Chapter 44 Intoxicating blood

Fighting against someone who can turn your ally into your enemy was the scariest thing that could happen to someone.

In fact the two Matriarchs we run into didn't move at all we just exchanged some glances and most of the party fell into their control and the one who remained could barely stand.

Matriarch of the mind Celestine and the Matriarch of the heart Uola.

Behind the two, a dozen of other beings could be seen, on their foreheads there was a symbol.

Some have the shape of a heart and some the shape of an eyeball.

Wrath, Meekness, Gluttony and Temperance were the ones are currently with me, the others well they are hiding in a place where only I can enter and leave, that's right they are inside my dungeon.

As for Seline ... well, we left her in that underground room with a bottle of blood enough to last a month, that is, if she hadn't drunk the whole bottle already.

In the first place fighting a foe that cannot die or be knocked out without using particular methods means that you cannot just go there and fight without a plan in mind.

However that doesn't mean that I thought an elaborate and complex plan in fact you could call my plan a simple one.

Lure them to take you and make them drink my blood. No matter how potent their abilities to control or influence the mind I just have to resist until they lower their guard and just take my blood.




Celestine POV

"Tie her up and bring her on my chambers, we want to see how much she can resist."

"I can't wait to taste how delicious her blood is."

I licked my lips in anticipation not just because of her blood but also to toy with her. Just watching her struggling to resist my spell and glare at me it just makes me want to ruin her until she surrenders to her desires and then make her my thrall.

No one even the strongest warrior can resist at the sudden surge of their lust and the increment of their nody sensitivity by several folds.

We two sisters just need to make others like that to lose in themselves and can easily take their mind and will, but by doing that there won't be any fun, isn't it?

We have done it for a hundred years and it never ceases to excite us doing this.

We took the ones with the most delicious blood and the most beautiful women to ourselves while leaving the scraps to those in the city.

Kidnapping, playing and toying with them until they totally lose themselves in their lust and then we take their will and then continue in our debauchery for weeks and weeks until we get bored of them and their blood.

But this...Ohhhh this one is special.

I could smell it how intoxicating her blood is just when she was outside our castle.

I- no we couldn't wait to savour fact we were already getting wet by smelling that scent.




Chains binding her wrist and ankles.

Her pursed lips to supress her groans and moans.

Eyes closed to ignore the tingling sensation all over her body but by doing that it only increased the strange sensation.

The rattling of the chains could be heard as she tried to tug them especially those binding her legs that prevented her to close her legs.

It the location her chest and the center of her lower body.

Two pairs of eyes were watching this scenery, as if they too were mesmerized they slowly approached where the bed was located.

The air filled the room of lust and for the two vampires the room was also filled by the scent of her intoxicating scent.

Her struggles to fight her lust own but also the moans she couldn't suppress were openly inviting the two lustful vampires to jump in.

Without even noticing they were already in the bed, each one in a side.

They didn't instantly 'eat' it they savored the moment.

They hands and legs gently caressing every inch of her body causing to the raven-haired woman to tilt her head to the back.

Just a single touch caused her to momentarily stop her struggles and make the lust seep through her.

It didn't help as the two started to slowly undress of her clothes.

Apart from the noises she made,you could hear the rustle of clothes being slowly removed, this act alone made the girl almost lose her mind, that is in the eyes of the two vampires.

By the time only her underwear remained, her panties were already soaked.

Celestine smirked, her hands moved not to take off her panties but to tease her. Her hand slowly motioning up and down and then quickening her pace as time passed.

Uola instead was atop her and started to lick one of her ears.

"I-I'm going to-!"

Yet the hand stopped.

"Ah,ah,ah.Not yet dear."

"We have to firstly taste the main dish to start the dessert."

The two leaned in her neck and bit it at the same time.

The three felt an overwhelming ecstasy but one of the three was unmistakably smirking, she waited as the two grew intoxicated and become unable to think for a few seconds by sucking more blood.

They stayed dazed and that was the moment.

Suddenly eleven people appered and instantly nine went to restrain while two who each one of them were holding a bottle filled with blood went to forcefully put the mouth of the bottles in their lips.

The thirteen struggled.

The eleven to not lose themselves in their lust or lower their guard.

While the two vampires to shake off the intruders.

The two vampire struggled for a few seconds before giving into the intoxicating taste of blood.




"Crazy!This is crazy!You endured 'that' more the lust itself?I was already giving in to the spell they casted." Said Lust who sprawled in the floor.

"I was partly enduring, I was fully embracing all the sensations and pleasures they were giving me."

I said while watching the two vampire sleeping in the bed.

[You subjugated the Matriarch of the mind Celestine and the Matriarch of the heart Uola. Matriarchs remaining 3/4.]

One remaining.