily

"Alright, alright no need to get your panties wet." said Kurama and laughed loudly

Naruto just cut off the connection and looked at Kurenai.

"You don't blame?" asked Kurenai hopefully


"Do you still love me?" asked Kurenai more expectantly

"I love you, no matter what you did in the past, present or what you may do in the future. My feelings for you will never change." said Naruto happily

"Thank you for understanding me and staying by my side for all this time Naruto." said Kurenai happily and kissed him lovingly

"Well, now that these sad feelings are out of the way, do you think our first mission went well?" asked Naruto professionaley, he was trying to change the topic.

"It went very well Naruto, you are a good leader. You included every member of the team and motivated them." praised Kurenai

"But I couldn't motivate Hinata enough, I failed her as a leader." said Naruto disappointedly, he was angry at Hinata but he was also a little angry at himself.

"It was not your fault, she has some personal problems which she has to deal with. In time she will get over it just like Sakura did." explained Kurenai

"You're right, but you were truly amazing. Sasame didn't even know what hit her. I'm proud to have had a teacher like you Kurenai." complimented Naruto with a wide smile

Kurenai blushed when she heard that, she really like when Naruto praised her.

"You were also very good in taking down Taro. I'm impressed." said Kurenai with a wink

"Hehe..I learned from the best." said Naruto happily

"Naruto...I want to thank you." said Kurenai softly

"For what?" asked Naruto curiously

"For everything." said Kurenai lovingly

"You don't need to thank me. You have given me everything that I ever wanted, a scum like me doesn't deserve you." said Naruto sadly


Naruto was quite shocked when Kurenai gave him a hard slap on his right cheek, his eyes widened briefly but when he saw the tears in her eyes he became even more ashamed of himself.

She grabbed his collar roughly and brought her face just an inch apart from his own.

"Why? Why do you always consider yourself as Scum? How many times have I told you not to talk like that." said Kurenai sadly with tears in her eyes

"I.." said Naruto hesitantly

"No, you listen to me Naruto because I am not going to repeat this. You are a good man, a good friend, a fine shinobi, a good comrade, a good leader, a good brother and most of all a good lover." said Kurenai with a true smile on her angelic face.

"Do you really believe that?" asked Naruto in a shaky voice, how he wished those words were true.

"Yes, I love you with all my heart and please just don't say those words anymore." pleaded Kurenai

"Hai" said Naruto submissively

"Good, but don't think you won't be punished for this." said Kurenai with a smirk

"What do you want me to do Kurenai-sama?" teased Naruto with a small smile

"Carry me home..."

"Huh" asked Naruto in confusion

"On your back." finished Kurenai victoriously

"WHAT! YOU"RE FUCKING HEAVY!" yelled Naruto defensively and pointed an accusing finger at her, he just loved making her angry. The expression on her face was priceless.

"WHAT..DID..YOU...SAY...NARUTO!" yelled Kurenai and raised her fist to bonk him.

"I'm so dead"


(Kurenai's apartment : Lemon Warning)

Naruto gently laid Kurenai down on the ground, she had a large smile on her face. Naruto had enjoyed carrying her, all the negative emotions which both of them had felt were now gone. Kurenai did give him a large bonk for making a little fun of her but she laughed afterwards. Her laughter was so melodious for him.

"Thank you Naruto-kun, I love you." said Kurenai happily and kissed him passionately

Naruto kissed her back more lovingly, he was happy to know that Kurenai was free from her guilt now. Yes the sadness was there but now she could move on with her life.

The fact that she had shared such a painful memory with him showed how much she loved him. Kurenai's hands gently went to Naruto's crotch and she caressed it a little mischievously

"You know, a beautiful women like you shouldn't do that. Its hard to resist." said Naruto with a mischievous grin

"Then don't resist." said Kurenai lovingly

Naruto slammed Kurenai against the door, she was quite surprised with how anxious he looked. She gently put a hand on his chest, he looked at her in confusion.

"Let's get inside, or you want to do it in public?" asked Kurenai with an evil smirk, she just loved teasing him.

"Ah..No..I don't mean..." stuttered Naruto in embarrassment, his cheeks were red as tomato.

"Shh..Its alright." said Kurenai warmly and put her finger on his lips silencing him.

Naruto felt even more excited than before, he was not a virgin so he knew what he was doing. As a part of his training Danzo had made him have sex with a prostitute. It was only for missions knowledge, just in case, and well Danzo demanded perfection in almost everything. And reading Icha Icha sometimes also made him aware of the desires of the opposite sex.

Kurenai gently opened the door to her apartment with her right hand, while her left hand was encircled around Naruto's neck who was kissing her more passionately.

She tried to put the lights on but Naruto's hands stopped her. Kurenai looked at him in confusion, they atleast needed a little light or else they might fall somewhere.

"Its better like this." said Naruto seductively

Hearing Naruto's sexy voice surprised Kurenai, she didn't know he had such talent.

"Well good for me." thought Kurenai naughtily

Naruto flashed his sharingan, his deadly red eyes made Kurenai even more excited than before.

"You really look a lot more sexy with your eyes." said Kurenai with a moan as he kissed her neck

"Is that so?" whispered Naruto right beside her right ear. He gently nibbled her ear sending jolts of extreme pleasure across her entire body.

The moans which Naruto heard from Kurenai made him realize that this was her soft spot. He smirked and gently started to lick her ear slowly with the help of his tongue.

"NARUTO!" screamed Kurenai in ecstasy, she really liked this, the lust was increasing in her with every passing second. He really knew where to please her.

She hurriedly bit him on the neck, she felt as if she would cum right there with the pleasure he was giving her. She encircled both of her legs around his waist tightly.

Taking the cue, Naruto picked her up gently but in order to tease her a little more he gave a tight squeeze to her ass cheeks. The moan which he got from her made him more happy. He was happy that Kurenai was enjoying this, it was the first time when he was having sex with feelings for his partner.

Deciding to please Naruto, Kurenai gently started kissing his neck. The fact that she was using her tongue was very much arousing for Naruto, he felt his manhood erupt quickly, the pleasures she was giving him was unimaginable.

Naruto didn't know why he was feeling so happy, he had sex before but this was totally different, they had just started but it felt as if he was in a whole new world of pleasure and lust.

"Perhaps its because I love her." thought Naruto

He then gently kissed Kurenai and slowly started to walk towards her bedroom. Kurenai was happily returning the kiss and was moaning in his mouth.

She gently slid her hands around his chunin vest and with one quick flick unzipped it and threw it away.

He gently laid her on the bed while continuously kissing her luscious lips that he couldn't resist. They were so soft, delicate and tasty. Plus the smell of her lipstick was really enjoyable.

Kurenai felt Naruto's lips placing gentle featherlike kisses on her neck and she arched her head back to expose more of her neck to him. And as he gently licked and nibbled at her neck, a small moan of pleasure escaped from Kurenai's mouth when she felt his gentle, wet, and hot kisses travel down from her ear to her collarbone. As he continued to place kisses on her neck, Kurenai reached out to run her fingers through his soft, touchable hair, while rubbing the back of his neck. Soon she felt Naruto's hand softly cup her breast before a thumb flicked across her left nipple, as he gently fondled her breasts. Kurenai could feel an intense pleasure rising from within her and she could feel her nipples hardening under his soothing touch, driving her mad with desire.

"More...Naruto….that feels... so…..good!" said Kurenai with ragged breath, the sensations were driving her mad.

Naruto moaned a bit at the sensations that were flowing through him from the contact of Kurenai's full and supple breasts in his hand and crushed against his chest. Kurenai smiled at that reaction and understood it completely as she reveled in pleasurable feel of it as well. Naruto rose up slightly and gazed at the crimson-eyed goddess underneath him and marveled at her incredible beauty once more. Kurenai was considered to be one of the most attractive Kunoichi in all of Konoha and many men admired and stared at her with both perversion and lust. Naruto however only looked at her with desire and love.

Naruto was quite surprised when Kurenai flipped him over and was now sitting on top of him. The mischievous glint in her eyes brought a confident smile on his face.

"My turn" she said seductively and ripped his tshirt apart.

"She sure is wild." thought Naruto with a smirk

"You sure have a good taste in women brat." said Kurama proudly

"For once I agree with you." said Naruto with a smile

He moaned in pleasure when Kurenai started laying kissing all over his chest leaving red marks of her lipstick over his body.

"Ahh...Kurenai-hime..." said Naruto excitedly

Kurenai was quite surprised and happy when Naruto called her 'Hime'. It made her feel special, they both didn't often use the suffix like kun, chan or hime but she was truly making him happy and that brought more smile on her face.

She felt something hard poke her firm ass, she looked at Naruto who gave her a small shy smile. A devious idea came in her mind and she gave him a feral smile.

"Man, she's turning me on with each passing moment." thought Naruto more roughly.

Kurenai bent down a little and unzipped his pants alongwith his boxers, she was quite shocked when she saw his penis. For a male who was barely 15 he sure had hit on his hormonal growth quickly.

"His dick is so large and hard." thought an amazed Kurenai

Kurenai decided she was not going to be deterred, The red-eyed woman licked her lips at first and then gently kissed the tip of Narutos cock while he stiffened slightly and hissed as he inhaled a sharp breath. Kurenai smiled at this reaction and continued to kiss his length from tip to base and gently did the same thing to his two balls, which caused Naruto to become even more aroused as his cock hardened and twitched thanks to Kurenai's actions.

Seeing and feeling Naruto's cock spasm made Kurenai feel even more wet at the thought of Naruto's length being buried deep inside of her body. As soon as she finished her round of kisses, she began anew, but this time she gave Naruto's rock hard cock a few gentle licks with her moist tongue.

"Fuck, you're...amazing!" yelled Naruto with pleasure

Naruto groaned out loud in pleasure. If the feel of Kurenai's warm, soft, and moist lips were not enough to send him into a frenzy of lustful desire, then the feeling of her tongue touching his sex was making him even more aroused by the second. It was when Kurenai finally took in his full length into her mouth gently and with great surprise Naruto nearly lost control, as he howled out her name.

Naruto gently grabbed her raven locks while she continued sucking his cock. He was in a new world of pleasure, this feeling it was as if he was in heaven and having sex with a goddess. This was partially true as Kurenai was truly a goddess. Her beautiful face, her ample breasts, her curves, all of it were driving him mad.

Kurenai relaxed herself for a few moments and countered her body's natural gag reflex, as she slowly took in more and more of Naruto's cock into her mouth and down her throat. Seeing the pleasure she was giving to Naruto, it made her feel good to know she could please the man she loved in such a way. It also made Kurenai feel powerful, sexy, and in control, as she felt great pleasure in making Naruto moan and shout out her name in his currently throaty voice.

Naruto finally lost control after a few minutes, his body couldn't take so much pleasure. He realized he was going to cum very soon, he didn't know if Kurenai would like it in her mouth so he decided to warn her.

"Kurenai..I'm!" said Naruto loudly

She just continued her actions, Naruto was finally on the verge of cumming in her mouth.

"KURENAI!" he screamed one last time

Kurenai knew what was coming when she felt his cock spasm violently in her mouth but she wanted this and began sucking on his shaft with even greater enthusiasm. Her efforts on Naruto's sex were finally rewarded by an eruption of warm globs of liquid shooting forcefully in her mouth and down her throat. This first spurt of Naruto's seed into her mouth allowed Kurenai to taste him for the first time. The seed was a bit salty and somewhat thick, but it also had a rather nice fresh flavor and it was hot. Kurenai had heard that some women disliked the taste, but she certainly found nothing disgusting about Naruto's seed and decided she could get used to this, as she took in the next coming spurts as much as she could manage. Ultimately, Kurenai found she could take no more lest she drowned and released his cock from her mouth.

Naruto was panting heavily, Kurenai truly knew how to pleasure a man. He was sweating profusely and his smell was making her more aroused.

"That was incredible...but now its my turn!" said Naruto excitedly and flipped her over.

He was now on top of her, Kurenai really was enjoying his dominant nature, she indeed liked to take charge but she also loved when Naruto took her body.

He just ripped her Tshirt apart and tore her bra away. He had enough with her, now it was his turn and he would truly make her feel pleasure.

He started to kiss and lick the valley of her cleavage before turning his attention to her exposed chest and was astonished at the voluptuous shape of Kurenai's breasts before cupping her breasts once more within his hands and feeling the softness, firmness, and warmth of them. Relying on the accuracy of all the Icha, Icha novels he had been reading ever since he was old enough to understand them. Naruto began to kiss and lick Kurenai's breasts softly and gently to make sure she got to enjoy the sensations that were soon to come.

"Ahhhhhh…..please...more…..Naruto….." begged Kurenai

Kurenai smiled and moaned out loud at the sensations of Naruto's hot lips and tongue on her breasts. The crimson eyed goddess could only moan and cry out her pleasure as the sensations started from her nipples to her breasts and then spread to all of her body even to her fingertips and toes. She never felt so alive in all her life, as Naruto continued to worship her breasts. He moved from her right to her left, making sure to evenly distribute the pleasure for her so she would not be disappointed.

"More….Naruto….that's sooo…..good!"

'Now I know why Niisan read those books everytime. They truly are helpful.'

As Naruto finished his adoration of Kurenai's breasts, the mewling sounds he heard from the woman he loved was enough to tell him that he had done well which was very satisfying to hear, but he knew that it was just the beginning.

Naruto then slowly removed her pants, he was quite amazed when he saw her fully naked. Words couldn't describe how beautiful, hot, sexy she looked. Kurenai's cheeks had a shade of pink on them when she saw how Naruto was looking at her.

"You truly are a goddess" complimented Naruto as he saw her fine pussy, Kurenai blushed a little on hearing such compliment from her man.

Naruto gave her a nod and she gently parted her legs allowing him to see her utterly naked. He bent down and gently kissed Kurenai's wet deep pink slit and she moaned out loud in happiness and sheer desire. He then began to lick her folds while nibbling gently as well and the whimpering sounds Kurenai made told Naruto that he was doing it right. Satisfied with this, Naruto tried to remember all he had read and went for it, as he thrust his tongue deep into Kurenai's wet and dripping pussy and Kurenai shrieked with delight.

"Oh Kami...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Instantly, Kurenai's thighs tightened around Narutos head and her hand shot down below to grip the mane of his blonde hair tightly, as she arched her back in ecstasy in an attempt to have his tongue delve further into her quivering core. Naruto felt the pressure around his head increase, as he feasted upon the torrent of fluids flooding his mouth. The sweet smell and taste of the liquid he was devouring was like ambrosia and was very much enjoyable to his senses. However, before he would finish, Naruto had every intention to make Kurenai cry out his name in pleasure. Naruto's ministrations then took aim at the extended bundle of nerves at the top of Kurenai's pussy and gave the hardening nub a long lick of his tongue. When Kurenai felt that action on her clit, it was enough to make the red-eyed woman buck off the bed momentarily and unleash a guttural moan that seemed to echo through the room.

Naruto continued his assault on her clit, which included licking and gently nipping it making his lover even more active and shouting out her pleasure and bliss. Naruto's wanton attack on Kurenai's nub made her spill even more moisture into his insatiable mouth, as the whimpering moans of pleasure he heard began to increase in volume.


Kurenai shouted out in joy and happiness, while Naruto continued to lick and plunge his tongue deep into her pussy with strong and focused swipes, as she held his blonde hair tightly and dug her nails into his scalp. Naruto however ignored the slight pain caused by Kurenai's grip and focused only on giving her the pleasure she wanted so badly at that very moment. Kurenai moaned once more and her body rewarded his efforts with more of her sweet fluids and Naruto took in as much as he could. He continued his actions, as he felt his own sex become very hard and demanding, but he focused solely on his current task and placed his own desires out of his mind. When Naruto took hold of Kurenai's clit between his teeth and rapidly flicked his tongue over it that was the final trigger, as Kurenai's entire body went rigid before she screamed out his name in ecstasy once more.


As Kurenai tensed up and arched her body, her sweat covered form trembled from the overwhelming force of her first orgasm and it was divine to her. She felt like she had been shattered into tiny pieces and sent hurtling into a massive storm of sensations and white-hot pleasure that she swore mentally felt like she was flying into the farthest reaches of the sky before falling gently back to earth. The crimson-eyed woman moaned once more in contentment, as she felt her heart rate begin to slow down and the pleasure that filled her quaking body subsided. Kurenai opened her eyes and looked down to see Naruto smiling at her, his face glistening in the flood of juices she had released. Naruto moved back up the bed and Kurenai smiled before they kissed once more. She didn't mind tasting her own moisture on her lover's lips, tongue, and face, as it only served to turn her on even more.

Naruto was now looking at Kurenai lovingly, he knew what was going to happen if they didn't stop. He wouldn't even dare to fuck her if she didn't want or was uncomfortable

"We should stop now." said Naruto calmly

"What?" asked a shocked Kurenai

"I mean, I understand if you don't want to continue further...-" whatever Naruto was trying to say was cut off when Kurenai firmly place her hand on his mouth and looked at him fiercely.

"FUCK. ME. NOW" commanded Kurenai

She didn't want to stop now, not after receiving so much pleasure, she knew he was concerned about her feelings and that made her happy but she needed him now.

Naruto nodded and pushed in his cock more and in a few moments and due to Kurenai's great wetness he had reached the end and his hips were now touching hers and she moaned out her desire and she spoke in soft but utterly pleasure filled words.

"You're inside me... Naruto-kun.!"


Naruto couldn't say anything else as he felt Kurenai's womanhood accept his full length showing that due to her life as a Kunoichi, Kurenai had no doubt torn her maidenhead and while that made it seem that she was no longer a virgin but her sex was so tight and the lack of a barrier allowed Naruto to push his full length into her wet sex. Kurenai was in utter pleasure in all this and she couldn't help but gasp at the feel of it all, but now there was a hunger in her body a feeling in need and she wanted something to happen and only Naruto could make it happen she moved her hips a bit.

And Naruto got the message quickly, he slowly pulled back his hips and Kurenai gasped at the feel of his sex moving in her own and when Naruto was almost out he slowly pushed right back in making Kurenai gasp out in utter pleasure and lust as the sensations flooded her body and filled her to the core. As soon as he was nearly out he pushed right back in and Kurenai gasped at the delicious sensations that flood her body the very second it happened.

"Oh yes….….right there!"

"Kurenai-chan…so tight."

Naruto began to move his hips and soon established a rhythm with his actions and the sensations that flooded him mind made him want to scream in joy, the heat, the wetness, the tightness and the softness of Kurenai's sex all around him made him feel as if he would burn alive in pleasure and there was a desire to continue on with what he was doing and he did so as he moved his hips in and out of Kurenai's wet sex as he felt it caress and tighten on his sex deeply.

Kurenai moaned out her pleasure and joy as Naruto continued to thrust deeply into her warm and wet sex and the feeling of his cock filling her to the brim was intoxicating to her and something that she had never thought possible as she clutched the bed sheet below her very tightly. She moaned and screamed out her pleasure as Naruto continued to thrust deep and hard into her sex increasing his actions greatly and picking up speed with each thrust he gave to her.

"More! More! YES!"

Naruto was in heaven that was the only word to describe the pleasure he was feeling at the moment and it fit the bill as he continued to thrust harder and deeper into Kurenai's hot sex and the woman didn't mind at all as she moaned, shouted, and screamed her pleasure to him and Naruto obliged her demands as he picked up the pace, he then took her long and slender legs and placed them on his shoulders allowing him to thrust even deeper into her wet pussy and Kurenai relished the change and moaned out her pleasure as she played with her breasts. And as both were new to this it was not long before both reached the limits.



Both orgasmed at the same time and Kurenai shouted as she felt her sex being filled by several large spurts of Naruto's hot seed that touched her inner walls at the very moment of her release tripling the pleasure she felt and she felt like she was going to faint from all the sensations of passion, desire, joy, pleasure, and more as she felt Naruto's seed flood her sex she was thankful that she was not fertile at the moment as she was not yet ready to have children but she placed that aside as she relished the memory of the white hot pleasure she felt.

Naruto likewise shouted his pleasure as he fired his seed into Kurenai's sex and he felt her inner sheath move and caress his cock in such a way that he felt even more pleasure flood his brain like a tidal wave and he relished the heat of Kurenai's sex and he felt himself release even more of his seed into her body and wanted to fill her to the brim. Both lovers looked at each other and smiled warmly and thought that they were in heaven at this very moment and time and they didn't care at all as the pleasure was still there. Naruto leaned down and kissed Kurenai deeply and she reciprocated with her own passionate and fierce kiss.

"I love you Naruto-kun..."

"I love you too Kurenai-chan"