Chapter 42 Matriarch and my blood

Two figures could be seen dancing in the air.

One was skillfully evading all the attacks from the other one.

Apart from the two there are three spectators seated in a hill not far away from the old castle, they were given the instruction to only spectate and not to interfere.

One of the three spectator was overly calm while watching Deva and the crazed Matriarch who were exchanging blows. While two tall and tan elves were watching with excitement and expectation.

A depression on the ground could be left with just a step or with just a blow from the vampire Matriarch.

Each strike of the Matriarch was powerful enough to obliterate an entire building and fast enough that her strike couldn't be seen by the naked eye.

Yet Deva who was coated by a purple thin film was avoiding all of the Matriarch's strikes, a smile was blossoming in her face.

"Core recalls that a vampire Matriarch have an immortal body which cannot die either from age or mortal wounds, no matter what you do either cutting them to small pieces or burn them, their body would regenarate in no time and continue to fight and as undeads they have unlimited stamina with this the only thing one can do is to either use something to control a vampire Matriarch's mind or be sucked dry by a bloodthristy vampire."

"But then how will Deva fight against such a monster?"

"Core wants to remember to the two of you the current condition of the enemy and what currently Deva possess."

"Um...A crazed and powerful vampire..."

"And Deva having her demonic powers?"

The two said with uncertainty.

"Core wants to state that Ellie is right, we have a crazed and a vampire without will as an enemy but Allie's statement is quite wrong. Deva had her soul and body cleansed by a seed of world tree, everything that comes from her body is devoid of impurity and contain some properties from the seed add that in this scenario her blood is enchanted."

"Mhh?Thinking about it Deva would sometimes experiment her blood by feeding her blood to small animals or to a crazed bandit."

"Core then asks, what were the outcomes?"

"Um, they would want more if given a single drop, some would die if given too much and few would regain their sanity after drinking the right amount of blood but each time the blood required would vary."

"That's right."

The three conversed while watching the other two figthing with each other.

Despite that it seems Deva was instead playing and savoring the thrill of the fight, while the Matriarch was tirelessly and relentlessly trying to hit Deva but to no avail, each missed hit it would further frustrate the Matriarch and increase the speed, power and unpredictability of her strikes.

"Deva is a cheat with just her power she is almost invincible in this world."

"Core states that other than physical attacks or elemental spells. Deva is quite vulnerable to mind related spells, powerful artifacts, a large number of enemies and her own title.If by any chance she is hit by a spell that control,hypnotize or brainwash the mind then the only thing she can rely is her own willpower or fall under control of someone."

"Ah,they disappeared..."




In my hands there is an artifact I received when I completed Humiliy and Pride's trial.

This is the first time I use Cross of Roses.

Before me there's the Matriarch currently trying to break free from the thousands of stems restricting her limbs, blood was flowing from her body which was caused by the spines of the roses but for the Matriarch those were just scratches.

No matter how many roses she shredded they would just continue to appear and continue to restrain her movements.


She couldn't move, each part of her body from the neck to her toes was covered and bound by a great number of roses.

She tried to use her teeth to shred the stems even with the cost to injure her mouth with the spines but was then gagged with the same stems she wanted to shred.

I watched for a moment the marvelous sight before me.

The petals from the roses she shredded were now dancing, fluttering and waving across the sky while from the cocoon made of stems and roses you could see between them blood coming from the Matriarch. In the center of all this there is the Matriarch which now is totally helpless but still growling and struggling to break free.

Plucking a rose from the ground, I swiped palm across the surface of its stem, the spines residing in the spine were enough to sligthly open a wound.

The sweet and intoxicating scent of my blood spread across the entire domain making the noisy and wild Matriarch stop and start to pant and gasp, as if just smelling the blood makes her aroused.

Her eyes locked to my palm where blood my was dripping.

I slowly made my way towards her, her gaze never leaving my palm.

Then I made the stems gagging her mouth remove themselves, the Matriarch didn't even notice as she was intoxicated just by the scent, then...





Placing my palm above her I made sure that the blood would fall to her mouth.

Slowly the droplets of blood fell in her mouth.

I didn't remove the stem with the spines from my palm, because if removed I would heal thanks to the effect pf the seed.

So I gripped the stem and made my palm bleed.

Slowly the Matriarch's bloodshot eyes slowly began to dim and return to their normal color after the one-hundred and seventh droplet of blood, the Matriarch feel asleep.

[You subjugated the Matriarch of the body Seline. Matriarchs remaining 1/4.]

Releasing her I made sure to gently laid her to the ground and slowly the domain of roses vanished and the scenery of a destroyed and ruined castle appeared in its stead.

Okay, three remaining.