Chapter 90 "Yanderes are the best!" Deva proclaims

Several months passed since Theresa, Ira, Velena, Edea, returned to Intris with Overseer, Hunter Devi and Beatrice.

Their arrival alerted the golems and Core who were in charge of monitoring all Intris, and it didn't take much for Core to tell the news to the elven rulers prompting them to immediately head in their location and hide the little portal they crawled in.

The moment Core, who assumed Devi being Deva, met with the new three women she thought Deva brought other crazy girls crazy for her but when Ira stepped in and told her everything about what happened, Core was surprised that the Deva in front of her was in reality another person, that they brought an overseer as their ally and more importantly that Deva was kidnapped by a crazy and obsessive goddess.

"Mm.Mommy is the best."

And the very crazy goddess ,that Core recognized by watching the memories of Ira and she also saw some memories of Ira's heated moments with Deva, was happily snuggling Deva who is sitting in her throne.And Deva, who was leaving Era whatever she wanted to her, was nervously glancing around as if she was afraid of someone or rather nervous to meet her wives.

No one of Deva's subordinates know that she returned and only Core know it, who for coincidence was in the floor.

Core didn't even know how Deva was able to appear here but her thoughts were cut off when Deva spoke with a nervous tone.

"Where are they?"

"Core doens't know who Deva is refering to." Despite Core face was emotionless her voice suggested that she was teasing.

"I'm serious here.You have to answer truthfully, your answer might give me on how many days I still have to live."



"Heheheh.Mommy is so warm."

Listening to Era who was meowling, the two silently watched each other's eyes and in that single moment Core understood that Deva wasn't feeling nothing other than being exhilarated and the nervous persona she made was just a fake.

Blinking her eyes Core spoke,"Core states that they entered in the dungeons"

"You said dungeons and not a dungeon right?"

"Core nods as they formed different parties and each entered in different dungeons."

"Hahah, I should be safe for now right?Haaa..."

Deva ,who was allowing the tall Era hugging her, leaned on her as if wanting more.

"We can think about them later.Now then, Core what happened during my absence?"

Despite Core had several question herself for Deva, she nonetheless opened her mouth.




"Heee...nothing much happened then other than you guys taking over Intris undergound."

"Core agrees with Deva.The status quo remains the same with elves still allied with the angels while dwarves, fairies and humans together and the lone demons as another faction. The monsters that come out from the portals becoming more powerful as months pass, the frequent appearence of dungeons.Ah, there are two women extremely interested in your whereabouts.While opposite in the degree of likeability towards you they are nonetheless obsessed in you.

One is the ruler of demons, she is a exceptional and capable ruler but also extremely prideful and doesn't forget grudges, that's right the Demon Queen still hasn't forgotten you and instead found some of your informations though she still doesn't know anything about you related to us or your wives.

While the other being a sacred figure and seen as a god in her territory or section through large scale and long term brainwashing on her subjects, the Saintess Lucia for some reason had become extremely interested in you and not only your lack of traces didn't make her discouraged but instead fueled her and even proclaimed that she found her soulmate and told all Intris that she will have you.Ultimately Core states that there were some minor consequenses but overall Deva's existance brought more discord between the already torn relationship of humans and demons.Indeed, as you said ,nothing changed much.With you as always attracting some troublesome and crazy people to you.Core wonders if you are blessed or cursed for attracting such women to yourself."

"Hahah, wouldn't we all happy to gain the attention of such beautiful and powerful women.But..." Raising her two hands and showing the cuffs in her wrists and two silver ring on her finger,"I'm already taken.I don't think my wives and my adorable Era will let another woman take me, right?"

"Mmm."Era who was happily giggling tightened her hold on Deva."Only mothers and I can have mommy to ourselves."

Core watched Deva grinning ear to ear at Era who strangely enough has the same possessivess of Deva's wives.

"Core says that Deva is enjoying this kind of thing."

"I cannot help it!They are so cute when they behave like this and don't you feel your heartbeat accelarate and spine go cold when hearing them?"

"Only a pervert like yourself would enjoy this kind of thing.Won't a normal person be terrorized by those kind of people, people you call yandere?"

"But I'm not normal at all, in fact I love yanderes, they are so amusing and bring you some stimulation when dealing with them.Beside dear Core, what is normal, anyways?"

Core remained silent as she watched Deva patting Era who was taller than Deva.




Since when, the ogre started to desire and yearn power? When his tribe was exterminated by adventurers?Or when he by chance saw humans selling parts of his kind as materials and weapons?

The ogre didn't know but...

When the ogre killed by chance a human and ate him because of extreme hunger, he obtained a system and power.The ogre couldn't remember much but since then he obtained power.

The power to become more powerful by eating.If the ogre eats lava he will obtain the power to control lava and gain resistance of it, if he eats a mage he will obtain all the knowledge the mage possessed and if he eats a sword he will obtain the mastery over it.

It didn't take even two months for the ogre to become the most powerful being in his world, he ate dragons, archmages, mud, poison, ice, demons, steel and even orichalcum.

But it wasn't enough for the ogre, so he not only devoured his world but everything around it.

Goro, the world devourer was born and his title would evolve further to galaxy devourer.


