Chapter 61: A Life With No Regrets

The former Root Anbu captain of Konoha casually observed the vast sky beside him. Flying on top of his signature crow summon, Naruto peacefully enjoyed the bright moon shining in the sky. The object literally illuminated the entire sky with its light.

It was up so high in the sky, secluded from the world, and yet always guided the life on earth during the darkest hours of night.

His situation seemed similar, by accepting his inner self he was seeing the world with different eyes and a wider prospective. It had made him realize that humanity was heading towards self destruction at an accelerated rate, and at this speed it won't be long before the world wars fought between different nations would destroy the planet and all life on it.

People had become arrogant since they possessed power, and needed to be taught a lesson.

A harsh teaching that would send shivers down the souls of humans even a thousand years from now, if people were comfortable in doing evil things to their fellow humans at such a large scale, then he would show them the full power of evil.

"The power of kings would make you lonely"

He idly remembered his own words which he had said to Gaara, and looking at himself standing all alone proved the point. His power was a curse and a boon simultaneously, Naruto knew very well just what path he had chosen for himself.

The Anbu captain knew he was powerful, but to face the wrath of entire humanity would be a challenge which no man had ever faced before.

The hatred, malice, curses that would rain down on him would be unimaginable. Sasuke was right, there would be no where left to go back to once this plan started...

But this had to be done...

His parents and deceased friends yearned for the past, the people of the world yearned for the present, while he...

Yearned for a future...

A future free of war, hatred, deceit, treachery that plagued his world every day. A future where young children are not taught to kill, a world where children can laugh, play instead of being taught to hate each other.

He was not naive, he very well knew his plan would only bring peace for a millennium or two. As Humans were never peaceful, and would find new reasons in order to wage wars.

But even in that time, new Naruto's and Sasuke's will rise up...

People who would bear the hatred and save humanity from itself, to make people understand how devastating war was.

He actually missed the friendly fox which he had silenced with his visual powers, Kurama was a good friend and even he accepted that the fox was only thinking about his well being in a twisted way. But because Kurama was a friend, and a person close to his heart...

Was the reason he had to be silenced forever in the least painful way.

The path he had chosen for himself was for him alone, the sin, the evil was his to bear. Kurama would hate him for doing what he did, and that would ultimately lessen the Biju's pain as he would know that he was forced to follow Naruto's will. That the boy who was his friend had turned evil, and was an enemy of the world.

And this would be his final gift of mercy to his friend...

Everything was now for Valkyrie.

However it was not going to be an easy task, facing even 1 hidden village was a huge challenge. Destroying 5 of them along with the remaining smaller ones and their entire systems was a monumental task. He needed allies, powerful ones at that. Since he had subdued Kurama, the entire chakra of the Biju was now his to use.

He was a chakra bomb, combine that with his variant skills. Then he was a one-man army itself, and if he even unleashed half of his clone powers then it would be enough to level the battlefield for a few minutes.

But why do so much hard work and stain your hands, when an even more easier way was available. Albeit a lot of shady work had to be done and months of preparation for that plan to be implemented successfully. Fortunately he had a foundation ready to start his work.

Grabbing his former Konoha headband, he looked at it one last time before throwing it down into the forest below him.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes. Memories of the past, whether they be good or bad came back in his heart. His time with Kakashi, his former Konoha 11 group of friends, the happy times with Hiruzen, Konohamaru, Emiko, the training of Root with Shin, Sai, and many other friends and comrades.

And most of all the memories with Kurenai.

With one final breath of resignation, he opened his eyes which now regained their stoic, cold, uncaring gaze.


Haku impatiently sat on the perimeter of the orphanage, her sharp eyes searching for the silhouette of a person who had vanished since morning. It was almost more than 24 hours and still there was no sign of Naruto. She was quite annoyed with him, if Kurenai was here in the islands then why did he go away on some new mission?

Or had things gone south between them?

The look on Kurenai's face and her dark eyes, at least showed she had cried a lot. Even if she did not like it, this new development raised a little hope in her heart. Living here while looking after the young orphans was all good, but it didn't change the fact that she was a ninja. After Zabuza's death, she had no purpose left. Naruto had given her a temporary goal of caring for the orphans, but it could only go so far...

Haku knew what kind of man Zabuza was, and yet she had served him faithfully. Just like him, Naruto was also a criminal but what he had done for her was far more than anyone had ever done for her during her entire life. She had been thinking about this for weeks, and now only had she arrived at a final decision.

Her thought process was abruptly halted when a large crow landed on the ground near her. Before she could even blink, Naruto jumped of it and the summon vanished instantly. He only gave her a quick glance before moving towards his personal chambers in the orphanage.


"Not now"

His swift, stern reply surprised her. Judging from his composed yet firm footsteps and stiff attitude, something serious/bad must have happened. It actually reminded her of the shinobi like Naruto which she saw in Wave, and not the kind hearted boy who looked after the orphans.

She saw him performing a familiar hand seal, and 30 shadow clones popped up beside him. The young boy simply gave a few hand signs as the clones divided themselves into 5 teams, each composed of 6 clones.

"You all know what to do. Get to work..." commanded Naruto,

Haku was left speechless by this display of power, despite being weakened he could make 30 shadow clones? And watching those clones giving firm salutes, before disappearing in shunshin's made her jaw drop. She really had underestimated his strength...

Before she could get out of her stupor, he had already vanished within the closed quarters of his personal chambers.

Damn, he worked fast.

(With Naruto)

As soon as he stepped into the room, he sensed the presence of another entity. Analyzing the strange smell, and meek chakra radiating through this person left little doubt in his mind as to who he was.

"Get out here, Pakkun..." said Naruto sternly,

The said surprised dog came out from the underneath of his bed, the creature just gave him a lazy stare. Guess even Kakashi's personal summon was like him...

"This is from you know who..." instructed the tracker dog, gaining a nod from the blonde Anbu.

"Is that all?" asked Naruto seriously,


"Then our business here is finished. Have a safe journey..." replied Naruto curtly, as Pakkun merely smirked.

As soon as the ninja dog vanished with a puff of smoke, the remaining energy vanished from Naruto's body as he crashed on an armchair. A small trickle of blood escaped from his lips reminding him of the disease that was still active within him, just another thing that he needed to solve before moving forward. And yet, all he could do or did want to do...

...was stare at the ceiling of his room.

He had done quite well in concealing his emotions in front of Sasuke, his mind was still not able to accept that Rei was dead. It was as if his entire world that was hanging by a weak thread was shattered within seconds. The pieces were so broken, that there was nothing left to pick up.

Nothing left to go back to.

The Ninja world was an evil system that encouraged constant warfare, created a world of lies, turned young children into killing machines, and spread more hatred in humanity than any previous system. All these factors had made him arrive at one final conclusion, an ideology which Sasuke shared...

It was time to exterminate shinobi and their corrupt world.

Even then one question still plagued his heart, he had cut of his ties with everyone. He had even cast aside his best friend Kurama, now the only thing left was Kurenai. He knew very well, where her loyalties lay. Despite knowing the truth, her heart still beat for Konoha. She would try her very best to make him forgive the village and go back, and he might even do it for her sake. But...

Shin, Sai, Rei, his root comrades...he could not let their deaths be for nothing.

If he ever had a child of his own (which would never become a reality now), he would never wish for that innocent life to come into such an evil world. For years, he had protected this orphanage from Danzo's clutches. One could even say, he was far more loyal to the children here than Konoha itself. And to see those very same children whom he had protected for so long, being forcefully turned into ninjas or get involved into the unstoppable violence of their world was a dream which he never wanted to become a reality.

Valkyrie was supposed to make a world where no more Naruto's or Sasuke's were born...

It was all for the children who were the future of humanity, and he would protect them no matter what.


He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Haku standing at his doorsteps, he wanted to say her to leave him alone. But somehow, he simply didn't utter a single word, which only made her step inside and arrive beside him.

She simply came forward and sat on the right arm of his chair, both of them still didn't say anything. Preferring the silence over any talk until...

"What am I to you, Haku?" asked Naruto sharply, surprising her completely.

Haku was just about to give a vague answer, when she noticed his eyes on her. Unlike before, this time he looked deadly serious. There was something in that gaze that was compelling her to say the truth and nothing else.

"I like you..."

He simply stared at her curiously while her cheeks blushed red, as far as he was concerned there was nothing in him that could make him desirable for any woman/girl.

"Moron..." thought the Kyuubi bemusedly, sure Naruto had severed their connection but it didn't stop him from feeling the emotions in the boy's heart.

The Biju was pissed beyond words, he was the only one in the world who had a rough guess as to what the boy was planning to do. Who in their right mind would think it was best to unleash the worst apocalypse on the world? And for what? Saving worthless humanity from destroying itself?

But then again, all Uchiha's were screwed up in the head.

With his current container also falling in the same category, and yet Kurama could only sympathize with the path the boy had chosen. If Naruto had made up his mind, then there was nothing the Biju could do. He cared slim to little about humanity, but if he could have one wish then it would be getting his friend back.

Maybe, one day Naruto could forgive him or at the very least talk to him one last time.

"And why is that? As far as I can remember, I have a reputation of being a traitor, criminal, butcher, beast. Now, why in the seven hells would you even have a single feeling for such a man? I was the one who killed Zabuza, didn't I?" asked Naruto curiously, and was intrigued when she rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"You only see your mistakes, don't you? You're such a pessimist..." chided Haku playfully,

"I prefer the term realist..." replied Naruto coolly, somehow this little banter was helping him feel a little relaxed.

"Will you really make me explain this? You know, a girl should not explain such should be the other way around" suggested Haku hopefully, making him smirk.

"My parents weren't around to teach me that. Besides, there is nothing more helpful than the truth. It might hurt you, or make you happy, but you would at least be at peace. I'm not blind, Haku. Your behavior towards me in the past few weeks was not as subtle as you think..." explained Naruto cheekily, making her blush even further.

"Was I that obvious?"


She seemed a little hesitant, but when he gave her a encouraging nod while flashing one of his bright smiles it simply broke all the barriers in her heart.

"(sigh) I served Zabuza-sama for years as his tool. He was my family, but I was not blind. I knew what kind of man he was, but he was there for me when everyone abandoned me. The world may remember him as a missing ninja, a criminal but for me he would always be the man who saved me. Gave me a second chance at life, made me strong, and turned me into what I am today. And for what it's worth, I have no regrets...

...when I'm with you, I have the same feeling. It's very hard to explain, and I may appear as a fool but I have fallen in love with you. Naruto, I very well know what you did in the past, but I have also seen what kind of person you are beneath all the lies which you've formed around yourself. The further you try to project yourself as evil, the more I get to see the real you. I know who you are, Naruto" explained Haku patiently,

For a few minutes he merely stared at her with a stoic look on his face, until a faint smile crept up on his lips. Her words were perhaps one of the best compliments he had received during his entire life. He would be lying, if he didn't find her attractive.

She was kind, caring, sharp, hell she could even give Kurenai a run for her money in terms of beauty and grace. Haku was like a perfect rival to Kurenai...

"But I also know you love her..." said Haku sadly, not mentioning the unsaid name as a grim look came on Naruto's face.

"You're right..."

She was left heartbroken on hearing his acceptance, taking it as a queue for her exit she decided to get up. But as if he had read her thoughts, his firm hand was placed on her arm which instantly prevented her from getting away.

"But it also doesn't change the fact that we are not together anymore..." said Naruto truthfully, if Haku was being honest with her feelings then the very least he could do was reveal the truth to her.

She seemed shocked on hearing those words as her eyes widened. Haku looked in his eyes and found no trace of lies, although he was certainly not happy with the turn of events.

"Why?" asked Haku sympathetically,

"She cannot follow the path which I have taken, even if she could I don't want that for her. Kurenai won't be Kurenai, if I twisted her will for my sake. I loved her for what she is, and what she stood for no matter how counterproductive it is to my plans. She was my first crush, first love, and in another life she might have been the woman with whom I would have spent my entire life...hell even now I so badly wish that it can be possible. But...

...I have a far larger dream which needs to be fulfilled, no matter the cost. I have always loved her Haku, and always will till the day I stop breathing. Yet, I can't be together with her anymore" explained Naruto honestly, making the girl beside him sad and happy at the same time.

Sad that he still and would forever love Kurenai, and happy that he was really an honest guy who didn't cheat on a girl. Or try to manipulate their feelings for his benefit...

"This is my truth which I will take to my grave, if only for her happiness. Now, can you really have feelings for a guy who could probably never love you the way he loved his first love?" asked Naruto confidently, he was certain that he would have easily destroyed any feelings which she had for him.

"As a matter of fact, your admittance only made me love you even more..." said Haku happily, a faint tear trickling down from her eye.

Naruto was left speechless by her words, it was something which his young heart was simply not able to believe. How could someone love a person like him? He certainly didn't deserve such kindness, after all his failures and mistakes.

"" asked Naruto in shock,

"I know and understand that you will never love me or even see me with the same eyes like you did with Kurenai, she's something to you which I can never be in this life. Even then, I want to live a life with no regrets...

...that's why I want to walk by your side. You're precious to me, and I want to protect you no matter what. You may not love me yet, but I still want to fight for you. I want to make your dream come true, with you I truly feel alive and needed in this dark world. Will you please let me be by your side?" asked Haku politely, with a warm smile arriving on her lips.

She was surprised when a faint tear slipped from his eye as he stared at her in disbelief...

"How can you even promise such a thing after everything I've done?" asked Naruto hesitantly, this girl was...

"Because I love you..."

For the first time in his miserable life, Naruto felt something which he never thought he would experience after his actions. Here was someone, a sweet girl who actually loved someone like him. Right there, his respect and feelings for her increased by a great extent. He simply didn't deserve someone like her...

Yet, he could see how much he was important to her. He was her reason for living, her will to survive in this cruel world, someone who had brought light and happiness in her life, given her a chance to redeem herself.

"The worst villains in history were heroes at one point of time, you're no different. I can never accept the path you have chosen, Naruto. But it would be a lie if I said that I didn't care about you, even after everything you've done and will do in the near future. Damn it, your reason for changing this world justifies your actions to some extent...Naruto, what is your true goal? What will you achieve with all of this? Is Valkyrie the promised land for which you've fought your entire life?" thought Kurama worriedly,

Looking at the boy right now reminded Kurama of the man who began this storm 15 years ago. The Fox had been long around to know a few things about that boy, the one who too rebelled against the system of shinobi. One who fell prey to the dark side just like Naruto, the only difference was that Naruto still retained a part of his humanity. The question was...

For how long?

Perhaps it was a sign of good luck from Kami that there was someone like Haku who was willing to follow him, and be his light inside the darkness which he had chosen for himself. The Biju was quite unnerved when he heard Sasuke's desire to do whatever it takes to win, that boy was certainly a hardliner and knowing Naruto's soft spot for that Uchiha...he would have unanimously bowed to Sasuke's demands.

But with Haku, Naruto could still be himself even if a little. He may perhaps not have any friends left, but with this girl he would not suffer the pain of loneliness again. Her newly rising role in Naruto's life also gave Kurama hope, that perhaps one day Naruto could feel the need of his fox friend again.

Until then he would wait in the shadows, watching over the boy. Hoping his desire to change the world does not come at a high price.

Kurama was relieved when a serene smile came on Naruto's face as he flashed one of his brightest smiles to the sweet girl before him, who was now one of his close friends and one who had a not so obvious crush/love on him.

"Haku...thank you"

(Few Hours Later)

A mad chuckle escaped from Naruto's lips as he read the letter which Kakashi had sent for him, so Princess Karen had finally started having doubts that her master (Danzo) was missing or perhaps dead. She was also in on the rebellion and seizure of power in Konoha, and since she didn't receive any word from a single Root operative over these weeks, she would have assumed they had failed and were eliminated.

Only 1 person had the power to stop the rebellion so quickly, and it was him.

And Karen knew this...

So, he was not only a witness who knew a lot about her dark secrets but was also a shield that was protecting Hiruzen Sarutobi. This offer of pardoning all his crimes in return for selling out Hiruzen seemed quite good, but just like her he too had a personal grudge to settle.

The nightmare of his 30 soldiers being killed in Operation Thunderstorm still plagued him till this day, the way Isane and her squad died trying to overthrow Danzo. They were his subordinates, his soldiers who were his responsibility.

An eye for an eye...

Karen was directly responsible for the death of his subordinates, for her selfish ambitions of killing her own brother and gaining a reason to invade Land of Woods, 30 young children had to die. And if there was something which he hated, was the senseless killing of young children.

So, she had finally decided to sink her claws into the affairs of the village. It only further strengthened his resolve to destroy this corrupt world and create a far better system in its place. Since Karen so badly wanted to dominate everything, even his fate; it was time to give her a taste of her own medicine.

Her dream was to create an empire, with Fire Country ruling over the entire world.

What better way of revenge could be than stealing that dream, while making the bitch pay for her crimes. He would make Danzo's brutal death seem merciful in comparison to what sickly ways he was going to use to torment her before silencing her forever.

Activating his Mangekyo, an evil grin crept up on his face...

"Karen, you truly like playing the devil. Then, it's time to show you what a true devil is..."