Chapter 85 Insanity

After many trials and tribulations a young woman whose origin is that of a mortal attained immortality and powers that made her a god.

She was a kind-hearted and benevolent woman that not only comprehended the laws of light but also vowed to be the guardian of her world which original name was forgotten and only after another millennia its inhabitants will call it Paradise.

Under this young goddess peace and prosperity reigned that world.For millennia she, alone, watched and protected that world.During that prolonged time of watching and observing the humans of her world,however, she comprehended the laws of darkness.

She became the goddess of two domains or laws.One originated from her naive-self viewing that every being can be good and inclined to do good and the other that developed from years of watching humans and started to believe that every being can be evil and inclined to do evil.Despite that she continued alone to watch and protect humankind from the sky.

Until, so many years passed that none of the humans have the oppurtunity she had to attain great powers and started to doubt of her existence.Wars and sufferings started to appear.A cycle of wars and peace brought technological advancement not to mainly prevent wars but to win wars, bringing joy and happiness on unnecessary matters and misery and hatred.

She became weaker and weaker with almost no one praying to her or even believing of her existence.Only a small girl who prayed to her supplied the goddess enough divinity to survive for a period of time.

The girl didn't wish for the wars and suffering to end but to have someone at her side.Her wish was granted by the goddess and the goddess herself descended on earth to grant the girl's wish.

The two became friends, with the girl ignorant of the woman's true identity and that persisted to her death, a death that caused the goddess to the brink of insanity and death, that is until from the corpse of her friend came out a small and almost transparent figure of an angel.

It didn't take much for the goddess to understand that the angel originated from her friend's soul and it can also supply her divinity just by existing.

The goddess soon started to not care of any worldy matters and started to create angels which rever and obey of any command issued by her.

Time passed, the humans of that world met their doom after a great war and the goddess is now surrounded by many angels under her command.The first angel grew but didn't retain any memory of being friend with the goddess.

Not wanting of feeling a pain comparable as before, the goddess decided to observe from afar her friend.

But as time passed she became more and more possessive and obsessive.The trace of the young mortal woman that vowed to protect the world disappeared and was replaced by a goddess lost on her desires.

It wasn't a rare sight that after many efforts to reach divinity a god would begin to indulge themselves in their own world.It is the same of someone reaching their goal or dream.

Mortal or divine, all fall and rise.





A grunt came from Deva's mouth.

She couldn't tell whether days or weeks have passed since she was captured, but she could tell that Era was up to something.

Since Era didn't made a single move to her other that feeding her and taking care of her body's wastes.

But today was different.

In fact after Era pressed her own forehead against Deva's, Deva was able to witness and feel the entire life of an ageless being.

Deva couldn't think properly afterwards, only grunts and groans could be heard from her.

Era removed Deva's blindfold and watched with expectation her beloved's now dull crimson eyes who looked like a broken record, but after an hour she could see Deva stopping releasing grunts and sounding like a broken record and could only see Deva's mouth periodically opening and closing.Then another period of time passed and Era could see Deva's eyes regaining light and clarity.

At that point, Era understood that her plan didn't work and without giving Deva the satisfaction to laugh at her Era left the room not before blindfolding Deva again.

"I thought that after a month of weakening her mental state there would be more chances to break her."

Deva could still hear Era just outside the room talking to herself.

"Heheh.It's Ophiel after all.It wouldn't be fun to break her too soon."

Era's creepy laughter echoed across the corridor and inside the room where Deva is located.

Deva ,who was sitting on the mattress and acting tough in front of Era, collapsed clutching her head.

Not only she was having a splitting headache but also having trouble on recollecting her own memories from the ones implanted on her.

Era's plan was not reawakening Ophiel's past memories or feelings but to overdrive her memories and to crumble them in little pieces.

In the first place Deva doesn't have any skills or titles that enchance her mind or intelligence, holding the memories of her beloved ones Deva persisted and only watched the process with indifference and coldness.

The happy scenes of Era and the original Ophiel, the moment Era lost her reason, the scenes of the young Era climbing her way to become a divinity, all those scenes were watched by Deva as if she was reading a book.

No matter how emotional and fantastic a scene is, no matter how realistic the emotions and scenarios shown, no matter how many scenes and seemingly endless, Deva only watched and seperated herself from the memories of Era.Like a reader knowing the difference between a fictional and real scenario.

Deva despite feeling that she lived a several millenia, she didn't lose herself by sheer will.

Deva called herself a fool.In fact one would gladly lose themselves or lose their will to continue to persist rather than living a millenia of boredom.Yes, boredom, in fact most of the time Deva could only see Era either meditating for or watching and analyzing humans.

A long and boring period of time with sometimes moving and fantastic scenes was what Deva witnessed and felt but in reality only a short period of time passed outside.



There wasn't anger, resentment or disdain.


Nor sadness, grief or regret.


Pure exhilaration and euphoria and a bit of madness was mixed on it.

"Such a wonderful thing!"

After sorting her thoughts, memories and emotions.

"To have seen such a reaally long long life, full of emotions and interesting facts!"

While clutching her head,Deva was grinning like a madman.An image completely different when she was in front of Era.

"To live is to experience everything.Today I experienced the life of god.What's next?Haaaa..."

Deva contently sighed and fell asleep.


A small crack appeared inside Deva's collar.


