Chapter 83 Era has arrived



The aura that pierced and annihilated countless monsters bounced off the moment it touched the white solid and smooth mineral.



Once, twice, thrice...

I continued to repeatedly strike a single spot with my aura and sword the white mineral.

Even after hitting it for hundreds of times there wasn't a single scratch on it but I continued on hitting it.



A tiny and minuscule crack appeared and as if waiting for this moment I focused all of my aura on the inside of the crack.And gradually the crack widened and after striking the same spot for other hundred of times...


A piece of it fell on the ground creating a little crater.

I didn't even give it a glance since this wasn't the first time, I waved my hand to it making it disappear and storing it on my storage ring.

"Ehehe...five more and I can finally relax..."

After a dry laugh I raised Beatrice again and swung it down towards another white mineral.

Since we are running out of time I haven't been sleeping for days and only eaten some food from my storage ring and several stamina potions to continue to mine.

"Deva!I am almost going reaching the second phase!" Beatrice said while she was being swung in her sword form.

[Cursed sword: Beatrice(first phase) has absorbed the tears of lamentation of an innocent bystander.949976/1000000]

[Cursed sword: Beatrice(first phase) has absorbed the tears of lamentation of a naive hero.956810/1000000]

Since I returned from Theresa's world, no, since I escaped from Era with Velena the number of tears I have been receiving started to exponentially raise to the degree that I started to question what was going on.

It didn't take much for me to understand that Era was behind this...well I too am behind on this since technically I caused Era to go on rampage which...mmh I indeed indirectly caused all this but unlike the matter of the goblins this time I did not intentionally caused this...does this mean that every move I make it can give me tears for Beatrice?If I kick a rock and lands on a specific location and in a distant future one falls on it and receives pain because I kicked it, does that count as my doing?

Mmm...this is indeed a matter to think of to kill my boredom.




These minerals despite are used to built a portal to cross a universe, they, like their raw form, are semi-indestructible.Meaning that the moment we finish to build the portal that portal will never be deactivated unless destroyed but who will destroy such a thing?Not only is a tool to travel between universes but ,unlike my cabin of scenarios, is also able to teleport an unlimited number of individuals without any cost or restrictions.

It is a treasure amongst treasures, that is what I thought.

But when we finished to built the portal with the instructions given by the Overseer, I,Velena,Ira,Theresa and Edea could see a similarity to the portals on our world.The only difference was that the portals on Intris are way more bigger than the portal we built which is it so small that in order to pass through you need to crawl.

I turned my head towards Overseer,"Didn't you say that these minerals are extremely rare that what we have here are the few amongst in this universe?"

With her blank eyes she tilted her head,"That is indeed the case, not only these rare and unique minerals are located on a single and special planet distant from other planets but only a small number of these minerals can exist for every universe."

"In my world, there are several portals like we just built but bigger enough for swarm of monsters to pass through in one go.Overseer, can a portal like we just built be created with other materials?"

"Negative."Overseer stated with her finger pointed towards the portal,"Only those minerals can be used to create a portal to travel between universes.But there is also a different material that can be used to build a portal to travel between worlds of the same universe.It is like that or a powerful entity that built those portals is from another universe that mined those minerals from many other universes or even that many entities built those portals from different universes.Either way your world does not have a bright future." The Overseer said so with a blank smile.

"Let's take the first option, why would people from different worlds want that much to reach our world?"

"Different from the portal we just built, the portals built to only travel between world can change the coordinates they want to go.If so then that means that your world was not the first they visited nor will the last.As for why...normally if they don't see any advantage on setting their portals on a world they immediately search for another, but from what you said those portals continue to exist even after so many years, that means that either your world has something everyone wants or it is one of the most habitable planet of your universe.

"Then let's take the last two.Why would powerful entities set their eyes on our world and why we still haven't see one of them?"

"As for why they would set their eyes on your world that I do not know, a powerful being's mind work differently from others and they have their own circumstances.As for your other question, they still can't enter your universe."

"What do you mean?"

"The will of your universe is either refusing their entrance or they are too powerful that they can cause the laws of your universe to collapse if they enter.Either way, they will eventually enter, making your world have a bleak future." The Overseer said so again with a blank smile.

"Deva...look." Theresa grabbed my arm.

The eight of us.I, Velena, Ira, Theresa, Edea, Beatrice, Overseer and Hunter watched in the distant sky a familiar figure.

It was that of Era.


