Chapter 82: An Emperor's Dream

Tsunade and the other members of the delegation waited as the leader who had agreed for this entire process was yet to arrive. Frankly the opinion of each member was quite different when it came to dealing with the resistance.

Sasuke preferred total annihilation, Kakashi at least wanted to negotiate, the same was the case with Lee who still had hope his former friends and comrades would see the light. Tsunade just wanted to banish the ninjas and their violent culture from their lands, send them away never to return.

Naruto was the only one who hoped for peace with the shinobi, who was still willing to give them a chance to end this war. It was quite ironic when the Emperor himself started this entire war in the first place. She sometimes couldn't understand her adoptive son.

When he walked into the small room, her breath stopped. Dressed in his Emperor robes which consisted of a flak jacket, and khaki pants. A plain white cloak was resting on his shoulders with the swastika symbol and the mark of eagle on it. A face mask similar to Kakashi, and there he was the spitting image of the Fourth Hokage only with smooth hair this time and dark eyes.

She had to admit she felt great pride in calling the man her son, even if he was not her blood.

Judging from the faint blush on his cheeks, Haku had sent him away with quite a nice parting gift. Tsunade could only smile, she had promised the empress that she would protect the emperor who was now going to be a father, even if he didn't know it. In return, Haku had promised to reveal the good news to him when he returned.

"Everyone ready?" asked Naruto cheerfully, receiving an enthusiastic reply from Lee, a nod from Kakashi and Tsunade.

"I still think this is a mistake. We can just cancel this and go for drinks. My treat..." offered Sasuke, sending a pointed look towards Tsunade who suddenly found Sasuke's offer quite tempting only to be interrupted by Naruto's light cough.

"Well, I'll hold you to it once we return after our successful trip.." said Naruto confidently,

"Naruto, while I do want to go. We can just leave this mess, it if it harms your safety..." said Tsunade worriedly, as he shook his head. The boy was just as stubborn as his mother.

"I know all of you think I'm making a mistake and even consider me a fool. You have your reasons for opposing and I have mine for going..." said Naruto cryptically,

"Naruto-kun, I will go with you. But if you explain your reasons perhaps it can satisfy the others as well..." suggested Lee, receiving a faint smile from the emperor.

All of them looked towards the man as he stepped towards the small balcony in the room, observing the flourishing capital of Tokyo in front of his eyes. He could see that people were happy, humans who belonged from different nations. Yes, he had tweaked with their minds and made them forget their years old rivalry. It was a sin for which he would happily face punishment one day...

"I want our children to have a future. If we don't end our conflict with the shinobi, our children will suffer. I know the chances of success are slim, but I want to try because I don't want little Obito to grow up just to get killed in a war which we could have ended. If I ever have a child someday, I want him to have a future. Call me an idealist, a fool, but I will try. Because this is who I am, and this peaceful empire which all of us have worked so hard to build should be my legacy to our children and their children when I die. It is what I want with all my heart..." explained Naruto patiently,

When he turned to face his trusted comrades, he could see tears in Lee's eyes. Kakashi gave him a grateful nod, and Tsunade just stared at him with a strange look. Sasuke seemed uncomfortable now that the true reason had been revealed...

"We're just concerned for your safety..." said Sasuke tiredly, as Naruto walked forward and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"As long as I have you guys with me, no one can harm me. Besides, those ninjas believe that I'm at the same level of strength which I was at 3 years ago. If they try something funny, I can handle it. I give you my word that no harm shall fall on any of you, and I will bring you back to your families. This is the promise of your emperor..." said Naruto confidently,

That was enough to bring smiles on their faces as all of them started exiting from the room. Naruto was just about to follow them, when he turned around and his feeling was proven correct when he saw Haku standing there.

He walked towards her and gave a soft kiss on her lips, as her voice quivered.

"Naruto, I want to..."

'Shh, tell me whatever you want when I return..."

"You promise to come back to me?" asked Haku worriedly, tears falling from her eyes as he gave her his trademark eye smile.

"Yeah, I will..."

Kissing her one last time, he walked away hoping that he got to see her again.

(Kyoto Fort)

The atmosphere inside was quite tense as the delegations from both sides had just finished arriving at the venue. Most of the resistance faction had went towards the meeting hall since they had arrived quite early, Kurenai and Sakura had decided to stay behind in order to greet the Reich's delegation and the Emperor himself.

Both kunoichi seemed nervous as hell, not only their former flames were about to confront them but in a matter of an hour or two they would have to fight against them. It was this reason both Kurenai and Sakura tensed when Naruto arrived with his delegation, and Sasuke was right beside him. The boy's sharp eyes observing every corner like a hawk, while Naruto seemed relaxed.

There were several media personnel covering the historical event along with people from both the factions who had came to witness the pact which their leaders were about to make.

Naruto sent a friendly wave to his empire citizens who returned the gesture with twice much affection and cheers, something which didn't go unnoticed by Kurenai and Sakura.

Before the empire delegates could reach them, Kurenai saw Naruto stop thereby halting the others. The Emperor then whispered something to his comrades, who frowned at him with Sasuke borderline giving him a murderous glare. They didn't look quite happy, but after a few seconds Kakashi, Tsunade and Lee departed towards the hall where the meeting was about to take place, while Naruto walked towards her with an unrelenting Sasuke in tow. Although the boy did seem uncomfortable when he saw Sakura standing beside Kurenai.

When he came in front of her, he still had the attractive smile on his face which left her momentarily speechless. Sakura was not fairing any better as Sasuke glanced at her awkwardly. The former members of Team 7 suddenly found the meeting quite odd after staying apart from each other for so long. There was a time when they trusted each other with their lives, and now here they were willing to take those same lives from each other.

''Naruto, I-"

"Godaime Hokage of Konoha, Yuhi Kurenai I presume? It's a pleasure to meet you..." said Naruto formally, not showing any sign that he once loved this woman more than anything. And seeing him not even recognizing her, hurt deep inside her heart but she managed to shake the offered hand.

"Likewise, Emperor Naruto..." greeted Kurenai diplomatically, as she lingered a little longer on the handshake trying to memorize everything about the man she loved deeply.

Sasuke and Sakura seemed to be entrapped in their own world and had not said a word, much to the relief of the other pair.

''Would it be possible if we can take a little detour? You see, I'm a little nervous..." said Naruto politely, making the woman glance at each other as Sakura shrugged.

"That would be acceptable to us. I would like to bring her with me..." insisted Kurenai, getting a nod from Naruto.

"That's fine. I'm perfectly fine with Haruno-san accompanying us, but I wouldn't mind having my friend here tag along with us, as well..." said Naruto cryptically, and looking into Sasuke's challenging eyes left no question that he was going to come even if Kurenai refused.

"Very well..."

Kurenai carefully stole glances at the famous emperor that walked beside her. Hands tucked inside his pocket and a serene smile on his lips, he was the epitome of a collected and calm ruler. She could clearly see that he had changed in looks becoming more handsome and desirable, and yet the fact that he had agreed to this negotiation was a proof that the old Naruto, the man she had fallen in love with was still there. If barely...

"What's so funny, Emperor?" asked Kurenai irritatedly, as she saw him smiling again while looking at all the people that had came to watch this event.

"I have observed from time to time that rebelling is in mankind's nature. It's a part of who we are..." said Naruto bemusedly,

"Is that why you rebelled against your own family and your own home?" asked Kurenai contritely, her bitterness only made his smile faint just a little.

"You're angry..."

"I am. I have been angry for the past 3 years, not a day passed that didn't make me remember just what you did .." said Kurenai hesitantly, her voice faltering and becoming heavy.

Naruto looked behind and saw Sasuke and Sakura engaged in a similar heated argument. His commander just gave him a tired look and Naruto gave him a nod, moments later their escorts/bodyguards went away trying to solve their own argument.

"I see you're wearing lenses, a countermeasure against my genjutsu based Mangekyo sharingan. Smart move..." said Naruto with a mischievous smile, making her stop and stare at him.

How could he? Of course he would notice, those deep eyes could see through almost everything, even a person's soul. It was this reason that Kurenai quickly steered her gaze away and started walking ahead, for fear of him seeing through her nervousness and discovering their plan.

"Naruto, I'm grateful to you. Once you lifted me up from despair when I had lost the will to live, if not for you I wouldn't have remained a ninja, much less been a part of Team 7 and become a Hokage. I love you with everything in my heart..." confessed Kurenai, as she tried to control her tears.

He didn't reply and simply settled to follow her as they walked through the barren halls of the fort, and Naruto saw a set of stairs approaching.

"And now the same person has joined with Sasuke and rebelled against his own world? Is it power you seek? Status? Or all of this is just a game too you?" asked Kurenai pleadingly, hoping his answer would satisfy her.

Again, no reply except for the faint sound of his footsteps following behind her.

Abruptly, she turned around and looked into his stoic face. It would not be long before everything was destroyed, she needed something. A ray of hope that could make her stop, gods she wanted to stop. Result the tears in her eyes as she looked in his lifeless eyes.

"Naruto, what am I to you? Why did you spare my life and tell me to live on knowing I would fight against you, perhaps even kill you?' asked Kurenai desperately,

She was not surprised when he didn't answer, never parted his lips to utter a single word. And it broke her heart, quickly stepping forward she blinked the tears out of her eyes, grabbing his cheeks and lowering his facemask she kissed him fiercely. She didn't know what was right or wrong anymore, whether to listen to her duty bound mind or love struck heart, whether he still loved her or she was merely his past.

She poured every feeling, whether it be love, hate, sorrow, longing, pain into that kiss. He didn't reciprocate but didn't push her away either, merely remaining still allowing her to make her peace.

"Farewell, Naruto..." said Kurenai sadly, and started walking away.

When the next words were said she stopped her walk suddenly.

"Are you going to assassinate me now?"

Looking back in shock, she saw him giving her the same gentle smile. There was no use denying the accusation, simply the knowing look in his eyes was enough to show that he had known. He had known all along that was he was going to be killed, murdered and yet...

And only one word came to her lips...



Sasuke had dreaded this simple question for the past 3 years, and looking into her pleading tearful eyes made him feel guilty for the first time. No notes, no letter, no sign...he had given her nothing, not one frakking reason or explanation before turning against the village. He had went ahead and never looked back, afraid it might just make him stop. And he could not do that under any circumstances.

It was this reason he had not been with any other woman, sure there were casual one night stands but nothing concrete. And part of that was due to his own fear that he would hesitate if he was attached to anything. Naruto already had that weakness result all this futile negotiation, he had to be the one who sliced off his best friend's emotion and keep them on track. He had no doubt about Naruto's determination for Valkyrie, but for his sake too he wished Sakura would just go away and save him from this misery.

"Naruto told me once that one of the perks of being a commander is that you don't have to explain yourself to anyone..." said Sasuke flatly, trying to be an asshole hoping that she would buy it and go away.


He was definitely shocked when a harsh slap impacted with his cheek, one that almost sent him crashing on the floor. What the frak was this woman? That was no slap but a borderline punch. Or whether it was just a slap? Did she just grow some super strength or something like he had read in some comic books when he was a kid?

"Be a man for once and give me the reason why you did all of this. I loved you, Sasuke..." said Sakura tearfully, and saw his eyes widening in fear.

He took a few steps away from her, his mind had just went blank. But she didn't relent and followed him, determined to get some frakking answers out of him. No person in the entire Reich had the balls to slap him or even rattle him like this, and this woman...

When she tried to grab his arms, he snapped and pushed her away but there was hardly any force in his push. Just a desperate attempt to maintain distance...

"I did what I felt was right, just like you're doing right now..." said Sasuke seriously,

"By bending people's wills? I've seen what Naruto does to all those nations he wins over, I saw the slaughter of the Earth Damiyo's family..." argued Sakura vehemently,

"And what Konoha did to Naruto? My clan? MY brother? My parents? WAS THAT RIGHT, SAKURA?" yelled Sasuke furiously, venting out his pent up bitterness and pain which he had hidden for years. By now Naruto had made sure the massacre of the Uchiha clan was known with the true story making the people of the world see how corrupt and twisted the ninja villages were.

The tears falling from his eyes made her freeze, this was the first time she had seen him so emotionally distraught. Much less crying, Sasuke never did that. Never....

Instinctively, she pulled him towards her and wrapped her arms around him tightly, almost squeezing him fearing he would vanish just like before. To her shock, he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her.

"People can try to change the system from within too, Sasuke..." said Sakura pleadingly, hoping he would see reason.

"Not the ones who the system rejects for no rational reason. Neither I or Naruto wished for all of this to happen, it was the ninja world that pushed us into a corner. There are countless others like us the ninja world discriminated, and it simply paid for its crimes..." replied Sasuke tiredly,

"We're going to war, aren't we?" asked Sakura in a resigned voice,

''We were already at war. Only this time it will be a fight till the end..." concluded Sasuke,

They remained silent, holding each other for perhaps the last time. He knew the outcome of these negotiations, of what he would be supposed to do.

"I love you, Sakura. Always have, always will..."

She froze on hearing his confession, all these years she had imagined her feelings had been one sided. That the little moments they shared meant nothing to him, that Kurenai and Naruto were the only couple while her and Sasuke were just...

He broke the hug and tried to look her in the eye, but found it difficult due to the moisture in his eyes.

"When the time comes, you'll have to kill me...Sasuke" said the pink medic calmly,


"You know that's the only way...''

"Not if Naruto can stop it. That crazy idiot, he still believes...he still cares. He believes in you, in Kurenai, in all Konoha 12. Naruto still has faith that all of us can have a future together, all of this is just his struggle to make it happen. He never gave up, even when I lost faith in everything he held on for both of us. He still does.." confessed Sasuke, pride and love evident in his voice for the emperor who was more of a brother to Sasuke than Itachi was.

She stepped up and kissed him on the lips, he didn't react at first but slowly he melted into the kiss. For a moment they forgot which sides they belonged to, what positions they held, what beliefs they shared, right now they were just Sasuke and Sakura. Former member of Team 7, former best friends, and former lovers.

"Blondes are really dumb, aren't they?" joked Sakura, making him smile faintly.

"Yes, they are. And I know just the dumbest one..."


Instead of answering her terrified question, he chose to walk inside one of the secluded rooms. Kurenai was right on his heels, intent on finding out how he knew? And what this meant for everyone? Going up against an unaware Naruto was risky enough, but fighting against a Naruto who knew what was coming was pure suicide.

"You really think you know all the dirty tricks in the ninja book? I was an Anbu once, a Root for frak's sake. Dirty tricks were my daily source of meal, and all this pathetic act of luring me here was not needed since I know what you have in store for me..." said Naruto frankly, disappointment visible in his eyes.

"THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU COME?" yelled Kurenai, losing her temper completely. Walking into a surprise ambush was one thing, but knowingly going into one was suicide.

Turning around he stepped in front of her, and cupped her chin showing how hurt he was.

"You really hate me, don't you? Enough to kill me..." said Naruto sadly, and he was hurt.

"I never wanted any of this to happen. But you didn't leave me a choice, we were on the verge of total defeat. I didn't have a choice-''

''Everyone always has a choice, Kurenai. I had and so did you, the fact is that you still have a choice. It's not too late..." said Naruto compassionately, wiping the tears falling from her eyes.

"What are you saying?" asked Kurenai in a trembling manner,

"Come with me. You and Sakura, and all the others who want to come. I'll accept them all, regardless of everything..." offered Naruto, and the gentle smile and genuine happiness in his eyes showed her he truly meant. What was this man?

"How could you do this after everything that has happened between us?" asked Kurenai hesitantly, as he stroked her long, beautiful hair.

"Love is an unconditional feeling, Kurenai. Even in conflict, I have honored your wishes and of those that follow you. You have become a great leader, but I'm telling you all of us can co-exist together. Our children should not grow up just to kill each other..." pleaded Naruto, making her smile for the first time.

"You always thought about the future..." said the genjutsu mistress,

"Past is full of regret, present has too many problems. It is the future that all of us look to with hope in our hearts..."

"And you truly believe the Reich is the future? That you solely have the right to rule over everyone?" asked Kurenai tentatively, and saw him laugh.

"You ninjas truly discard the information you don't deem relevant..."

"What do you mean?"

"The Reich is not the rigid hegemony you think it is. We have a government, each great nation that we have captured has a governor who looks after its affairs. That governor has an entire local government who helps him maintain that state. Above the governor lies the Quorum which are the supreme representatives of the people of the Reich. The Prime Minister or the Empress leads this Quorum, whatever laws, regulations, the emperor wants to pass has to go through the Quorum first." explained Naruto patiently,

"So you're saying that the emperor has no power?" asked Kurenai skeptically, making him frown.

"I never said that. In matters of national security and event of war, the emperor has full authority. But before starting any war on behalf of the empire, he needs to have atleast 1/3 majority votes from the Quorum. You can't just simply go to war because you want to, your people need to be agreeing with you or the war is for nothing"

"Go on..." insisted Kurenai, interested in hearing this information. This was not the picture they had imagined the Reich to be, but then again they barely got any intel on the empire due to Naruto's strict army keeping a tight leash.

"The Reich does not depend upon Damiyo's for money or resources, thereby saving our people from getting needlessly involved in the political games the Damiyo's always involved the hidden villages into. Every part of the empire has resources, whether they be manpower, minerals, water, forests, machinery. The Quorum under the leadership of the Empress makes sure these resources are distributed as per requirements. We have our industries, war machine factories, flourishing business, an economy which has a growth rate more than all the ninja village's combined growth rate. There are conflicts too, but we have a system that takes care of it. And every report goes to the Emperor as well; who usually looks after the law and order and is responsible for the nation's security. That doesn't mean he can't look into other affairs of the empire, I know I have looked into everything from time to time" concluded Naruto,

"This is a lot to take in. I never imagined..." said Kurenai honestly, getting a nod from him.

"I understand. And this is not even counting, the benefit programs, retirement centers, and schools along with all the other aids the Reich offers to its poor and needy citizens. We look after our own no matter what class or status they belong to, this was not possible in the ninja villages due to lack of resources. Whatever Konoha had was always directed towards the needs of its shinobi, due to Fire Country being rich it didn't cause any rifts between the civilians and ninjas. That was not the case in Suna and Kiri when I took over them. Kami, that was a mess..." explained Naruto tiredly,

"Seems like you've been busy. Planning all these ideas must have been quite some work..." complimented Kurenai, honestly impressed with the things he had done. She had heard rumors of how happy the citizens were in the empire, and only now did she see the reason behind it.

"Oh, no. I just gave an idea here and there, it was mostly Haku and Tsunade. They planned all this stuff, I just pasted the stamp and made the people accept the new system with my flamboyant speeches..." joked Naruto, making her chuckle as well.

"You sound happy..." said Kurenai calmly,

"I am. And I want the same thing for all of you as well. I told you what my world is like, now you tell me what plan you have for the human race. If it's better than mine, I'll die for it. Look me in the eye, and tell me your system will maintain peace and keep the people happy. That your resistance will stay together and form a bond even after killing their common enemy? If yes, then here is the kunai and stab it through my heart..." offered Naruto, and took out a kunai and offering it to Kurenai.

The red eyed beauty was left speechless with his offer, looking into his calm gaze proved that he was determined. Damn, the manipulative bastard for twisting everything.

But a part of her knew he was right, she had seen how irritated Mei and Temari felt for joining hands with a rival village. Much less making Kurenai the leader, did she truly want to go the violent shinobi world again?

"In the Reich, only people above the age of 17 can apply for the army. We do not train child soldiers, instead all of the children attend civilians schools first. They learn the joys of life, get the choice of determining what they want to be, it's a better world, Kurenai..." insisted Naruto,

"And Valkyrie? What about that? When you revive that monster everything you've built will crumble, along with the entire human race..." said Kurenai defensively, she was a rational person and all his arguments had nearly shaken her beliefs. Those ideals which she had barely clinged on to, knowing deep down how false they were.

But then again, she knew she had made a decision and there was no other way for her.

However here he was again, trying to save her and her people. Giving them the chance to experience a different life...

"I will achieve success, because I'm not alone and neither are you. There are comrades supporting me, and I will control that monster until the job's done. Then I'll seal it away, its powers never to be used by any human for fear of repeating history..." promised Naruto,

"You mean you don't want to control the Juubi and use it for world domination?" asked Kurenai in shock, this just change everything. This was not what Jiraiya had told her, Valkyrie was just a means to an end and not a mass destruction plan that Jiraiya and the other Kages were suggesting.

"No. Not a single human has a right to wield that kind of power, not even me. Because we don't deserve it and neither can even the noblest person not get corrupt with that kind of power. It has to be this way..." confessed Naruto, showing a completely different side of him that made Kurenai smile.

"Can you really do it?"

He was shocked by hearing her barely audible question, she never said that it was impossible, or crazy. Kurenai Yuhi was actually considering, and his heart literally jumped at the opportunity.

Grasping her hands, he looked straight in her eye and gave her a nod.

"I can, but I need your help too. Kurenai, I have this dream that one day the barrier between ninjas and civilians can be broken and we can live together as humanity. It's true that all of us have never always gotten together, and there have been conflicts. There were times when we had no choice and had to make hard decisions to protect our clans and our breatheren, but I have this dream..."

Her eyes widened in complete shock when he kneeled before her, his head bowed and voice showing how much he believed, how much he wanted this dream to come true. She listened closely and saw him tear up.

"I know there will be problems in the Reich too, but I believe it is the destiny all of us have yearned for. And that dream of the future. That is why I ask you to take the first step today, believe in me just this once. So, please, please, please, please..."

She was moved by the determination and compassion in this man, this was the Naruto she had loved. The one who always cared about others, here was the most powerful man in the world kneeling before her for the sake of...

"I beg you for the sake of all our beloved children. Now is the time to weave all the pain, suffering, frustration we shinobi have suffered to create a new future for humanity and guide mankind to a different path"

A pair of soft hands wrapped around him, and he heard the sobs of another person. It was Kurenai...

She openly cried as only now did she realize who this man truly was. He was not the destroyer Jiraiya said he was, rather Naruto was the savior of the shinobi. He really was the chosen one, the prophesied boy who would save their dying world.

Everything he had said came straight from the heart, and he never showed any shame or hesitation in order to lower himself in front of her. Naruto could simply kill all of them and be done with it, that would be the easy choice. But here he was, trying to take the hard path and take everyone together as a family. His methods were not perfect, but at least he was trying for everyone's sake.

In him, she could see the reflection of Hashirama Senju who worked hard to end the clan wars era. The Will of Fire still burned in Naruto, in a twisted way.

Kurenai could now clearly see why Kakashi, Sasuke, Tsunade, Haku and so many others had joined this man willingly. Naruto just had this mysterious quality about him that made people follow him, love him, believe in him no matter the odds. A true leader, one who had endured the most difficult past and yet led them to a better future.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." said Kurenai tearfully, as he smiled and wiped her tears away.

"You fought for what you believe in, but sometimes we have to improvise and roll back the hard six. We have to believe in our heart too..." suggested Naruto, getting a sheepish nod from her.

"You need to go now. Take the western exit, you'll encounter the least resistance there..." said Kurenai quickly, determined to get him out of here. She knew what she was doing.

When the others found out what she did, there was only one way it would end. But now she knew, that he was the one that would lead them to peace. Just this once, she would put her fears and insecurities aside and believe in Naruto, the only man she had ever loved.

Apparently, he also sensed what her thoughts were and passionately grabbed her hand.

"I don't leave men behind, my people are out there. I will take them with me, along-with you and the men who join you. Kurenai, you can't save everyone, it is upto a person to decide whether they want to be saved or not. Stop trying to carry the entire world's burden on your shoulder. They are not worth it, and I'm taking you back with me. No arguments..." commanded Naruto, regaining his authoritative voice again.

"Why do you care about me so much?" asked Kurenai in a trembling voice, and looked at him.



Their eyes widened when a violent blast rocked the fort, looking into Kurenai's gaze showed him that the attack had started early. One look at her earned him a firm nod as both of them ran out of the room. On the way, they met Sasuke and Sakura and understanding looks passed between all four of them.

"So, does this mean Team 7 is back?" asked Sakura happily, tears falling from her eyes.

"Yes, we are but not until we get our last team member. We'll just have to drag her whining ass back with us..."' replied Kurenai cheerfully, making Sasuke smirk.

''Frak, this feels just like old teams..." said Sasuke calmly, although if one observed closely there was a faint smile tugging on his lips all the way.

Their gazes lingered on the tall blonde dressed in Emperor robes. He was running so fast that they were barely able to keep up with him, so much had changed over the years. All of them had been through a roller-coaster ride of pain, heartbreak, joy, suffering.

''People can change..." thought Kurenai,

"Or they die before they change. And yet..." thought Sakura fondly, as she gazed at the leader of Team 7. Right from the day he was a chunin to now being an Emperor.

"We're not made of stone, distortions happen. But you remained the same, Naruto. You never gave up, never faltered, always believed in us even when we tried to kill you. Forgave us when we showed you nothing but hate and anger. You truly are something else.." thought Sasuke proudly, as a lone tear slipped from his eye.

He grasped Sakura's hand who gave him a nod. they were free now.

And it was all due to the dream of one stubborn blonde bastard!

Kurenai harshly panted as she finished catching up with Naruto who had ran ahead, she could understand why he was so quick since he had many of his comrades in the area where the blast had happened. Sasuke and Sakura also arrived by her side, and what all of them saw made their hearts stop.

The Resistance and the Empire Teams were at each other's throats, but Naruto's eyes were somewhere else.


Sasuke saw what Naruto had seen and also noticed the violent cracks in the walls of the fort, the pressure and malicious aura rose as Sasuke quickly tackled Sakura and Kurenai to the ground. And the very next second...