Chapter 81 A scene not for pure beings like him

The silver-haired elf led her people to the conquest of the world they live, through her leadership skills and her swordmanship the elves little by little defeated their enemies from the weakest and then to the stronger ones.

By now only the humans of that world were able to a certain extent able to put fight against the elves. The races and kingdoms defeated by the elves are now vassals to the elves while those defeated by the humans have their fate worse than that, working for the humans as slaves or viewed as livestock.

Sometimes little skirmishes would occur between the two sides but they were nonetheless brutal and tragic as great battles and wars, both sides used their own methods to bring home victory.

To the elven side where Theresa is the ruler, they treat and use their vassals like their own kin obtaining their loyalty, and together they fight against a common enemy.While the humans use the races they defeated as their frontline and as cannon fodder.

Both methods have their own merits and demerits.

The elven side with their sheer number could easily defeat the human side but the humans are using people as cannon fodder to somewhat push off the elven side and using underhanded tactics, things that in this world are viewed as disgusting and wrong.

While indeed it is disgusting it is not wrong or unfair to use these kind of tactics during wars, it seems that this world virtue and honesty are placed above everything.

While it was funny since they talk all about virtue and honesty as they fight their enemies with a greater number, it is not funny in my perspective of war or conflict.

Immagine if wars were fought by making your troops fight with honesty and virtue, underhanded tactics are prohibited while charging towards your enemies without a plan is considered gallant and virtuos.That's boring.But it seems that humans don't care about honesty and virtue as they all care are results, something that I too share.

Because of this a stalemate was created between the two.

For days I watched Theresa direct the elven side and charge with them against the humans, the problem was not her being in danger but that she became an important part to the elves and that she became close to them, something that I call being bound by responsabilities and obligations.

While her love towards me is boundless, she won't leave with me while she is fighting a war. It is a part of being an elf but also as a person that respects responsabilities, I could just drag her and forcefully teleport her with me but I don't want that, she will hate me...I don't want that.

There are also some solutions that can make Theresa willingly leave with me, make the humans win and make them slaughter everyone on the elven side other than Theresa so that she won't have any obligations in this world, make the elven side win but the result will be still be uncertain...

Mmm...I think that talking with Theresa first is better than planning all these kind of things.

And with that thought I stood up from the ground and walked towards the direction of Theresa.Like a stalker I watched for five entire days all Theresa's movements, from where she sleeps or wake up to memorizing all the faces of all the elves she talked to or the ones that thought to themselves that they had a chance by being with her.Since it is like that I avoided all the routes that were crowded and in no time,I, who used her own aura to silence my steps and presence, arrived in front of Theresa's room.

I gently opened the door and entered.




"What?Repeat what you just said,Righteousness." Calmly said a bearded old man seated in a white chair.

It wasn't only the chair that was white.The room, the table, his hair, his robe and eyes are all white.Even his soul can be considered as pure as white as he is the goodness itself.

"Father.As I said before, four Daeva mainly Negative thoughts, Unrest, Ruthlessness and Devastation have fused each other to form a single entity.Despite being young compared to the rest of us her comprehension and control of her aura is above extraordinary." Said Righteousness, the same man Deva fought some days ago.

"This indeed is...mmh?Is it a bad thing?"The old man stroked his white beard."Not even once we cared that much about what Angra Mainyu and her daughters do or think but only about the fated day we will fight.A special day we can decide to continue to fight for another day or wait for countless eons for the day to come again."The old man harrumped."Either way, third parties will always participate and think that is the day where good and evil decide who is superior, fools!"


"Thanks for the hard word and report, child.But there's nothing we can do but sharpen our fangs and claws until that day arrives."


"You are worried because you fought with them?As long as you didn't have any intent to kill them then your memories won't be erased and reincarnate again."The old man waved his hand to signal Righteousness to leave.

"Hphm.Last time you gals lost and had your memories erased and reincarnated but before you could even fight you lots lost your bodies and reincarnated again.Hah!Let's take a look to this special one's past and future...Hmm?What's this?"The old man snickered as his white eyes shone.

The old man possessed the eyes of omniscience, as long as he willed he can see the past,present and future of anything without any cost.

But for some reason.

"Did that brat lie?" His eyes couldn't see the past of Deva.

"Mm..."Neither with her future.

"Oho!" But with the present he could see something.

But as he focused, something that a being pure as white as him shouldn't see appeared before his eyes.

"T-this!H-how lewd!"

The old man's cheeks reddened and his body trembled in shame as he quickly closed his eyes.

He saw two women one over the other doing...

"Aghhh!My pure eyes and soul!I want to forget but I can't!Damnit!"

The old man also have hyperthymesia.

The old man that can also be refered as Ahura Mazda saw the scene of Deva and Theresa having a 'heavy session'.