Chapter 83: Fight To Death

Kurenai slowly opened her eyes, her fingers wiping away the dust that had settled on her face. Sakura was lying beside her, completely unharmed. Above them Sasuke stood with his arms spread in order to shield them from any harm. Even if it was not needed...

As they looked around they saw the entire fort had been destroyed in a series of violent explosions. Yet the occupants of the room, specifically the empire's delegation was unharmed and safely stood behind Naruto who didn't have a scratch on himself.

In front of them stood the familiar figures of Jiraiya, Anko, Temari, Mei, Ao, Chojuro, Baki and Kankuro.

It was what Kurenai saw next that made her freeze and take a nervous gulp. As there stood the Raikage just as agreed, along with 7,000 battle ready Kumo shinobi. And it was only 40% of the entire Kumo army, but what was most terrifying were the 2 Jinchuuriki that stood beside the dark skinned man. Fighting against the Nibi was one thing, but against the Hachibi who was said to be the perfect host...

"Tsunade, tend to the wounded civilians. Kakashi, get the reporters and passerby to safety regardless of which side they belong to. Lee, you co-ordinate with our incoming battalions. Now!" commanded Naruto, his voice lacking a single shred of sympathy. This was the emperor speaking, and he was pissed.

Tsuande could only stare in horror as their situation went straight to hell, while Kakashi sent a pleading look towards Anko. Lee quickly urged those two to make themselves scarce or risk the wrath of The Demon Emperor.

"Kurenai, Sakura, get back here..." hissed Jiraiya, and saw both kunoichi lowering their heads.

"What the hell, Kurenai, Sakura? Come back right now..." barked Anko, and took a step back when Naruto's gaze landed on her. Just looking into those cold eyes made her sweat.

"I am going to murder ever last single one of you. Anko, this is the last chance I'm giving you. I was a brother to you, so I'm asking you to come with me. Kurenai and Sakura can explain, if you don't trust me then have faith in them. Because otherwise I will rip you to shreds, I saved you from Orochimaru's curse, have you forgotten that?" asked Naruto sternly,


"Now or never, Anko. Either stand alone as a ninja and die, or join Team 7 and we can be a family again. The choice is yours..." said Naruto frankly, and looked the woman straight in the eye. The sheer intensity of Naruto's gaze promised mass murder and an extremely brutal death to Anko. The man was done joking...

A minute passed before Anko quickly shunshined to Kurenai's side, her gaze lowered towards the ground much to Jiraiya's horror. But the man was saved from further disgrace when the remaining members of Konoha 12 arrived beside him, their eyes glaring at Naruto.

"Been a while, guys..." greeted Naruto coolly,

"Surrender, Emperor. Or don't, I rather prefer you die here..." said Ei sharply, receiving a smile from the blonde emperor.

"We'll see about that..."

"You are surrounded and outnumbered-"

"Check again..." suggested Naruto, as Darui came running from the corridor with a terrified look in his eyes.

"Raikage-sama, 5 entire enemy battalions are marching towards us. It's the SS Battalions..." warned Darui nervously, and saw every ninja flinching.

Not only was the battlefield almost leveled now, the SS were Naruto's best and most powerful soldiers. And when he turned towards the SS commander, a mad grin came on Sasuke's lips.

"Go wild, Commander..." said Naruto seriously,

"No restraints?" asked Sasuke eagerly, was Naruto Uchiha actually allowing him to go bat shit crazy on the enemy?

"I want their screams..."

Sasuke grinned as his eyes locked with Darui, both commanders shared challenging looks determined to go all out. Just as they went out of the room, the Sound Four arrived along with Guren and kneeled beside their leader.

"Your highness, orders?" asked Guren respectfully,

"Don't interfere. Your only job is to protect Kurenai, Sakura and Anko. It is not that I don't think they're strong, but they are people whom I have granted asylum and will play an important role in the near future. Protect them to your last breath..." ordered Naruto,


Kurenai tried to move in order to stand beside Naruto but was stopped as Tayuya stepped in front of her. The red head looked irritated but didn't move to forcefully stop her.

"Don't interfere, Hokage. He can handle it..." said Tayuya frankly,

"He's outnumbered, I have to help him..." argued Kurenai in protest, receiving a weak nod from Sakura as well. Sakon snorted on hearing her argument.

"You're staring at the man who single handedly defeated the entire Reich army, he's our strongest warrior..."

"If he can't prove his strength, then he has no right to rule. Besides this has now become a matter of personal honor for him...''

"Just don't get in the way or you'll end up a dead. When he's this pissed, it's best to give him a wide berth. Are you ninjas retarded or something? Or do you have a death wish going against him of all people when all he offered you was mercy, which is more than any of you deserve. Now you've royally pissed him off and there will be blood..." finished Guren, making Kurenai gulp.

The Raikage raised his hands as two entire platoons of Kinkaku squadron stepped forward. The was just the first wave of enemy fighters and they were already fielding those soldiers that took the life of the Nidaime Hokage. The Resistance was deadly serious.

"So be it..." said Naruto calmly


If the Kinkaku squads were not enough of a threat, another 100 Kumo shinobi charged towards Naruto who had an eerily calm expression on his face even as the enemy was now barely a few meters away from him.

"From here on out, you will know SUFFERING!"

"Mokuton: Sashiki no Jutsu (Wood Release: Cutting Technique)"


Kurenai Yuhi had been a ninja for years, had been through many tough missions and had seen many people die brutal deaths. Yet none of her experience could prepare her for the massacre as hundreds of wooden tendrils rose from the ground and pierced through every single Kumo ninja. The Kinkaku squads and their supporters met their end instantly in a rain of blood and guts.

"Mokuton..." said Jiraiya in shock, he knew Tsunade had interjected Hashirama's cells inside Naruto to save his life from Danzo's virus. But that was it, Naruto didn't have any ability to use Mokuton 3 years ago. But now everything had changed, and the Toad Sage realized their critical intelligence failure.

The Sannin's gaze shifted towards the 2 Jinchuuriki and the extent of their mistake hit him hard, they had brought the sacrificial lambs straight to the wolf's doorsteps.

The Raikage could only helplessly watch as his best fighters were obliterated right in front of his eyes. The way his men were massacred made him actually think that perhaps it was not a good idea to have brought Bee and Yugito with him. But there was no choice now, if he made his strongest fighters flee then the SS battalions along with the monster standing in front of him will kill most of his 7,000 fighters.

There was no way he was going to lose here.

"You fool, you still think you can win?" asked Naruto irritatedly, as he saw the defiant look in the Raikage's eyes.

"There are 4 Kage level shinobi against you, along with 2 of the finest Jinchuuriki in the elemental nations. We outnumber you Six to One..." said Ei proudly, but seeing Naruto smile made him regret saying that statement the very next second.

"Is that right?" asked the Emperor, as he clasped his fingers together.

"Mokuton Bunshin (Wood Clone Technique)"

A total number of 48 wood clones emerged from the forest of wooden tendrils that had just slaughtered the Kinkaku squadron. In a flash the clone army opened their eyes and each Kage along with their aides were surrounded by 12 wood clones.

Naruto shook his head on seeing the white anger in the Kage's eyes...

"Now it's twelve against one. Don't whine in front of me, You are the Kage. Now then, would you like these clones to use Mokuton and Susanno?" asked Naruto wickedly,

Anko sighed in relief, she thanked whatever messed up part of her brain that had urged her to join this side. And now watching the Kages and Jiraiya actually surrounded made her shiver, their plan to overwhelm the emperor with brute force had completely backfired.

Kurenai could hardly compare this powerful man to the pleading leader who had kneeled before her a few minutes ago, was he this powerful the entire time? He had no need to reason with her, and yet he had. He truly was an exceptional person. Only if Jiraiya understood it too...

Sakura was shivering with the bloodlust that Naruto was raining down on all of them, she saw her stubborn friends were not fairing any better either. This fight was way out of their league.

With the Kages surrounded the emperor marched towards the 2 Jinchuuriki only to be intercepted by his former friends. Shikamaru was at the front, Ino on the right, Kiba on the left, Neji, Shino and Tenten bringing up the rear.

"This is as far as you go, Naruto..." snarled Kiba,

Naruto looked at his defiant former friend, he had given the boy a chance before but not anymore. The others had the same unwilling expression in their eyes, none of them were going to get out of his way.

Before the Konoha ninja could blink, Naruto was in front of Kiba eyes locked on the now surprised Inuzuka clan heir.

"May Hachimon have mercy on your soul..." said Naruto sadly,


Ino cried in horror when Naruto touched Kiba's forehead and the boy exploded in a mass of flesh and blood. Several wind waves circled around Naruto protecting the emperor from getting drenched in the grime. Shikamaru and the others collapsed on their knees when Naruto increased his KI barely, the furious emperor grabbed the Nara by his ponytail and lifted him up with one arm.

"Damn you for forcing me into this position..." said Naruto angrily, he was angry at this man the most. How could he foolishly lead his men against an enemy against whom none of them could do shit.

"The will of-"


Shikamaru's horrified scream echoed across the area as Naruto plucked out of his left eye and threw it aside rendering the boy half blind. Giving one last disgusted glance towards the wailing Nara, he tossed the fool aside and started walking towards the 2 Jinchuuriki who were staring at him in shock.

Naruto snarled when someone grabbed his leg halting his march, looking down he saw Tenten was the one who was stopping him.

"Tenten, NO!" yelled Neji desperately,

Alas, the Hyuga was too late as Naruto raised his other foot and slammed it straight into Tenten's face splattering her brains on the floor.

After witnessing the cold blooded murder, the others lost their will to fight. The need of self preservation overrided all the anger and hatred they had for this man, and moments later blissful sleep overtook them as their tired bodies couldn't take the bloodlust any longer.

With the small fries out of the way, the emperor's blood thirsty gaze landed upon Yugito who unconsciously took a step back. She was surprised when Killer Bee stepped forward as both men stared at each other, sizing each other up.

It was then both the warriors started covering their bodies with lethal Biju chakra, Naruto had formed a dark orange type cloak around himself while Bee had his entire body covered in tailed beast chakra waves that were flowing wildly.

Yugito herself channeled her Biju chakra as the two strongest Jinchuuriki of the world stepped in front of each other. Their intentions were clear, it was a fight to death.

All hell broke loose when Bee disappeared and in a flash appeared just inches away from Naruto, his left arm extended towards the emperor's neck and Yugito knew what was coming.

"Raiton: Rariatto (Lariat)!"


Yugito hesitantly opened her eyes already prepared to see the emperor's head flying in the air, and having such expectation only horrified her further when see saw Naruto grabbing Bee's extended left arm and holding it in place stopping the Lariat attack. Bee pushed harder and the emperor slid away a few inches, but not more.

Naruto grit his teeth as his bones felt the pressure of stopping that attack which would have sliced apart the head of any other ninja in his entire army. Except for Sasuke, he doubted anyone of his comrades could have survived such a devastating blow.

He saw even Bee was surprised that his attack was not only stopped but they were at a stalemate. At least that was the case before an animalistic snarl was heard from Naruto as he grabbed the older man by the stomach and lifted the heavy weight Kumo shinobi in the air, and throwing him 70 feet away where he crashed with considerable impact.

"Naruto, behind you!" yelled Kurenai,

Ei flashed behind the unaware emperor, his hand already extended to pierce clean through the younger blonde's heart with the lightning armour that was powering the Raikages's body.


A skeleton back immediately formed behind Naruto as Ei's fist impacted, the powerful blow sent Naruto sailing away as Yugito jumped towards him her claws ready to slice his head off.

"Hiso (Flying Claw)!"

Naruto spinned his Mangekyo sharingan but she was already too close, he urgently tried to think of another way to safe himself but Ei's attack had sent him straight into Yugito's crosshairs.

"Rasengan (Spiralling Sphere)!"

A blue ball of chakra impacted with Yugito's claws which not only shattered that weapon but also made the blonde Jinchuuriki cough blood as the Rasegan hit straight in her chest sending her sailing away.

"Keep your guard up, Naruto" warned Kurenai, but her tone was devoid of any anger. Instead it was full of worry.


Naruto looked around and saw Jiraiya had trapped half of his wood clones in a mud trap while the remaining were trapped and eliminated in some kind of barrier. The Sannin was certainly living up to his name by saving the Kages and his people. And right now the Toad Sage was glaring at his former student.

"You're defending this demon, Kurenai?" asked Jiraiya murderously,

"By siding with this monster you're approving of every atrocity he did to us?" asked Mei in shock, and saw the Hokage's fist clenching.

"Yes, I don't approve..."

Naruto felt his heart shatter a little when he heard Kurenai say that...

"I don't approve of his methods, but not Naruto himself. For him, I have nothing but love and respect..." said Kurenai fiercely, and didn't dare to look on her side in order to avoid the shock that was on Naruto's face.

"He's an honorable man who works day and night for everyone. Maybe he has made some mistakes, maybe not all his actions were just but he understands the pain in people's hearts better than all of us. He is not the demon..."

She grasped his hand tightly, and gave him the most beautiful smile of her entire life. A lone tear slipped from his eye as right there in this moment something fundamental was fixed. The trust, the bond, the love that was lost was regained as the two of them joined their paths again.

"He's Uchiha Naruto, the savior of this world and the man whom I love..." proclaimed Kurenai, without any hesitation.

She didn't care what others thought of her, not anymore. She didn't care whether Naruto would ever love her back or even want her in his life, for once in her life she was determined to let her feelings known. One way or another she was determined to give him her full support, for whatever it was worth.

Anko and Sakura quickly appeared beside the stunned Emperor, followed by the Sound Four and Guren. Together they formed a protective shield around him and now stood between him and the entire resistance leadership.

"What shall it be, Emperor? Stand and Fight? Or Make a Tactical Retreat?" asked the Hokage, and he surprised her by grabbing her hand.

"We fight..."

With the warriors from both sides ready, Kurenai stepped forward and closed her eyes. This decision was not an easy one for her, but she knew now.

"Naruto, I believe now that you are the bridge to peace. I shall believe in you and be the pillar the supports this bridge for you and my people..." thought Kurenai seriously, as her hands moved to form seals.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" (Summoning Technique)"

There was a puff of smoke and all the empire warriors along with their leader found themselves on top of a giant wolf. Even Naruto was surprised as he saw Kurenai was the one who summoned this creature and was calmly staring at Jiraiya and the Kages.

"I'll handle Jiraiya, Mei and Temari..." said Kurenai frankly, as his eyes widened in shock.

"You can't be serious, they are-"

"I'm the Fifth Hokage!''

Her stern, yet passionate answer made him look at her in a new light. This was not the Kurenai he knew, but a leader who had something to fight for.

"For long I have allowed others to dictate the path my people need to follow. Not anymore, today I will decide what is best for my people. And my word will be the law. Anko take care of Baki and Ao. While Sakura, you engage Chojuro and Kankuro. This is the command of your Hokage!" ordered Kurenai sternly,

Naruto saw the designated two kunoichi bow before their leader and a moment later they were standing opposite their chosen targets, ready to execute the orders and the will of their leader.

The emperor commanded his own soldiers to go assist the two kunoichi leaving only Naruto and Kurenai standing beside each other.

"Naruto, you must win. Against your past, and against the results of your actions..." said Kurenai softly,

To her surprise, he pulled her towards him and kissed her forehead affectionately. That single gesture easing all the tension in her heart as she smiled at him.

"Kurenai, don't die..." requested Naruto, making her smirk.

"Who do you think I am?" teased Kurenai, receiving a happy smile in return.

"Point Taken..."

With one last glance towards her Naruto jumped off the giant wolf with the Raikage right on his heels as the two warriors headed in the direction of the last two Jinchuuriki.

Ei, Yugito and Bee stared at the warrior standing in front of them. The trio had surrounded the man and even then he had a faint smile on his face.

Ei's entire body was coated in lightning armour, Bee had armed himself with all his swords, while Yugito had equipped a new set of sharp, metal claws. To their surprise, Naruto didn't take out any weapon in his defense.

Instead, there were nine tails emerging from his back. At least that was what it looked to his enemies...

They were covered in a strange reddish-orange colored energy, were hard as a wood substance, completely flexible as they floated freely in the air. Naruto's eyes were completely red in color, even redder than the color of his sharingan dojutsu.

"Ready to die, Naruto?" asked Ei flatly, receiving a shrug from the blonde.

Strong gusts of wind blew over the open field, the shadowy clouds hiding the sun as Naruto closed his eyes. It was time...

Ei and Bee charged towards the young emperor who had his eyes closed, the tail like forms came forward and fired hundreds of poisonous chakra laced bullets. The sheer number of projectiles forced Bee to shield himself and the Raikage with the help of his own octopus tails. The dark skinned man hissed in pain as the poison from Naruto's attacks burned his Biju tails.

Yugito hastily jumped into the fray determined to rescue her comrades, her two chakra tails were already armed and claws directed towards her target.

They fought each other in a heated dance as Naruto's nine tails clashed with her own two, both sides searching for openings sending sparks and showers of blood in all directions. Yugito tried to slice Naruto's throat with her claws, only for the man to use two of his tails as a base to jump back away from her.

Bee appeared behind Naruto and tried to stab several swords in the man's back, only to be swatted away by the emperor. The momentary distraction worked as the Raikage emerged in a flash, and delivered a powerful kick that sent Naruto sailing away.

Hoping to have caused significant damage, the wish of the Kumo ninjas were destroyed when Naruto emerged from the rubble with a cracked Susanno rib shattering in front of them showing the Raikage's attack had been blocked. However, the way Naruto coughed up a little blood showed there was some damage.

"Amaterasu Danmaku (Amaterasu Barrage)"

Naruto fired an unending rain of black flame bullets with the help of his tendril like tails hitting Ei straight on his left shoulder. Before the black flames could spread across the Raikage's entire body, Yugito sliced the damaged arm off with the help of her claws making her Kage hiss in pain.

Seeing his brother in pain made Bee furious, as the entire ground started shaking and the dark skinned man slowly started changing into a giant octopus.

"Biju Hachimaki (Tailed Beasts Eight Twists)"

The entire ground got caught in violent wind waves as soil, trees started getting uprooted and getting stuck in that twister which was growing bigger and bigger. Seeing this, Naruto made a hand seal and slammed his hand on the ground.

"Mokuton: Shinra Bansho(Wood Release: All Creation)"

Smooth layers of flat wooden surface spread across the soil, the sudden change in terrain made the Eight Tails lose balance as its spinning came to an abrupt halt; making the Biju fall flat on the ground. Naruto who was still in his tendril form jumped on top of the Biju, his tails armed with small black dots.

Sensing his intentions, the Hachibi transformed Bee brought all of his own octopus tailed forward and aimed it at his opponent, as both of them yelled at the same time...

"Renzoku Bijudama (Continous Tailed Beast Balls)!"

"Renzoku Bijudama (Continous Tailed Beast Balls)!"


Kurenai and her opponents had stopped their fighting for the moment, instead all their attention was fixed two miles away where several nuclear explosions were happening one after another. The entire scene was terrifying and was something she would never be able to forget.

And just knowing Naruto was out there in the middle of this life threatening battle worried her.

"Naruto, please don't die..."

Tsunade was tending to several wounded civilians when she saw the Bijudama's going off, Kakashi who was bringing in the injured Reich warriors from the battlefield along with lost media personnel also saw the explosions.

Both of them looked at each other and could only nod hesitantly.

Sasuke blocked a strike from Darui while stabbing another Kumo Jounin with the help of his free hand. Around them lay the bodies of hundreds of Reich and Kumo ninjas. The battle was gruesome, and despite everything the Kumo ninjas were tough and outnumbered the Reich by at least 1000 soldiers.

An edge for which Sasuke was making up...

For every Reich soldier killed, Sasuke butchered 5 more Kumo warriors. But it also meant his presence on the battlefield was absolutely required or risk his forces getting slaughtered. Lee was already engaged with Might Gai and holding the Taijutsu warrior off.


Naruto vomited a handful of blood from his mouth, his Susanno skeleton that had protected him from the blast instantly crumbled rendering him exhausted. His entire body was still covered in burn marks which were being healed at the same time. Forming a Bijudama was one thing, making several one after the other and surviving against an entire wave of them at the same time was something out of the world.

Across the field, the giant Octopus also lay bleeding heavily. It's entire body covered in burn marks and injuries, the fact that the Biju transformed Jinchuuriki was still standing was quite an achievement.

"You really (cough) are the best Jinchuuriki..." complimented Naruto, and maybe he was not sure but he saw the octopus grinning a little.

If not for using Susanno, Naruto knew he would have died. His decision to send everyone away turned out to be the right one, after all. At least this way...

"Girochin Doroppu (Guillotine Drop)!"

Ei came crashing down from the sky, body still covered in lightning and left foot that was glowing brightly. Naruto pointed all his tails/tendrils upward as the kick made contact. To the emperor's horror, his body was still recovering from the Bijudama war just like Bee. But the Eight Tails Jinchuuriki had comrades who were letting him recover. A benefit which Naruto didn't have...

Ei's kick started coming down straight toward's Naruto's back and if it connected Naruto knew he was done. Even with one arm gone, the Raikage was one of the toughest enemies Naruto had ever faced.

Bringing his arm upward he pointed it in Ei's direction...

"Banmuchi (Vine Whip)"

A plant like hunter lash emerged from Naruto's wrist which the emperor quickly grabbed, swirling the long range whip wildly in the air he wrapped it around Ei's neck sending the Raikage crashing away.

"Nezumi Kedama (Mouse Hairball SpitFire)!"

Without blinking, Naruto brought his tails/tendrils in front of him forming a protective shield just in time as a continous barrage of flaming blue colored bullets rained down on him, courtesy of Yugito Nii.

Never losing her focus on the target, she attacked the young emperor who evaded her moves again and again. He was faster, more flexible, and those tails/tendrils on the man's back were something that made Yugito jealous. That unique trait gave Naruto offensive as well as defensive capabilities along with great speed.

She realized this power was not just due to the Biju inside of Naruto, but it seemed these tails/tendrils were a combination of Naruto's chakra, Kyuubi's chakra, and several genetic mutations alongside the Mokuton power of his.

Naruto stopped when he saw a genuine smile arrive on the blonde woman's face, showing how beautiful she was.

"Something on your mind?" asked Naruto calmly, surprising Yugito.

She looked at him for a moment, even in the midst of this life or death battle he was smiling. There was no hatred in his eyes for her, instead he understood her.

"You're got good moves..." said Yugito frankly,

"You're not too bad either..." retorted Naruto, making her smirk. Cheeky bastard.

"I really don't wish to fight, you. Yugito Ni..." said Naruto honestly, making her genuinely smile for the first time.

"I'm afraid that's impossible...Uchiha Naruto" replied Yugito silently, as they both shared a nod.

"If only we had met some other way. I would have liked to have a chat with you..." thought Yugito sadly,

Naruto narrowed his eyes when the giant octopus started getting back on his feet, and Yugito's body started getting transformed and taking the shape of a two tailed cat. The Raikage also appeared again beside his two Jinchuuriki, as a tired sigh escaped from Naruto's lips.

"Kurama, are you ready?"

"Was wondering when you'd ask. I'm been itching for some action.." complained the fox, as Naruto shook his head.

"I'll grant your wish just this once...''

The Final Jinchuuriki War had just begun...