Chapter 61 Dragged away, somewhere

After the short war that occured here, nothing remained in the surface of this land, only traces of previous and vicious battles.

The bones of the deceased or various leftovers were also taken from the scavengers.

News of the result of the war spread all over Intris as well as the incoming wave towards the dwarves.

Since we built this underground base, I decided to not waste it and instead left the Tower of trials in that place so my subordinates and inhabitants can choose to remain inside the dungeon or explore this world while also have a meeting point in case they want to return inside.

My inhabitants can survive without my presence since not only an advanced technology is backing them but they are strong and intelligent enough whether to engage someone or flee from the danger.

After checking that Tania recorded the coordinates of this place, we...I, Core, Velena, Ira, Theresa, Edea and a dark elf said farewell to the others, we immeadiately headed towards the elven kingdom.

During the journey I noticed that the girls started to open themselves with Core which was previously hated...but now, they became friends.

We took our time to return to the elven kingdom, relaxing ourselves and enjoying each other's company.

I also often teleported with the cabin of scenarios to the underground base to see and greet in person the others, unfortunately I couldn't be away for too much or the girls might start with their clinginess.

Three months passed before the nostalgic sight of darkwood trees filled my vision.

During these months, a number of drones were made and spread all over Intris making so that all kind of information flowed to us, there wasn't the problem of management as ten golems and ten dark elves are enough to monitor and control the drones. Some decided to explore this world while avoiding the main and big cities of this world.Even if they are found out as monsters by someone with the help of a skill they wouldn't connect the relationship between me and them.

Three familiar faces could be seen as we entered, the three were particularly surprised to see us too soon but nonetheless they welcomed us with open arms.




"This...I didn't know there was something like that...a ranking for dungeons?That's some unbelievable thing...and you...You said something passing around a hundred of years inside that dungeon, are you monster?Huh? Shouldn't you already lost yourself during that long period?No it seems you already lost it since you were born..."

"Aw.Don't like that.You shouldn't say something like that especially to me, isn't that right father-in-law?"

"Tsk.Hmph then I should call you also daughter-in-law."The old man suddenly said with a smug on his face.

"Ew.That's disgusting...fine, I'll call you old man, from now on you will be called old man..."

His face darkened and muttered,"I'm still around my fifties you know?Besides aren't you older than me with the time you passed inside that dungeon?Huh...old hag..."

As the elven king who is recognized as calm and dignified and the woman who is usually calm and serene were joking with each other in the royal throne, seven girls were excitedly talking with each other, especially two older elves towards two younger ones.

"*Ahem* Enough with the games, you mentioned before a gift not only for my daugther and Edea but also knowledge that can further improve our technology and that can even surpass that of the dwarves."

"Straightforward and direct in these matters,huh."I said before taking out two little things that Thaleasin might recognize that's right I took out from my strorage ring two world seeds and just with them Thaleasin remained there in shock.

"I'm sorry old man, originally I had twelve of them."

Thaleasin who ignored that I called him that way still couldn't believe what I said,"Y-you said twelve...then is this are the second and thir-"

Cutting him off,"No, the first three we ate them, then two used for something else and another one gave it to you, these are the seventh and the eighth.With these I have four seeds remaining."


"Ah, let me explain from the beginning..."

After a couple of minutes explaining what effect would give to you if eaten a seed of a world tree, Thaleasin plopped in his seat wearing an expression of disbelief though there wasn't any trace of greed or ill-intent just resignation.

Recovering for a few seconds from this, he asked,"I presume this is for my daughter and Edea, then what about the other?"

Eager,eh?Well I would be the same if I were in his position.

"But first, look here."I put on the table a vial.


"Yes, this is magical powder from the fairies, ah and before you misunderstood I didn't force or torture any fairy on doing these I have my own secrets, I have a batch of these that can last you a hundred years."


"Aren't I worthy of your daugther?There shouldn't be any issue about the others complaining, I know nobles are quite troblesome to dealt with but with these they shouldn't give too much trouble especially towards someone who can provide these things, don't you,hey old man why are you trembling?You're not gonna cry in front of me, right?You're wives might kill me if they see that I made you cry, gahahahaha!"

Core who was outside the room, greeted and opened the door to the seven, and before them there was sight that made them freeze.

A man was weeping before a woman who presumably was laughing at him without care for the world.

Those who entered didn't catch that Thaleasin was only playing along with Deva hence they thought the most logical thing, somehow Deva was bullied him.

"Dear Theresa and dear Edea it seems your do I say it...don't know how to treat one's soon parents-in-law, so for a few days we might...educate her for a bit."

"That's right, we will just teach her the basics."

The two women said as they silently creeped behind Deva.

Deva who was immersed in her own world was suddenly startled as she felt two hands on her shoulders.

"!...I didn't do anything!"

The other seven watched the woman being dragged to who-knows-where.


