Chapter 25 Fairies?

These past days we passed strolling around the city and there are some differences compared of the elven capital.

The first one is the lack of workshops,warehouses,churches and all the like, I presume they are situated inside the dungeon.

The second is the lack of any other race, in the elven capital despite few you could find humans and dwarves while here for the exception of us and the fairy envoys there was none other than the angels.

The third is related to the angels which there are mostly warriors or people that are only useful in a battlefield and the rest which are few are those managing the inns,taverns and markets meaning all the civilians are inside the dungeon.

That is a clever way to use a dungeon and gather energy, I could do the same but who can I find who is willing to live inside a dungeon and unable to leave without my consent? The option of kidnapping evildoers and leaving them rotting appeared but that is not the kind of dungeon I had in mind so I instantly removed it and continued with the idea of building a city for sentient beings loyal and devoted to me.

I am not the Matriach of the angels which she has the winged race following all her commands so the only thing I can do about the my dungeon is to continue collecting energy.

Mhhh.After this where shall we go?

I asked the same question to Velena,Ira,Theresa and Edea but I received the same answer.

-Everything's fine as long as Deva is there as well.

This put me in a deep thought...

I don't know where do go next.

There's nothing interesting around this place that is surrounded by hordes of monsters,the dungeon of the Matriach of angels is off-limits while I'm not interested for the moment to visit other lands so the only option is to try to conquer a dungeon and get stronger.

Besides we have a prophet with us that can see the future meaning she foresee when a new dungeon appears.When she returns from the assembly I'll probably ask her to use her powers to see the future and pray that a new and interesting dungeon appears.


We waited for five hours for the four and the fairy envoys to finish their meeting,why so fast you might ask.Well this will be their first meetings amongs many others.

But from the expressions of Aalrie and Courtney indicated that it didn't went that well, but I had some questions when I saw the indifferent expressions of the fairy envoys.

We were silent the entire way towards our inn.

I was extremely curious, as what happened but I played along and remained silent as well.



"The fairies abandoned the Kindred." Aalrie declared.

Her expression was a mix of confusion and fury.

"The reason?"

"They...*sigh* they allied themselves with the humans and dwarves,it seems they offered something the Kindred cannot.They didn't even try hide it,they declared such outrageous thing the moment the meeting started,we spent five hours to question them as the reason and all."

"What else other than trust and a solid alliance the humans and dwarves can offer?"

"Absolute power,atleast is what they said."

"Do they really have that thing?"

Really,absolute power?

"I don't know but the fact that they abandoned us to another is a fact."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Nothing we'll continue the meeting this time with only the angels and then report back to the king."

"Is that so?"

"You're quite indifferent to the news."

"Well other that affecting the relationship between the three of you,no major changes occured,yet."

"*sigh* It still pains me that they left for another side.But neither I or the Matriach will forgive such act."

As she ends the conversation Aalrie retires to her room to the equal confused and infuriated Courtney.

"So what about you two,how do you feel about this entire ordeal?" I turn to Theresa and Edea curious about their opinion but also why they've been indifferent to the news.

Edea tracing her finger to her chin,"Nothing really,the two of us never interacted with one of the other races,in fact other that the higher ups of each race or in case of need few have interacted with the other."

"Same here."

"You're not worried what consequences and difficulties this might bring?"

"I trust father,mother and Ms.Courtney that they can pull this off and survive even without the fairies,hmph the fairies have chosen the wrong side,I hope that the so called 'Absolute power' can save them from their doom."

Angry aren't we?




"So?Is there one popping out soon?" I ask,ecxited.

"Yes there is one,but..."

I asked Edea to use her powers to specifically foresee if a new dungeon might appear.


"But it will appear near the castle of the Devils."

"What's that?"

"It is the castle where normally the ruler of demons lives, this time their new queen is residing on it."

"That's not important,when it will appear?What are the level requirements?"

"Calm down Deva,I'll tell you.First it will appear in two months and since its location is rather far we have to travel for one month to reach the borders and then two weeks to reach the capital where the castle of the Devils is located.Then lastly the minimum level one can enter is 5 while the maximun is 150 meaning its difficulty might be high."

"Then we have to leave as soon as you finish your businesses."




The very next day the fairy envoy left and returned to their lands.

If not for being envoys Aalrie might already killed them.

Today as well Aalrie,Courtney,Theresa and Edea went to discuss various matters with the angels,probably about the fairies and such.

Unlike yesterday today they took ten hours to finish their meeting.