Chaper 34 Returning to work as a maid

Watching myself I didn't physically change in the slightest meaning that what changed is how the people will perceive me.

Also there are these.

[Immersion rate at 0%]

[One year, eleven months and thirty days remaining]

This doesn't explain anything.This can be everything to the countdown of the end of the world or just the time to avoid being captured Lily.But the good thing is that the immersion rate

There's nothing with me other than my clothes and now I'm also starving.

First is to know where I am, and fortunately I know.The lessons about history and geography paid off in the end.

There's a kingdom near that of Lily, and that is the Devola kingdom.

As long as I stay away from Lily the immersion rate shouldn't raise.Then the thing I should worry now is finding a proper job to sustain myself.

Since this is not Intris, this world or place whateveer it is, is devoid of monsters and dungeon and also it seems this world has only humans, devoid of any other races.While it might be good that this world is without the threat of being destroyed by the monsters I know, I can also be ruined by the humans themselves, the monsters of this world.

Either another world,place or dimension.There will be always wars and conflicts, and this world is no different.But since I do not have a system or a good head, the only thing I can do is that of a maid or the like.

I spent a year doing that and I can say that compared to before my domestic skills have grown.Then I should find a city and-

"Help!Please....Help!Someone!..." A scream of what I pressume coming from a girl interrupted my thoughts.

Procceding towards the direction of the voice, I walk without making too much noise with my footsteps.

Peeking behind a tree I could see three men trying to kidnap a girl who was dressed in expensive clothes, just by seeing her you could understand she is from a noble family, unfortunately it seems the ones who were accompaning her are now dead since in the ground there are several scattered corpses, and from their clothing I pressume they are her parents or close relatives, one was even leaning in the tree I am peeking from, a dagger on his hands.

Some of them were holding small daggers but it seems they were useless since there's no body with the same clothing of the three men surrounding the girl.

Ah, while I was analyzing the surroundings the three managed to tie up her limbs with a rope and cover the girl's head with a sack.

Let's call them man A,B and C.

Now, what to do?

There are pros and cons in attempting to help that girl.

After saving her, she might give a sort of compensation or I can even ask her to hire as a maid for her.

Then there's that if I try to save her I might end up being killed or even worse.

Thinking about the details about who I might provoke or the future , now is none of my concern, I just need to live here without being captured by Lily and if that girl were to hire me as a maid, I can just blend and hide myself amongs the servants.

Ok,it's decided.

Now let's just need to wait for the night to strike.




Hmm...Two resting in the tent they made and the other left to patrol the area.

Without making a sound I enter the tent the moment man A wasn't watching and with a dagger I picked up from the one leaning in the tree, I swiftly dug the blade in their throats without alerting the one outside.

Peeking through a hole in the tent, I patiently watch man A walking around the area, after man A passed the entrance of the tent I pierced his back with my dagger.

There wasn't any epic battle or something like that just the elimination of some ordinary men.





After freeing the girl, what we did was to burn the bodies of the men trying to kidnap her and buried the bodies of her relatives and parents.

There was no need to exchange words of comfort and gratitude, just from her expression I understood that it is better to leave her in her own world to reflect and recover from the events.

We only talked when I asked something like the location of her house or whether she needed help.

"Where's your house?"

"To the west" She points to that direction.

Or when she needed some company during the night.

"Can I?" She asked.

"Sure." After that she would cling to me before sleeping.

After some days of being like this, she gradually opened to me despite saying a few more words, that is.




After traveling and passing some towns using the horses and the supplies we got from the men we finially arrived at gates of a villa.

Written on the side: Vera Family.

What greeted us were not relieved servants or happy to see the girl return safe and sound but glares of indignation and contempt.

Huh, not what I imagined.

Glancing to the Vera girl, I could see her hands clenching the hem of her skirt but her face remained deadpan.

Without uttering a word or glancing at the others we proceeded inside the building.

Through the corridors only the steps of the two of could be heard.

One pair lighter than the other pair.

The melody of those steps was distrupted by the girl's whisper.

"Why are you following me?"

"I do not have anywhere to go."



And then it continued until we arrived in front of her room.

"Will you be together forever with me."


"Will you unconditionally trust me?"


She turned around to face me.

Crimson eyes and azure eyes watched the other.

"My name is Saria Vera, heiress of the Vera family." Saria lifted the hem of her skirt.

"My name is Deva Yelena a servant in hiding, my alias is Amanda." I too mimicked her action.

The azure eyes shone before returning to normal.

"From now on call me milady."


"Then welcome as my personal maid, Amanda."




[Immersion rate at 3%]

[One year, eleven months and fifteen days remaining]