Chapter 23 Who will sleep with her?

There are mainly two reasons why we are traveling in a small group.

The first reason is that just with Aalrie and Courtney are enough to scare and oblitarate all kind of threats.

The second is that by traveling with a small number we would be likely to not catch the attention of hostile elements and reach the location faster than traveling with a large number.

But there's a problem here.That contradicts the first part of the second reason.

Although the winged race managed to defend their lands,the monster problem remained, in fact we have to go through waves and waves of monsters to reach the designed location.

We could've taken a route that could've take longer but safer and more confortable to travel, but Aalrie and Courtney insisted and used the excuse to take this route filled of monsters as training to not only for Velena and Ira but also for everyone.

These psychopaths made all of us fight day and night without rest. I do like fighting but this one is rather the boring and repetitive kind of fighting.

What we were fighting were monsters with a level higher than 70.With the occasional help of the others Velena,Ira and I were particularly leveling up a lot and also I am absorbing all kind of emotions:rage,despair,excitement,arousal...yes arousal,I know where that come from.

Aalrie,Courtney and Velena...

Amongs the three that was gaining the most pleasure on tormenting her enemies was Velena with her daggers [Kind and Envious].

Anyway since the route we've chosen was filled with monsters,there wasn't anything to see other than devastated and ravaged lands.And monsters and monsters and monsters.

From afar you could see massive gates,the very gates these monsters came from and also still pouring out.Occasionaly the various races would send armies to exterminate a great number of monsters around the world but their number didn't reduce, the more they kill the monsters that poured from the gates the more and stronger monsters come out from the gates.

The situation of our world is quite perilous.

Our destination is situated in the only city of the angels,Paradise.

As time passed it became more difficult to defend multiple cities or villages from the occasional attacks from groups of wandering monsters,so they decided to move everyone to one place.

It is their only city but also the most protected one as they do not need to think about anything else since there's no other city to worry.

Thinking about it,this might bring problems related to rations and other stuff but there was one thing that resolved all of this.

An owned dungeon.

The dungeon which the Matriarch of the angels is the owner.

What she basically did is to create inside her dungeon fields,mines and villages,she created a world inside her dungeon.

The city is there for protecting the dungeon.




"Girls we've arrived."

If you were to describe in one color the elves and their city then it would be a verdant green.Then what about the angels?Then it would be obviously white,pure spotless white.

That is the color that predominates the entire city and its inhabitants: the walls,the road,their clothes,weapons,homes and maybe even their underwear...

After passing the gates and after being identified as special guest we were led by two angels,each of them wearing an armor of white color and the tips of their spear too of white color.

After walking after a few minutes we entered in an inn with a signboard and written on it 'Those who came to rest,welcome to Valhalla'

What surprised me is that they only prepared two rooms for us and none of my companions uttered a single complain or word after hearing that.

One was for Aalrie and Courtney while the other one for the five of us.

Inside there were only two beds,each big enough to occupy three people.

And instantly after noticing this,sparks started to appear between the girls,glaring at each other and almost ready to pounce ar each other.

And I knew what would happen if they started so,"Hey,hey calm down.How about we calmly resolve this?"I put myself in the middle.

"How?" Edea raised her eyebrows while Theresa who was besides her crossed her arms,willing to listen to my words.

"Simple,we take turns.One night your turn,then the next one is the other's turn." Phew,with this all problems have been resolved befor-

"Who are the ones going today then?" Ira suddenly asked.Freezing,metaphorically speaking, the atmosphere but I think she might literally do it if I don't find a solution.

I have three options:

First option is to quickly propose a solution,that's hard I don't have nothing in my head.After fighting and fighting monsters left my last brain cells to cease functioning,in fact the only thing I want now is to dive in those fluffy and soft pillows and sleep.

The second option is to leave that to the four but that's not a good idea.

The third opti*yawn*

The third option is to run,and that is also not a good idea,no in fact that is the worst option I can pick.

As I grow sleepier,the four neared each other while glaring at each other.The four of them now are near the nearest bed and that's when my last brain cell activated for a moments and proposed this:

Think about it tomorrow.

And how do I do that?Simple,just watch me.

Stumbling and 'accidentaly' pushing them,I with the four ended up all squeezed in the bed.That works,despite a bit tight if we squeeze the bed can hold five people.



"Zzz" Sorry...already drifting in the realms of dreams and nightmares...

After the girls checked that Deva was really asleep,they ended up with a conclusion.

'She wanted to sleep with all of us!'

That wasn't the purpose but with this act Deva managed to solve the problem but at what cost?





|Name:Deva Yelena Race:Human Class:None Lv:32^ Strength:95 Dexterity:121 Defense:100 Magic:76 Charm:112 Available free points:135...|

|Name:Deva Yelena Race:Human Class:None Lv:32 Strength:149^ Dexterity:175^ Defense:154^ Magic:76 Charm:112 Available free points:135...| (With the effect of the title [World tree's mother] she raised her strenght,dexterity and defense each one of them by 54.)

|Name:Deva Yelena Race:Human Class:None Lv:32 Strength:159^ Dexterity:175 Defense:160^ Magic:136^ Charm:187^...| (Deva's status with her available free points alocated plus 16 other points shared by Ira and Velena)

|Name:Velena Race:Human Class:Assasin Lv:32^ Strength:100 Dexterity:90 Defense:65 Magic:45 Charm:85 Available free points:135...|

|Name:Velena Race:Human Class:Assasin Lv:32 Strength:154^ Dexterity:144^ Defense:119^ Magic:45 Charm:85 Available free points:135...| (With the effect of the title [World tree's mother] she raised her strenght,dexterity and defense each one of them by 54.)

|Name:Velena Race:Human Class:Assasin Lv:32 Strength:160^ Dexterity:200^ Defense:130^ Magic:77^ Charm:117^...| (Velena's status with her available free points alocated)

|Name:Ira Race:Ice elemental Class:Mage Lv:32^ Strenght:45 Dexterity:60 Defense:50 Magic:105 Charm:100 Available free points:135...|

|Name:Ira Race:Ice elemental Class:Mage Lv:32 Strenght:99^ Dexterity:114^ Defense:104^ Magic:105 Charm:100 Available free points:135...| (With the effect of the title [World tree's mother] she raised her strenght,dexterity and defense each one of them by 54.)

|Name:Ira Race:Ice elemental Class:Mage Lv:32 Strenght:99 Dexterity:114 Defense:104 Magic:240^ Charm:100...| (Ira's status with her available free points alocated)