Chapter 14: I am in Hell

The shiny rays of the sun slowly fell on his body, enlightening him in their warmth. He slowly opened his azure eyes, it was morning.

Naruto felt something on top of him, his vision was a little blurry, after a few seconds he recognized who this person was.

Kurenai was clearly sleeping on top of him, her head was closely pressed against his chest while her silky raven her hair were shining in the morning light. Their legs were intertwined with each other.

She was completely naked and her body was glowing magnificently in the morning light.

Naruto couldn't help but blush when memories of the previous night hit him with full force. It had been the most beautiful night of his life, he truly had loved each moment of that night.

Looking at her beautiful face, made him more aroused but she looked very exhausted so he just settled for staring at her.

He was going to miss this, he was going to miss her.

He wondered how his life would have turned out if his parents didn't die, if he was not a Jinchuriki, if he had not joined Root.

Would he still be with Kurenai? Would his life still turn out the way it had.

He just wanted it all to end, he wanted to finally rest in peace, he knew some people might think of him as a coward but his life was filled with more pain than anyone could imagine.

Each person has a limit before he breaks down completely and Naruto knew he was way past his limit.

He was just dragging on his life just to fulfill his mission, fulfill the promise which he made Shin of protecting the village. After that he would be free, free from his guilt, his pain, his misery.

He would make sure Kurenai would be the one to kill him. He would do everything possible to make her strong, by killing him he would make her the biggest hero of the hidden leaf village.

She would then finally move on with her life and he would just be a bad memory.

It was painful, there was no hope left for him but he would try till his last breath to try to amend for his sins.

"Naruto, what do you plan to do about those eyes of yours. If you keep going at this rate, you'll go blind in a year or two." warned Kurama sternly

"I know that's why I will go to the Naka Shrine today. I have a feeling, all of our questions will be answered there." said Naruto calmly

"Very well." said Kurama and cut off the link.

Naruto slowly felt Kurenai move a bit, after a few moments her ruby eyes opened. Naruto gave her a small smile which Kurenai reflected with her vibrant smile.

She leaned forward a little and captured Naruto's lips in a heated kiss, Naruto didn't resist but instead turned her over, so he was now on top of her.

He kissed her back lovingly and was slowly exploring her mouth and sending jolts of pleasure down Kurenai's body.

Their little make out session continued for a few minutes until Naruto stopped and was now just staring at Kurenai calmly.

Kurenai too was just looking at his sharingan eyes, he really looked very handsome and caring. Last night was the best night of her life and she now really wanted to spend more time with Naruto.

"What are you looking at?" asked Kurenai curiously

"You are the most beautiful female in the world, Kurenai-chan." said Naruto with a smile

"Trying to flatter me are you? Well, your trick is really working." said Kurenai with a soft chuckle and came forward to kiss Naruto.

He just gave her a soft peck on her lips and broke the kiss. Kurenai frowned, what was up with him?

"Its getting late..I'll prepare something for us to eat. You can rest till then." said Naruto warmly

"I guess you're right." said Kurenai calmly

However Naruto didn't move from top of her, she got a little curious. Naruto sensed this and decided to say something.

"Kurenai, last night was the best night of my life, and I truly enjoyed every moment I spent with you." said Naruto slowly

"I enjoyed every moment too Naruto." said Kurenai with a warm smile

Naruto bit his lip nervously, he was thinking about the right words to say this. Kurenai got confused, Naruto was really acting a little strange.

"Hey Kurenai..." said Naruto hesitantly


"Can you promise me something?" asked Naruto very slowly

"What is it?" asked Kurenai a little skeptically

"If I ever lose myself in darkness, will you save me?" asked Naruto sadly

Now Kurenai's danger senses were starting to kick off, something was really off and she decided to know about it right now.

"What kind of stupid question is that? I'll save you no matter what Baka!" said Kurenai harshly

"Thank you.." said Naruto gratefully

"Why are you saying this Naruto?" asked Kurenai suspiciously

"Its nothing, its just I'm the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi and if I ever lose control..." said Naruto but was stopped when Kurenai sent him a harsh glare.

"You won't lose control, Yondaime-sama's seal is the best. Besides I won't let him have you." said Kurenai fiercely

"As if I could do something. Damn this fucking seal." said Kurama angrily

Naruto gave a warm smile to her in return, while he ignored Kurama.

"I know, but if I ever lose control..." said Naruto fiercely

"You won't-" said Kurenai but was cut off when Naruto gave her the most cold look she had seen in her entire life. His sharingan was spinning madly.

Kurenai's entire world went blank.

After her few moments, Kurenai slowly opened her eyes and found she was in a dark room. Suddenly a pair of cold sharingan eyes started spinning in front of her eyes and she got hypnotized.

"Yami No Sekai No Jutsu (World of Darkness)"

"You will kill me." ordered the sharingan eyes.

"Hai" said Kurenai without any emotion in her voice.

After that her world went blank again and she slowly started losing consciousness in those mesmerizing sharingan eyes.

"The plan has been put into motion"


He slowly washed the blood that was coming out of his eyes. He was in pain, a lot of pain.

Naruto gently opened his eyes, his vision seemed to blur a little, he couldn't properly see his face in the mirror. He blinked his eyes for a few times and then slowly his vision seemed to get clear though it was a little hazy than before.

"It really took a lot of my power." thought Naruto tiredly

"YOU FUCKING MORON, DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" yelled Kurama at the top of his lungs.

"I am well aware of what I am doing." said Naruto calmly, he wasn't even a little bit fazed by Kurama's response. He was expecting such a response from his partner.

"You casted your most strongest hypnotizing genjutsu on her to kill you?" asked Kurama angrily

"Yes, this was the most ultimate and strongest form of Yami No Sekai Justu. It will not fail, Kurenai will never be able to overcome my visual powers, this genjutsu would force her to kill me, no matter how much time it may take." said Naruto neutrally

"You do know that she is the most powerful genjutsu master in this village and your teacher too!" warned Kurama

"I know but there is slim to no chance at all for her to break out of my genjutsu. I have ran through all the possible outcomes and loopholes." explained Naruto briefly

"You know that she loves you and you will make her kill you?" asked Kurama furiously, he had enough of Naruto's madness. The boy had started losing it.

"She won't remember any of this. She will not hesitate, she will not stop, I implanted the entire mechanism in her mind through this genjutsu. She will kill me but not consciously." said Naruto calmly

"But what would happen after she kills you? I don't want to diminish your skills but with me sealed in you it won't be easy. Besides I won't let you." said Kurama harshly

"I have a plan for that too. She will get strong enough to kill me. And as for you trying to stop me...You do remember you have been defeated twice by the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan, don't you Kurama?" asked Naruto darkly, his tone was so cold that for a second Kurama could see Madara in Naruto.

"Are you threatening me?" asked Kurama dangerously

"No, I am telling you. Don't get in the way...besides what does it matter to you. You'd be free anyway?" asked Naruto curiously

Kurama just remained silent, he really didn't want to tell the boy that he considered him his only friend.

"Is there no other way? Do you really want to die Naruto?" asked Kurama sadly for the first time.

Naruto was quite surprised, never had he heard Kurama being sad about something.

"Thank you for being my friend." thought Naruto gratefully

"Yes, I want it to end this way Kurama. I want to die while I'm still human" said Naruto sadly

''Your father didn't seal me in you, so you could just throw your life away. He wanted you to master my power and bring peace to this world." snapped Kurama angrily

"My father's dead." said Naruto harshly


"He wanted to believe in that reason because he wanted to find solace in his pathetic existence." said Naruto hatefully

"What are you saying?" asked a shocked Kurama, for the first time in his existence his eyes were wide as saucers.

"There is no such thing as hope!" said Naruto bitterly, his Mangekyo Sharingan was already spinning at tremendous speed. Naruto's entire body was shaking too.

"There is no such thing as peace.!" yelled Naruto and cut off the connection.

Kurama's couldn't believe in what he just heard, Naruto always wanted to bring peace in this world. It was his dream.

But since Shin's death, Kurama had noticed Naruto had started to change, he had started losing faith.

He lost faith in his friends, his superiors, his comrades, his adoptive brothers, the Hokage, he had lost faith in himself.

He had lost faith in Kurenai's love.

He had lost faith in the shinobi world.

Naruto Uchiha had fallen to the Uchiha's Curse of Hatred