Chapter 84: Atleast with Sorrow

Haku hurriedly ran through the dense forests, her fists were clenched and faint tears were falling from her eyes. Behind her was an army of nearly 4000 Reich soldiers, who dare didn't say a word regarding their empress's distressed look, because she had every right to be. In this moment, Haku felt guiltier than ever.

She should have stopped him, she shouldn't have let him go.

But she didn't do any of those things, if only to protect that hope in his eyes for a peaceful future. And just a few hours later, watching the fort burning on TV and the two factions engaged in all out war made her heart stop. She had made a mistake...

And a conversation from their past made her tremble...


Naruto stepped inside their bedroom after taking a hot shower, his modesty covered only by his towel as he walked towards the wardrobe. When he was about to open the door, his eyes caught sight of his wife sitting on a comfortable chair and was busy writing something in a book.

Curious he walked towards her, and without a word he started laying butterfly kisses on her neck eliciting a surprised moan from her.

It didn't help control her resolve when the fresh aroma of his body reached her nostrils making her sigh in defeat, and she let him kiss her. Their little make out session ended after a few minutes when Haku stopped him with a laugh, and got back to her work much to Naruto's disappointment. He made his feelings extremely clear with a cute pout which made her laugh.

"You're such a baby..." said Haku dismissively, as he huffed.

"Well, babies need attention..." whined Naruto,

"Later. Right now the only thing that needs my attention is work..."

His curiosity overcame his carnal desires, as he placed his chin on her shoulder and tried to grab the book in which Haku was writing.


She slapped his hand away and quickly moved the book away from his grasp, frowning he looked at her only to find a faint blush on her cheeks. Now, that was weird...

"Just tell me what it is, you know I'm not gonna stop..." said Naruto cockily, earning a mock glare in return.

"Fine, it's a book. Jeez, nobody gets privacy these days..." complained Haku,

"What about?" asked Naruto innocently, completely ignoring her last remark. She smiled for the first time in seeing the interest he had in her work, he may or may not understand it or the reason for her doing it, but the fact that he wanted to know showed he cared.

And these little things that most people considered normal or inconsiderate were the most precious things for her.

"A story..." said Haku shyly, averting her eyes from him knowing a funny remark was on the way.

"Oh, I didn't know you liked writing. It's a good hobby..." said Naruto happily, truly impressed by his wife's new activity.

She looked up in surprise completely taken away by his praise, and the sheepish smile he gave her brought a smile on her face too. Maybe, he wasn't a complete dumbass after all.

"Do you like writing too? Have you wrote something, because I'd like to read it..." expressed Haku sincerely, making him blush.

"The only thing I can write is a report. know what, it doesn't matter. I'm too dumb to ever write a story..." joked Naruto, giving her one of his most beautiful smiles.

Haku got up from her chair and wrapped her arms around him, surprising him for a moment before he did the same thing. She never missed the pain in his voice, even if he tried to dismiss it with a joke. It were times like these that reminded her that he had a horrible past, but he never let her feel that because he always smiled. She had Zabuza even after the incident with her parents, but he always fought alone.

"Haku, please finish your story..." requested Naruto, and there was something in his voice which was different. Almost pleading...

"Are you okay, Naruto?"

He didn't answer her at first, and simply went towards his wardrobe. Opening a secret drawer, which even Haku didn't know about he fetched out another book and handed it to her. Opening it she was shocked to see beautiful pictures, they were so real that she could hardly call them sketches.

"Sai never finished this story..." said Naruto sadly,

She sensed the pain in his voice, even after all these years he missed the friend who gave his life for him. To think, he had still held on to something like this...

Looking through the pictures, she realized they were of Naruto, Sai, Shin and their life in Root. It was a frakking story displayed beautifully through pictures, Sai was definitely a good artist.

"Have you ever tried to finish it?" asked Haku hesitantly,


"Haku, all we can do is live while we endure loss..."

With those words he started walking away, only to stop and turn back. He had again regained his mischievous smile, much to her surprise. Just, what was this man...

"Whatever you're writing, make sure your main character's not like me or worse I'm not the lead of your story..." joked Naruto, as she arched up one of her eyebrows.

"Getting cocky, aren't we? It's different..." answered Haku, and frowned when he almost got a relieved smile on his face; and winked at her.

"Good, because if you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be...a tragedy"

(Flashback End)

Her fists clenched as more tears slipped from her eyes. She hadn't understood the importance of those words, merely dismissing them as one of his silly jokes. But now...

She cursed herself for lying to him that day, for not telling him that it was a story about him that she was writing.

Looking back now, she understood that he had always known that his end would also be a tragedy, since the beginning was the same. From the day he was born to this day, it had always been a tragedy with a few happy moments mixed. A bittersweet story...

She ran as fast as her legs could take her, she wanted to tell him so badly that they both had something to live for now. That they now had a blessing that would...

She couldn't think anymore, or risk breaking down here itself. Instead, she channeled all her emotions and ran...

"I'm coming, Naruto. Please, hang in there..."

He smiled.

Most people would consider it insane since the gigantic transformed Biju's standing in front of him were about to rip him to shreds. But he smiled...

"Since you have already showed me your true power, then I shall also give you a taste of mine..." said Naruto, and clasped his hands together.

The reddish-orange glow around Naruto started expanded along with the nine tails/tendrils on his back. Right in front of the Raikage's eyes the figure of a nine tailed fox was born, if that was not scary enough Naruto's Mangekyo spinned while he also performed the ram seal.

The Kyuubi's body started getting covered in an armored plating of Susanno and Mokuton making the creature look even more scary.

"I am the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki and today I will show you what are the consequences of going up against the Reich..." promised Naruto furiously,

An ear piercing battlecry was made by the fox monster, resulting into a shock-wave which sent both the Nibi and Hachibi along with their Raikage sailing away. The earth shook as the two Biju's crashed roughly creating two giant craters.

Ei coughed up blood and he was sure one of his ribs had cracked, looking back towards his opponent he froze when the nine tails were raised high in the air.

And on each of them there was a tailed beast bomb.

"Kami Horokosuto (Divine Holocaust)!"

The Raikage had seen many scary things in life, but nothing could top the sight of nine tailed beast bombs rushing towards him. He was dead, and he knew it.

The Hachibi was still recovering and trying to get back on its feet, having so many legs quite hampered its ability to fight fluently on land. All of them would have died, if Nibi had not jumped in between with a Bijudama of her own.


An extremely bright light made every fighter blind and only the sound of crashes and the ear shattering wail of a cat resonated. When the dust settled and the Raikage could see clearly, he froze again.

The Nibi laid motionless on the ground, her entire body covered in blood and flesh. Just the mere sight of the gruesome state she was in, made Ei want to puke his guts out. The Hachibi went closer to its wounded comrade, nudging her hoping to receive some response. But alas, none came...

The smokescreen cleared and they saw the Kyuubi formed Naruto walking towards them, rage coursed through the Raikage's body and he flashed towards the monster.

"Raiton: Rariatto (Lariat)!"

Pouring every ounce of his chakra into the attack, he hit the fox straight in the chest.

His eyes widened in horror when the final attack didn't even make the fox fly, instead it simply created a dent in the thick armor which was instantly healed as well. In a flash, a tail had grabbed the Raikage and lifted him up to stair straight into the eyes of the fox monster; which had the scary eyes of the Susanno as well.

"You tried to devour me, so it's justice that I do the same to you..."



Ei's mortified scream echoed across the entire battlefield, as all the nine fox tails closed in and ripped his entire body limb from limb, organ through organ, they clawed and slashed until there was nothing left of the Raikage except for a shower of his blood hitting the battlefield, marking the death of Kumogakure's leader.

And the very next second, the gigantic Hachibi leapt at the Kyuubi with a blood thirsty battlecry.

"Konoha Senpu (Leaf Whirlwind)"

"Konoha Senpu (Leaf Whirlwind)"

In a heavily crowded battlefield, two fighters dressed in horrible green suits danced around each other sending punches and kicks towards each other. Both were on the opposite sides, yet there were wide smiles on their faces. Many fighters nearby could still remember the heart attack they suffered, when those green monsters did their sunset hug when they first met.

That was not a good experience.

"You have grown stronger, my wayward student..." complimented Gai, even as he aimed a punch at Lee's chest.

"Thank you, Gai-sensei. You're just the same as I can remember..." said Lee happily, dodging the punch that would have cracked his ribs

The Konoha Jounin frowned as he looked at the boy who was his most prized student, a person whom Gai loved more like his son. It had crushed him to see Lee becoming a cripple, and deep down he knew it had been his fault for failing as a teacher.

"Konoha Daisenko (Leaf Great Flash)"

He smiled on seeing Lee had mastered his move and had launched a kick towards his head, which Gai allowed to hit much to Lee's shock.

"Gai-sensei!" said Lee in shock, as he tried to run towards his teacher who was bleeding.

"Oi, you dumbass. He's the enemy..." scolded Suigetsu, a captain of the Reich as he finished slicing up two Kumo Anbu.

Lee hesitated on hearing his comrade's advice, while a part of him was worried about his teacher he also knew Gai was dangerous. One slip, and his teacher would finish him right there. So he stopped...

Gai got back on his feet and looked at his wayward student with a proud smile...

"So you've become a warrior too..." said Gai seriously,

"Can't you surrender, Sensei? Naruto-san is a good person..." requested Lee, making his teacher smile.

"I know, Lee. But he is my enemy, just as you're my enemy now. I cannot break the oaths I took as a Konoha shinobi, and will fulfill them to my last breath. But I'm happy for you..." said Gai honestly,

"Sensei?" asked Lee in shock, as a sad smile came on the older man's face.

"Maybe it's for the best that you joined Naruto. If you had remained on our side, you would have remained a cripple. But the fact that Naruto healed you knowing the risks, shows he is a good person. He's a far better man than me, Lee I just want you to know that I'm sorry for not being a good teacher to you..." said Gai remorsefully,

''Konoha Reppu (Leaf Gale)!"

A powerful spinning low kick hit Gai making him lose balance, as Lee finished up his attack by delivering several powerful kicks across Gai's chest and face sending the man crashing away.

When his vision cleared, he saw a strange fire in Lee's eyes which the boy had never shown before.

"This is the power my teacher gave me. In the past I used it for my personal glory, and it lead to my downfall. But now I will use it to protect the Reich, because it is the future I desire and the home I have sworn to protect till my last breath..." pledged Lee, bringing tears in his teacher's eyes.

"Lee, but I-"

"Every man takes responsibility for his own actions, that was what Naruto-san told me. I don't blame you for me becoming a crippled in the past, it was my own fault. Nothing more, nothing show me your youthful spirit and FIGHT!" challenged Lee

Part of him felt stupid for encouraging Guy like that, but another part of him also felt relived when the light returned in his teacher's eyes. The burden which the man had carried for the past 3 years was lessened as he got back on his feet, while Lee prepared himself for a gruesome battle.

"I'm proud of you, Lee"

"Kuroi Kaminari (Black Lightning Arrows)"

Sasuke quickly put his body through several quick somersaults, easily avoiding the black colored electric current laced arrows that would have killed him mercilessly. Regaining his balance he pounced upon a small team of Kumo genin, kids who were barely in their teens.


Darui watched in horror as not only his attack failed to hit Sasuke, but the Uchiha mercilessly beheaded the entire "Thundercloud Unit". The poor kids had been running around the entire battlefield supplying their already stretched army, and picking up wounded soldiers.

And now watching their heads sailing in the air, brought tears in the man's eyes. They were just kids, and Sasuke...

"You monster..." said Darui angrily, and saw sadness and anger arriving in the Uchiha's eyes.

"No, you're the monsters. We gave you a chance for peace, but you blew it. You call me a monster, yet you allow 12 year old's who are barely out of the academy to run around a battlefield. I may be the instrument that silenced them, but they died following your orders. Their deaths are on you..." said Sasuke bitterly,

Darui couldn't say anything more, his words got trapped in his mouth as he remembered the Raikage and he himself were the ones who gave the order to launch these kids in the war.

And that was when the Kumo Army Commander heard two sounds.

The first was the ear piercing cry of their Raikage, it was so horrible and painful that it sent a cold shiver down Darui's spine. Whatever could make the Raikage react like this was...

He was in for another shock, when the sound of battle-drums reached him. Looking up he saw an entire army of 4000 Reich soldiers marching towards the battlefield reinforcing their already fighting comrades. Leading the charge was the empress herself, and the look in her eyes screamed for blood.

"Butcher them all..." commanded Haku,

Now outnumbered and outgunned, the Kumo forces along with several other resistance fighters found themselves getting surrounded. The enemy had fielded fresh troops on the ground, while their own forces had been tired due to the long, gruesome battle.

Darui quickly raised his hand and fired red smoke in the air,


Sasuke frowned when a few platoons of resistance fighters started acting as a last line of defense, while the rest of the enemy forces started retreating quickly. The fleeing ninjas were shocked when many of them were gunned down by arrows fired by the Reich's archers who had positioned themselves high up in the mountains.

The Uchiha saw Haku rip an entire man in half, and even for a veteran warrior like him the sight was disturbing.

The Reich army completely surrounded the Kumo army, a few hundred soldiers and officers escaped but the rest were surrounded. And what followed after that was a massacre that would be remembered for decades, as every man, woman, child of the resistance who was holding a weapon was butchered till the last ninja.

Kurenai hurriedly ran through the battlefield, amongst the sea of retreating soldiers she was just another ninja running around. Most of the resistance fighters didn't even know of her shifted loyalties, so they gave her a wide berth. A big mistake, since the Sound Four alongwith Guren that were on her tail killed anyone that got in their way.

She had already sent Sakura to Tsunade in order to provide medical assistance to the wounded civilians and ninja alike, while Anko had insisted to go find Kakashi.

Surprisingly, Jiraiya and the other Kages had made a hasty retreat when the signal was given. But then again they didn't have a choice when the empress herself arrived on the battlefield with a blood thirsty army. Kurenai could only hope any of Naruto's comrades told his wife about Kurenai's surrender. She didn't want to hurt any of his soldiers, much less his wife.

That last thought left a bitter taste in her heart, as for the first time the reality kicked in that there was another woman in Naruto's life.

But she couldn't think about it right now...

So she simply ran towards the area where the monstrous fight was taking place, the tremors magnified the closer she got to the position.

"Hang in there, Naruto..."

For a brief second, his entire vision was flooded with the image of a gigantic, furious octopus lunging at him. Before he could blink a punch impacted with the fox transformation's face, the Susanno armor cracked instantly and shattered to pieces as he sailed away before crashing into a mountain obliterating it completely.

Looking down he could see several cracks all across his fox body, the Susanno armor along with Mokuton plates had consumed most of the damage. But..

"Bijudama (Tailed Beast Bomb)!"

A heavily wounded Nibi quickly launched a massive attack which hit him head on, there was a blinding flash of light and when their visions returned they were surprised to see the fox bleeding heavily, its Susanno armor was cracking and reforming at the same time. Looking deeper, they saw Naruto coughing up blood and showers of blood were erupting all over his body.

They searched around and saw the almost invisible figure of Shino Aburame hiding behind a boulder, and a small swarm of bugs were continuously flowing from his arms. The ninja was dressed in the uniform of an Anbu captain, and around him was a group of 200 highly skilled Anbu blackops.

"I have overloaded his metabolism with my insects. They're destroying his body cells at a rapid pace, take him down now!" commanded the Aburame,

"Hai, Captain!"

Yugao and her Anbu quickly surrounded the struggling fox from all sides and performed a set of hand seals.

"Doton Jishin (Earth Release: Earthquake Jutsu)"

"Doton Ishihassha (Earth Release: Stone Catapult Jutsu)"

The earth shook violently as the Hachibi and Nibi grabbed each other for support, thereby preventing their fall. The Kumo Jinchuuriki had to hand it to those Anbu Blacklops, either they were frakking insane or extremely courageous.

The fox fell down on the ground quite badly, as rows after rows of giant stones rained down on its armor tearing it apart piece by piece. Naruto's scream was terrifying as those bugs destroyed him from the inside, they were eating him completely.

"Kurama...." said Naruto painfully,

"They are too many, Naruto. I can either maintain our transformation or divert all energy towards these bugs...'' replied his fox partner, desperation evident in his eyes. Because either choice was bad for them.

Naruto screamed in pain as a burning sensation erupted inside his chest, his lungs were on fire and he could feel those filthy beasts moving straight towards his heart.

"Team 2, launch the explosives!" commanded Shino,


The Kumo Jinchuuriki could only watch in amazement and horror as the Anbu force led by an extremely capable officer started overpowering the emperor. It were times like these that reminded them that no matter how strong a Biju or their Jinchuuriki were, the ninjas were the most capable and skilled warriors mankind had ever seen.

If led by an extremely skilled officer, they could be deadly for the enemy. No matter who they were, and seeing the young Aburame take charge reinstated hope in them.

The glasses wearing Anbu officer turned towards the two Biju, he didn't even flinch despite merely being an ant compared to those monsters.

"Yugito-san, Bee-san, lend us your assistance. I have a plan..." requested Shino neutrally,

"Wasn't the order for retreat just given?" asked Yugito hesitantly, her wounds had still not healed completely after all.

"Once the foe is before you, the Anbu always fight. No matter if we lose our arms, legs or even our lives. It doesn't matter, Konoha unleashed him on the world; now it is our responsibility to put him down. Naruto was my friend once, and I will stop him..." promised Shino, and for a moment there was some remorse in the boy's voice.

The Jinchuuriki gave weak nods agreeing to the request, despite everything Naruto was one of them and to see him stabbed in such a way from behind was painful. But then again they didn't have a choice, the emperor was too powerful to be taken out in a fair battle. Deception was the only way left, it was dishonorable but then again what the resistance did at the negotiations and the history of the shinobi world never had the word 'honor' written in it.

Either you win or lose, the means were not important at all.

Shino quickly explained his plan to the Jinchuuriki who gave hesitant nods, there was some reluctance in their eyes but they still agreed for the sake of victory.

The Hachibi quickly jumped into the fight, as the Anbu force continued to distract the surrounded fox.

"Inku Kobore (Ink Spilling)!"

The octopus showered an unending rain of dense, black colored ink drenching the struggling fox completely. Not a second later, Shino directed another one of his teams who jumped forward and finished their hand seals.

"Katon Hosenka no Jutsu (Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)"

Hundreds of medium sized fireballs were launched by the Anbu teams, when they made contact with the spilled ink half of the fox's body erupted into fire. Its painful scream almost made most of the Anbu deaf.

"Naruto, I tried to stop you peacefully before. But you killed Kiba and Tenten, I won't ask for your forgiveness...we are friends, after all" finished Shino sadly,

The Nibi launched another set of punches and kicks that sent the fox crashing once again. A heavily bleeding, injured Naruto looked at the boy who was once his friend and an unending hatred rose in his heart.

"YOU'VE BETRAYED ME, SHINO!" yelled Naruto furiously,

"No, my friend. It is the world that has betrayed you, don't resist your suffering will be over soon..." said Shino compassionately, and froze when a blood thirsty look appeared in Naruto's eyes.

"So, that's your answer...Shino"

An eery silence prevailed in the area, just before the entire terrain started trembling. Sensing danger, Shino quickly jumped as far away having previous experience of his friend's destructive powers.

"Soldiers, fall back!''

No sooner had he said those words, Naruto clasped both of his hands together and yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Kotan (Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees)!"

Hundreds of trees emerged from beneath the surface capturing around 180 of the Anbu within their grasp. Showers of blood erupted everywhere as the captured soldiers were executed immediately without a shred of mercy. Even the Biju were not spared as several trees wrapped themselves around the Hacibi and Nibi making them crash flat on the ground.

The wooden trees had pierced their entire bodies, and were draining their chakra at a rapid pace.

"My body..." said Yugito in agony,

"Uhh..." grunted Bee,

"To think he was this strong. Naruto, you truly are..." said Shino in shock, the Susanno had faded and so had the Mokuton plating leaving only a smaller version of the fox which was barely standing.

Blood leaked all over its body, but even then everyone knew who the winner of this battle was.

At least that's what it seemed before Shino closed his eyes, and signaled towards the Hachibi and Nibi. The remaining 20 Anbu along with their captain started beating a hasty retreat, they were running so fast as if the Death God was behind their asses.

Suspiciously, Naruto turned towards's Kumo's two Jinchuuriki, only to see them grinning.

"They're really gonna do it..." said Kurama in horror,

"Do what?" asked Naruto quickly, already fearing the answer.

The answer to his question was revealed when the two Biju in front of him started increasing in size, from experience he knew they were preparing a Bijudama. The largest one both of them could form, what was confusing was the fact that their mouths were closed and they had not aimed in his direction...

A horrible feeling erupted in his gut, as he realized what they were doing.

"STOP THEM, Naruto. If they blow themselves up, every living soul in a 200 mile radius will be wiped out from the face of the earth..." warned Kurama urgently,

Naruto made his fox transformation get back on its feet, he had barely recovered from the earlier damage he suffered. His body was lethally injured, he tried to form another Bijudama to stop the Biju in front of him from committing suicide, and thereby finishing a mass extinction.

He coughed up blood more violently, as the half Bijudama he had formed vanished. The Hachibi and Nibi had reached their greatest size, their bellies stretched to the limits due to the abominable Bijudama brewing inside of them. When they gave him sad smiles, he knew they were really going through with it.

Kurama was shocked when Naruto made their fox transformation stand and ran quickly towards the suicidal Biju's...

"What are you doing?" asked the fox nervously, and saw his partner smirking.

"Doing the right thing..."

Kurama's eyes widened in shock as he understood the meaning behind those words, right on cue Naruto made their fox transformation leap straight into the air and crash right on top of the surprised Hachibi and Nibi. The emperor quickly shrouded the nine tails over the two Biju beneath him, completely covering them under his shadow.

"Naruto, you...''

"I promised my people that I will bring them home safe. And I intend to keep my promise this time.." confessed Naruto, a resigned smile arriving on his lips.

A lone tear slipped from the Biju's eyes as they felt an extreme sensation rising beneath them. The heat was crucifying, as a blinding light started spreading.

"I'm glad I got to know you, Uchiha Naruto..." said Kurama proudly,

'Likewise, my friend..."

He laid the head of his fox transformation over the other two Biju, as the three of them shared knowing looks. His entire life flashed before his eyes, as he remembered all the people that had stood by his side, and helped in fulfilling his dream.

"You're my son, Naruto..."

"I'll always have your back, kid...''

"The flame of youth burns brightly in you..."

''We're brothers. And I will slaughter anyone who dare raise a finger towards you or our Reich.."

"I have always loved you, Naruto. And always will..."

"You're an incredible person, my love. I shall be with your forever..."

He smiled as memories of Tsunade, Kakashi, Lee, Sasuke, Kurenai and Haku came to his heart. He felt at peace, the dream that was born 3 years ago was now finally a reality. The Reich would live on...

"Everyone, you are the future of this world. I leave the rest to you..."

"Atarashi (Nova)!"

Kurenai and her comrades were violently blown away by an extremely powerful shock-wave, showers of water erupted from the ground, the soil cracked completely, even the clouds in the sky rumbled due to the gigantic explosion that obliterated the entire battlefield where the Biju's were fighting.

An unending rain of fire, blood, guts, fell down from the skies drenching the Hokage in it.

Her lips trembled, her legs lost all strength as she collapsed on the ground. Tears fell frown her eyes as her breathing became heavy and her vision clouded.


Dark clouds had covered the entire sky as heavy rains started falling down slowly.

Kakashi quickly grabbed Haku as the empress fell down on her knees. They had just finished exterminating the enemy forces, when the biggest explosion they had ever seen happened.

Haku was hyperventilating, her hands tightly clutching her belly. Her vision went blank when Shino's voice cracked over the communication devices of the now deceased resistance soldiers.

Even if they were all dead, the message given by the resistance officer was quite clear...

"Emperor Assassination...complete"