Chapter 21 Poor Thaleasin

The streets were filled with joyous and cheerful atmosphere,elves were celebrating while waiting for the World tree to reach its peak of its growth on the other side those who are giving their life force are not having such a great time.

While the most of the civilians are carefree,freely celebrating.Guards and soldiers are patrolling and monitoring the capital to prevent and stop all the variables and incidents that might happen today,while it might be a bit useless since we have Edea with us.

I, Velena, Ira, Theresa, Edea, Ms.Courtney,Thaleasin and Aalrie are watching the entire capital from the top of the royale tree.

I can't hear what six girls are talking about but I can see Thaleasin who is besides me is currently sweating buckets of sweats while the four girls listening to Aalrie and Ms.Courtney are blushing.

There is a strange division of between them and the two of us who are silent.

Let's completely ignore them and just kill time by talking with Thaleasin.

"E-ehm...You mentioned something about the angels and fairies?"

"A-ah.Yes.They sent letters of congratulations and invited us to participate in the assembly between the Kindred."

"So you're all going?"

"Obviously no.I'll remain here while the four of them will participate."

"Only the four of them?" I laughed.

"..." Thaleasin remained silent while quietly watching me in the eyes.

"*sigh* Where,when and how long it will take?"

"Haha.I knew I could count on you.Well the assembly will occur two week from now and will occur in the angels' land, lastly it will just take another week to talk and discuss important matters with them."

"But why,you didn't include us just because Theresa wouldn't feel lonely,right?"



"L-look!It's almost time."

Shifting my attention towards the World tree I could see its massive trunk,branches and foliage releasing particles of lights which they slowly scattered in the sky and then they slowly fell like snow in the entire capital,the moment one touched my body...

[You've witnessed the last stage of growth of a World Tree.You received the title [Blessing of youth].Its description is the following.]

[Blessing of youth]:The tree to commemorates its growth it has blessed the inhabitants and benefactors that it will protect from the calamities and misfortune.All will be blessed without exception even if one does not possess a system.One's body process of aging will be slowed and also preserved one's youthfulness until one's dies.

Without even giving me time to analyze my new title.

Something appeared above the World tree,from here it seems a panel of glass slowly expanding itself.

"That's the barrier that will protect us from the incoming calamity"Thaleasin who is near me said while still watching that panel slowly getting itself expand.

The two of us,Thaleasin and me, watched the other's eyes.While everyone else was dazely gazing the World tree.I concentrated in what Thaleasin was going to say.

"This is just the beginning,no for years it has still been the beginning.You too know there's more beyond,beyond those gates where monsters poured out.Unfortunately I already have my own duties I cannot pursue my desires and curiosity at the cost of thousands and thousands of lives."

"..."I remained silent.It was the first time for me to hear Thaleasin,the king of elves so much in sorrow yet so resoluted.

"After the assembly take care of Theresa and Edea.They...they have been here for so long,specially that child,Edea,she has been here for so long just because of her powers."

Under the tree,you could hear people clamouring and celebrating,the noise is loud and noisy.Part of that were also the six girls.So loud that other than me,no one could hear the words of the king.And if someone tried to eavesdrop they couldn't as something transparent was enclosing the two of us,preventing any sound to be leaked.

Probably from an artifact or casted by Courtney.

"She is a great asset for the elves but if we rely too much on her powers we won't survive that much."


"We talked and shared about how we view this world,a big cage in it smaller cages.This place has been a cage for the two but their shackles in this place are for now too shallow.I...I wish for them to not end like me,shackled to my own duties and responsabilities.I...I do not want them to rot in this sort of cage.Show and accompany them what's beyong this cage and this world.Go explore what's beyond, an infinite number of other worlds?A wasteland,devoid of everything?Worlds already destroyed?Something that makes you want to jump on one of those gates and explore them."

The barrier enclosing us disappeared,meaning he finished its monologue.He was silent waiting for my response.

I shift my attention for a moment to Theresa and Edea,and then to the World tree.

Without returning my attention to Thaleasin which he too was quietly gazing at the World tree,I say,"Sure,I'll accompany and explore with them,just wait for us to tell you all of our discoveries and make you jealous."

"I cannot wait for that." Without even watching at his face I knew he was relieved and content.




I didn't see Thaleasin for two days and so the others, but I knew what he was doing,rather what he was going through.

In fact after all the celebration and stuff passed,the queen and the court mage dragged him to who-knows-where without hesitation, but their eyes...their eyes said everything.

Hah,what an unfortunate life he have.Fortunately,I'm not in that kind of situation.

Currently I'm in the throne hall if there was trace of Thaleasin,I am here to ask him when we will get ready for the assembly.

And I indeed find him,but...

" are you doing?"


There's no way that you are okay...look at you,you are all but good.

"I'm here to ask you when we will depart to the angels' land"

But instead of Thaleasin someone else responded.

"Today little Deva." Two figures appeared from nowhere near me giving me almost a heart attack.

"Then I'm going to-"

"There's no need they are already waiting for us outside" Courtney cut me off.

"We are here to give our dear a goodbye kiss."

"Well,take your time I'll be waiting you with the others."

After saying that I bolted outside of the room, ignoring the calls of help of Thaleasin.

Thirty minutes passed when the two finally showed up.

"Fufu,now girls it's time to depart."