Chapter 5 Affection going up too fast.

Deva's here!I'm the cute, adorable and little sister of Velena Big sister and Ira Big sister.We are trouble.Like really in trouble.It's not that kind of trouble where you accidentally insulted your teacher in its face.

No,no,worse.Immagine meeting the daughter of the ruler of a powerful kingdom then not only you started with the wrong foot but somehow always get in their ways,somehow lured the monsters chasing you in her direction,somehow able to open and get all the items within the chests in front of her despite they were the ones arriving firsts and lastly as icing on the cake somehow the very thing they were after ending in my two hands, yup yup!The person that somehow become the nemesis of the princess of the elven kingdom, is me!

So not only you pissed off a princess but also get the item they were here in first place.So congratulations to me!Making an enemy not only of the princess but also the entire elven kingdom.

Currently, you see, we are now surrounded by knights wearing from head to toe armours made from black crystals,a rare metal able to resist all kind of ailments and block a direct attack from an A rank monster and each one of them armed with an enchanted weapon which are all pointing towards us ready to attack. Leading them there's a woman colder than Ira,holding a rapier pointing particularly at me and who is now glaring at the items in my hands.

Tatata,test time!What's the item in my hand?

An unique artifact?Capable of doing extraordinary things?

A legendary weapon?Capable of one-shotting every boss at our current level?

Perhaps the egg of powerful monster?By taming it you will have a fearsome pet.

Maybe the core of this dungeon?Joking that's too difficult to get,for now.

Or maybe the seeds to grow like a forest of world trees?

Tan Ta Tan!Correct!In my hands there are seemingly nine plain seeds but the fact that they coated with an aura of sacredness explains that is all but plain.

There were twelve seeds but details,I leave to your immagination to what we did with the three seeds.

"You girls, I will not repeat myse-"

Okay,okay.You might be confused.So let's ignore this princess and let's go to a month ago, few weeks after our 'bonding' in the beginner dungeon.




These last days we spent our days in laziness and indulgence.

Waking up together with two beautiful girls in a big and fluffy bed, eating delicacies cooked by Velena wearing only a white revealing apron, reading all kind of books:from history and geography to fairytales and horror, with Ira while cuddled together wrapped in a fluffy blue blanket.Taking a nap in the afternoon and then have tea with the two of them in a bar in the city,afterwards proceeding to stroll around the town and if something catches our attention we would buy it,obviously with moderation.Then eat dinner in a restaurant and then we would have a bath all together then after that we would sleep.

But it didn't take long to finish all the money I saved before I received the system.

"Sisters,we're broke."

By watching their confused expresion it seems they still do not understand.

"Meaning...No more delicious food,no new books,no tea in the afternoon..."

"Well that doesn't seem the end of the world,right sister Ira?""Right."

"...and no shopping."


Then after some seconds of silence.

""You're kidding right?!""

"U-unfortunately dearests big sisters if we don't do anything about it..."I cover with my left hand my mouth,"*sob* we will be homeless."

"No way...""Okay,little Deva,Ira.It's enough, let's stop playing around."

""Fiiiine"" "So,oh my dearest little sister,what are your plans."

"Easy.Let's go to explore the newest and hot topic dungeon,get every item within the chests and then sell the common and rare ones in the market and those unique ones to the action house!"

"Well then let's prepare to set off Ira.""Um!"

They stand up ready to prepare the items we need for this journey.


"You girls are not going to ask me what kind of dungeon and how hard?"

"Nope,we trust our little sister.""You trained us for this right?"

"Well yeah...but."

"Then there's no problem.Ira!Where are the bags?"

"Can't find them!Help me search the bags!"

"Why so close and chummy all of the sudden..."


They leave me alone in the suddenly a bolt of realization hit me...

Is it me or the three of us just behaved like that for like all these past days.

Sleeping and cuddling in the same bed,making cook Velena only with an apron on her,reading and cuddling with Ira in a couch,walking out holding each other's hand and lastly have together a bath...

This is not what like siblings do,right?Maybe sleeping together ,holding hands and have a bath together is normal...but cuddling with your sibling and making your own sibling wear only an apron as they cook for you a dish is not what siblings normally do...only like couples and lo...vers do....



Don't tell me...

'System,show my affection rate!'

[Affections: Velena:52/100 Ira:55/100]


*Inhales*Nevermind...As long they don't reach 74 it will be all ok.Yep.

During and after the beginner dungeon,I was too busy and...enjoying myself too much that I totally forgot about the existence of the system.

'Little siter's status'

|Name:Deva Yelena Race:Human Lv:05 Class:None Strength:25 Dexterity:31^ Defense:20 Magic:41^ Charm:36^ Available free points:10...|

Okay...put 5 points strength and 5 in defense.In this way I have a balanced build.

|Name:Deva Yelena Race:Human Lv:05 Class:None Strength:30^ Dexterity:31 Defense:25^ Magic:41 Charm:36...|

"Are we all ready?Get all the necessary clothes?Enough rations?Potions?Ah and don't forget the tent.All good?Then let's set off."

The three leave the house where they spent rare days of peace,no one would know that it would be after a long time that they would return here and they would return with even more companions.