Chapter 100 A shiver on one's spine makes the yandere cuter

In a dark and small cell, there was Deva with her closed eyes, she was especially focusing her attention on monitoring and carefully observing the other 'Ends'.

Their behaviors, their weaknesses, ties, habits, combat styles, strengths and their emotions.

The Saintess Lucia is a devious woman that uses her powers to elevate her image and also her manpower, gathering hundreds of powerful warriors under her control and most importantly oddly obsessive towards Deva bringing her to unknowingly follow Deva's plan.

The ogre Goro with an insatiable desire to devour to obtain unlimited power is a monster driven by hatred and rage towards everything, no matter if it takes hundreds or thousands of years to eat something and obtains its properties he would nonetheless try to devour and after that he would go to eat something else.

These two individuals were beings that further developed themselves whether in character or in power, they are the polar opposite of Vilinielle.

There was a reason why she was a low-ranked succubus, other than giving pleasure and charming others with her body Vilinielle remained weak if we were talking in personal strength. But, with the 'End' in her possession she obtained the power to make everything around her a slave unable to disobey her and with that power she became reliant on that and overly use that power to the point of not knowing what to do in scenarios where her power is weakened or is unable to be used. In these few weeks Deva observed her, she saw the stagnation of her progress in completely conquering this world, instead of starting her conquest through violence the succubus choose to wait, despite having collected enough information about Intris the succubus choose to drown in momentary pleasure and decadence.

As long as one was cute enough to satisfy her tastes, Vilinielle would gladly make them her sex slave, before Deva was thown in her cell she saw dozens of similar cells with each one of them filled with beautiful women and handsome men, she was lucky enough to be alone in her cell.

Just outside her cell there was the same cheerful girl that escorted her and was silently observing Deva with odd eyes but DEva just ignored her and continued to monitor Vilinielle and Lucia.

The former is currently moaning in a bed filled with men and women, in short she was having an orgy, in fact from where she was Deva could hear the moaning of pleasure given by women and men.

While the latter, was observing from afar the camp and her guards were already on their way towards this direction together with some troops of the Northen section, the closest section to the camp.They weren't alone going in this direction but there was also Deva's army disguised as demons together with Envy and its shadow army, their purpose is to only bring more chaos in the selected battlefield.

It would take for three more days for everything to start.




In the fifth floor of Deva's dungeon there were two figures facing each other, one was Core sweating profusely while the other one was Ira coldly observing Core's facial expressions. Despite Core not giving a single hint that something was wrong Ira could feel that there was something wrong she didn't know related to Deva.

Minutes passed and the moment Ira gave up on pursuing further her own instincts and Core sighing in relief, two familiar faces entered in the floor.

"Is Deva here?" "Mommy!" A worn out Velena with her arms linked with a somewhat cheerful Era asked.

For Ira who didn't know anything she could only widen her eyes and blankly say, "Deva...?Mommy? You...?What is happening...?"

"Core?Where is Deva? She didn't go in another universe or dungeon, right? I swear I have to tie her up ortherwise she might end up getting kidnapped hahah."

While Velena innocently joked Core averted her eyes and could only remain silent and make the three pairs of eyes focus on her.

"She didn't...right?" The question was more towards herself other than towards Core, in fact just by seeing Core Velena understood that Deva was up to something.

For a moment Ira glanced at Era but shallowed the questions she had and focused on the matter regarding Deva.


Core contemplated.


Core then struggled.

"*sigh* Core surrenders..."

And finally she gave up. The looks she was seeing were not on the gentle side, in fact they were threatening to cut her piece by piece just to obtain the information about Deva.

Straightening her back and recomposing herself as if nothing happened, Core started to tell the three what Deva was up to.

And after that, unknown to Deva, another party joined, composed of three members they departed and went towards her direction as fast as possible. The sooner they get her the sooner she would be unable to leave them for awhile. There was a reason why they were mad, and that with the unnecessary participation of Deva, in fact she could've have asked at Core having the power and capability to devise a plan to create discord between the three parties.

They were mad that she sneaked up to another woman without saying to them.

Mad that she was touched by another woman. Core showed them all the records of Deva with Lucia and also that one moment where Vilinielle briefly kissed her. Deva can give them the most reasonable reasons why she had to do it but in the moment, reason is useless in front of the three. The only thing in their mind is that Deva affectionately acted with not only Lucia but also with Pride. And that was unforgivable. Lately they have been too loose on restricting Deva's freedom.

"Hmph!I'll make sure that you won't be able to even think with the vibrators filling your holes..."

"To think that bitch tried a drug on you to make you dependent on it...let's see which drugs is stronger that can induce dependence..."

"No more cuddly cuddles for mommy..."

The three muttered bringing to an unsuspecting Deva a sudden chill on her spine.


