Chapter 60: Valkyrie

"I know what you have done, Kurama. I know what you did to me..."

Kurama stared in horror as the full blown, soul terrifying gaze of Naruto's Mangekyo landed on him. The intensity, the ferocity of the gaze sending shivers down the Biju's spine. He didn't feel anger in those eyes, instead it was something far more worse and horrific.

Something evil...

"My friend, my ally, my betrayer..."

Kurama's heart broke on the last part, as he averted his guilty eyes from the boy.

"Naruto, let me ex-"

"There is no need for that. I'm not interested in anything which you have to say..." said Naruto harshly,

Gathering the little courage he had left, the fox looked up and saw the same terrifying gaze visible in the boy's eyes. He had seen the same dark gaze in a man decades ago, and he still remembered the man with fear as well as hatred burning in his heart.

Judging from the boy's demeanor, he was totally disinterested in hearing any type of explanation, or even confession. The only thing left was accepting the punishment for the sin he committed.

"I did it for you, my friend..." said Kurama silently, as the boy scoffed.

"You're mistaken, Kyuubi..."

The fox's eyes widened in shock as heard that derogatory title being conferred back on him. It had been years since he was called that name by the boy, from the day they became friends and he told his name to the boy, never once had Naruto again called him that.

"We're not friends anymore. All of my friends are dead..." said Naruto remorsefully,

"I'm sorry, Naruto..." replied Kurama sadly, but the boy merely shook his head.

"Don't be, it was I who was wrong. I trusted you and everyone, so I shouldn't be angry over this treachery. The real friends of mine died fighting by my side, saving me, the ones who never lied to me. Their absence in this moment is far more painful than the treachery which you and everyone did to me..." said Naruto honestly, further breaking the fox's heart.

"I never wanted to hurt you, I just-"

"Kyuubi, I'm not interested in any explanation. It's over..." said Naruto finally, voice devoid of any feelings.

"Then punish me..."

Naruto looked at the giant fox before him who bowed down before him voluntarily, and looked at him with his large pleading eyes.

"Punish me, torture me. Take all of your pain out..." suggested the fox calmly,



A small part of Kurama's heart was relieved on hearing those words, maybe there was still some hope lef...

"You did what you felt was right, just like me. The only difference is Kurenai forgave me for my sins, while I have nothing left in my heart in order to give anything to you. But I can never trust you again, whatever reasons you had it will never change the fact that your crime is far greater than mine. Participating willingly in destroying every single memory of a child I so much cared about?

...Rei's death is on my hands, this pain will haunt me till the end of my life. So like I said, it's over. We're done..." declared Naruto harshly, terrifying the fox as he understood the grave meaning behind those words.


"You think by yelling at you, physically punishing you all of this pain inside of me, and the guilt in your heart can go away? That we can start from scratch again? Don't be so naive. You betrayed the one human who trusted you, cared for you, considered you a friend only to stab him in the back... I walk through this earth all alone, you will feel the same pain. The greatest pain of loneliness in this jail of yours" said Naruto seriously,

"What are you doing, Naruto?" asked Kurama worriedly,

"I was a soldier of Konoha, not a toy which can be used and thrown. All of you repaid my loyalty with betrayal, the people with power think they can get away with anything. What happened here today will change this world forever, and no one can stop it. It's time to change this fucked up world...

...and this is just the beginning" promised Naruto darkly, his evil voice reminding Kurama of an ancient Uchiha of whom this boy was a descendant.

"Naruto, listen to me..."

"They wanted a war, and I shall give them one. I will take the fight back to their land, their people, their blood..." said Naruto vengefully,

"You will destroy everything which you've fought so hard to protect all this time?" asked Kurama incredulously,

"I protected a corrupt, evil village which used me callously. Always covering an old man's personal failures while bearing all the hatred. They took everything from me- my parents, my childhood, my friends, my life. But it ends NOW!" yelled Naruto furiously, as large waves started rising from the water below them.

"So you will destroy all of them?" asked Kurama hesitantly, making the boy laugh mirthlessly.

"You can't see the dreams of the future I have in mind. It's time for a revolution, time to change this fucked up world...if I'm supposed to walk the path of destruction, then I shall become carnage itself..." promised Naruto darkly, making the fox glare at him.

"I will stop you..." growled Kyuubi, as Naruto narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Is that so? Then..."

Kurama was shocked when Naruto's Mangekyo sharingan spinned so quickly that it completely blanked out the Biju. Was this the power he gained by accepting his inner self? Had he accepted who he really was? All that darkness, anger, pain was finally accepted? If that was the case, then...

It was over

"Naruto Uchiha commands you, henceforth you shall become my slave"

At first, the effect didn't happen as the strongest Biju courageously fought against the new power that was invading his will. But with every passing second, it was getting far more powerful and dangerous.

He glanced towards Naruto who was crying tears of blood, literally. That red liquid was freely falling from his eyes, it was so gruesome than any other time he had used those eyes. The boy was using all the power he had...

Never caring about the consequences, so that was the level of his determination.


Kurama screamed in agony when almost half of his giant body got engulfed in dangerous black flames. The fire burning every single part of his skin mercilessly...the pain was simply unbelievable.

And then it happened...

Due to being momentarily distracted with the pain, the Biju lost the concentrated willpower which he was using against Naruto's Mangekyo genjutsu. And one moment of slippery was all the boy needed for victory.

"You tricked me..."

These were the Biju's last thoughts before his mind went blank, and the shape of his eyes changed.

Naruto collapsed on the ground, panting harshly, bleeding badly from his eyes and coughing blood from his mouth. But his gaze was fixed on the cage as the giant fox that was tightly grasping the steel bars collapsed on its knees...

"Yes, your majesty..." said Kurama devotedly,

As the Biju fully kneeled on the ground, he said a few words that would not only change his faith but that of the entire world.

"All hail Naruto!"

Sasuke was aimlessly walking through the Uchiha district, he was simply sending streams of his chakra over the area searching for any kind of presence. Anko had suggested that it was one of the tricks which could be used to locate strayed animals, birds or even hiding humans.

But like every other day, he was only rewarded with the result of a few birds flowing here and there.

Shaking his head, he simply sent out one last wave and his eyes widened when he felt a familiar presence near the banks of Naka river, which was a few clicks away from his current position.

He knew this chakra, this presence...

"It...can't be..." said a shocked Sasuke, as he quickly ran towards the located position.

His heartbeat increased rapidly, as his mind tried to accept the information presented before him. What the hell was he doing here on the outskirts of the village?

Hopping across rooftops he quickly started reaching closer and closer, until he reached his destination.

And what he saw surprised him completely...

There was Naruto kneeling before an unmarked grave, his shoulders slumped in defeat as dried up tears of blood were visible beneath his eyes and mouth. To put it simply, he looked devastated.


Sasuke was shocked when he laughed madly, at first it was low, then it increased until it finally transformed into a full blown laughter. But this one was not from joy, there was a sea of agony, grief, anger behind it.


His friend's laughter stopped abruptly, and as he looked at him standing a few meters away from him; Naruto was shocked at first. But in less than 3 seconds, the shock vanished and was replaced by emptiness as he stared back at the grave. Uncaring of Sasuke's presence near him...

The Uchiha heir walked towards his sad friend and looked at the grave, but sadly it was completely blank. He scanned the ground beneath it, and saw a body there with the help of his sharingan. It was a child, a little girl.

And judging from the color of the faint chakra remaining in her corpse and the same color of his friend's, it didn't take Sasuke long to deduce that either she was a member of Naruto's deceased family or something else.

"Are you going to try to take me back to the village?" asked Naruto silently, not sure of what his reaction would be when he heard the inevitable "Yes"


Naruto seemed visibly surprised on the response from his former teammate...there was something strange in Sasuke's eyes. A feeling which Naruto was starting to understand without exchange of any words between them.


"I don't care about Konoha, it may burn for all I care. After what they did to you, they deserve it. Naruto, I know about the beast inside of you..." said Sasuke sympathetically, as Naruto averted his eyes back to the grave.

So, his friend had somehow discovered the harsh truth/burden placed on him.

"I see..."

"I don't blame you for doing what you did. They had it coming, but you shouldn't be here. It's too risky..." advised Sasuke sagely, getting a hesitant nod from his friend.

"You're right, I did what I did. But what are you planning to do? If you hate Konoha so much, then what are you going to do?" asked Naruto seriously,

"I have declared my holy war against Konoha and this evil ninja world..."

Now that certainly attracted Naruto's total attention, as he stared at his friend in shock and admiration. He searched for any kind of deceit or lies, but was surprised when Sasuke showed him the memories of him killing two Hyuga's in Wave.

"S-sasuke, you..."

"I have no love for this village or this world. It's bloody, it's corrupt, it's fucked up. But I will change it, one way or another. Or I'll die trying to change it..." promised Sasuke firmly, as Naruto smiled.

"You too, huh?" asked Naruto calmly, receiving a surprised nod from Sasuke.

Sasuke watched as Naruto stood up on his feet and looked him straight in the eye, and the activating of a pair of Mangekyo's in those eyes shocked him completely. Deciding not to be defeated, he flashed his own ultimate eyes surprising Naruto.

"Is this a joke?" asked Naruto mirthlessly, making Sasuke scoff.

"I can ask you the same thing..."

Both boys seemed quite surprised with their eyes, but decided not to ask how they got it. As that part was certainly quite painful for every Uchiha.

"Point taken. So you want to simply destroy this entire fucked up world?" asked Naruto curiously, and chuckled when Sasuke shrugged.

"Well most of it, I guess. The 5 great villages are my first target..." said Sasuke seriously, he had willingly explained his plans to Naruto as he was the one person on whom Sasuke could count on as an ally.

Naruto was not only his best friend, but was also a person who understood him the most in this entire world.

Sasuke knew it might have been a mistake in revealing his plan, but he dearly hoped that his friend would join him. Alone, he could only do so much...but with Naruto and his powers, they could truly bring a real change.

He saw his blonde friend sighing disappointedly, and looked at him.

"Follow me..."

Sasuke found himself standing in the dark hall of the Naka shrine, the light in the silent corridor was quite dim. He looked at Naruto who was also standing beside him, his friend's eyes fixed on the Uchiha Clan's secret Tablet.

"Destroying the 5 great villages will not solve anything, your intentions are good but your plan has many flaws..." said Naruto flatly,

"Then what do you suggest, genius?" taunted Sasuke, as his friend merely smirked.

"Before that, Sasuke. I need to tell you many things about which none of you don't know, things-"

"Stop it, Naruto"

"Huh?" asked Naruto confusedly, and stared at his stoic friend.

"I don't care what you did or why you did it, the only thing I'm interested in is bringing a revolution. If you are taking part in it, then that's all I need from you..." said Sasuke flatly,

"Why? Aren't you curious?" asked Naruto worriedly, as Sasuke shook his head.

"Truth only brings more pain and distracts our mind. When I discovered your fate as a Jinchuuriki, I couldn't think straight for weeks. So many questions ran in mind, why you didn't tell us? What more you concealed from us? So many questions, and ultimately that only served to distract me from my goals. I will ask the truth when I want to know it, and that time won't come until we're way ahead in this revolution...

...the only thing that matters is the change, and not the reasons for us bringing it. Because no one gives a fuck about our reasons, our pain, isn't that right?" asked Sasuke bemusedly,

"Still a jerk, I see..." teased Naruto,

"And you're still the naive idiot..." retorted the dark haired Uchiha, as Naruto smirked

"What if I tell you I have a better plan which can truly bring change? Will you serve me then, fight by my side as my most trusted comrade?" asked Naruto seriously, making Sasuke narrow his eyes.

"Like I said, the only thing that matters is the result. If you're plan is more effective for our revolution, then I see no harm in that position, But I won't be your pawn, even if you're stronger I won't become your slave..." said Sasuke flatly, getting a firm nod from Naruto.

"You're the only one who understands that change is necessary, and I would not let you become a slave at any cost. We'll be partners, but before I say my plan there is something which you need to know about it..." explained Naruto hesitantly,

"Just say it..."

Naruto simply came forward and whispered a few words inside his friend's ears.

Sasuke's eyes visibly widened in shock, on hearing Naruto's words. Was he really going to go this far?

He had really underestimated his friend's desire to change this world...

"Naruto, you..." said Sasuke hesitantly,

"Will you still fight by my side?" asked Naruto frankly, as Sasuke looked at the Uchiha Tablet.

The Uchiha walked towards that ancient stone and narrowed his eyes at the inscribing on the lower most area. He was quite surprised that Naruto's eyes were able to read them so clearly, even from that distance.

Now that he thought about it, this plan also had the same objective of destroying the ninja world. Sasuke's own objectives of crushing the 5 great villages would be fulfilled, and even more than that...

The entire world would be changed forever...

"Do you understand now, Sasuke? With this we can bring real change, a true revolution. Keep in mind, that we'll become the enemy of the entire world by doing this. Not only the shinobi world but entire humanity will rise up against us, do you still think you can do this?" asked Naruto crisply,

"Still, the 2 of us are not enough for all of this..." suggested Sasuke honestly, making Naruto smile as his friend was at least considering the offer.

"I already have a powerful ally on my side, a friend who hates this world. I can also gain a few more allies who would willingly support us, as for the rest I'll simply bend the people to my will. I'll go all out for this plan...the question is will you?" demanded Naruto, while Sasuke finished reading the entire information on the ancient Tablet.

Without further delay, the Uchiha turned around and kneeled before his powerful friend. For this plan to succeed, they'll need a lot of power which Naruto had.

"I, Sasuke Uchiha, pledge myself to you and our revolution..." promised Sasuke confidently, making Naruto smirk.

"Did you really have to follow your clan tradition of acknowledging a new leader?" asked Naruto bemusedly,

"My father was hell bent on making me learn this. Naruto, you do understand that once we start this...there is no going back. Even for Kurenai-"

"I can't give her any special treatment anymore. This is bigger than you, me or her. Besides, it will ultimately create a world where she can live peacefully...fine, I accept your promise. In return, I too pledge myself to this revolution and promise to go to any lengths to accomplish it. You have my word" promised Naruto

"Understood, do you have a name in mind for this revolution?" asked Sasuke curiously,


Sasuke simply arched an eyebrow on the name, but shrugged and accepted it regardless. He was never one for theatrics, that department belonged to his charismatic blonde friend.

"Shin, Sai, Rei, my root comrades...I've lost everything. This is the result left now...perhaps it's retribution for my sins. But that is why...I must thank all of you. With this life which you helped prolong, there is still something that I need to do. Indeed for me there is only this way..." thought Naruto sadly,

"Who would have thought that the 2 of us would be doing this. Regardless with Valkyrie, the ancient world can get destroyed now and there can be a genesis to a new world..." said Sasuke proudly, his eyes shifted towards Naruto who had hatred and determination burning in his eyes.

His friend simply stepped forward and clenched his fists tightly...

"My enemy, the shinobi world... my path down to hell, I shall have you accompany me"