Chapter 113 Being the bait of her own plan


As she neared the bounded woman she was slapped by her.

Yet Arin instead of feeling anger she felt invigorated at witnessing such thing.

Despite Deva was blindfolded, Arin could see behind that cloth covering her eyes a glare unwilling to submit and defying her authority.


"How dare you." Arin said a cold tone.

The Demon Queen returned the slap and went to tightly tie Deva's wrists so that she won't be able to attempt such thing again.

As a loud gulp could be heard from Deva, Arin licked her lips as she imagined the woman before her totally submissive and a shell devoid of any will, she could already see the expression of Lucia the moment she will show Deva to her.

But that is the future Arin wanted to focus on Deva and after finishing with she would finally be able to buy some time for the war or even be able to stop it.

"Let's see how many days you'll be like that..."

The whisper from Arin made Deva visibly tremble, a movement that both pleased and amused Arin.

"Ah, the boss returned to play with her toy hahah!"

As a loud scream echoed the bandits cheered and continued to enjoy their women and drinks.

The process of breaking someone depends on the victim's resilience and the perpetrator's ability to affect the other.

Either way to make the process believable to Arin Deva had to bear Arin's use of brutality and pure sadism where there was only the desire to inflict pain to the other.

Only a month inside the dungeon was required to make the demon believe that she broke Deva, even if the victim were someone else they would break even earlier as Arin would 'teach a lesson' to Deva for a prolonged time twice or thrice a day.

And without Deva's ability of high recovery speed her body was filled with scars and bruises that refused to disappear as Arin would just make another one.

By the time Arin was satisfied, Deva's eyes were unfocused and seemingly lost and unable to do anything unless Arin called her and ordered her to do something.




While Deva preferred a torture that involved both physical and mental that leaned more in the mental side, Arin preferred a torture that involved only on the physical side and venting her emotions to the unfortunate, or maybe not, Deva.

Whether slowly wearing one's sanity or breaking their bones, Deva made sure to give the fun Arin wanted and made sure to look that she was slowly becoming what Arin desired her to become.

Both sides gained from the other what they wanted: Arin vented her emotions on Deva while twisting her own personality without being conscious about it and obtaining a chance to stop a war that she is unprepared to face, and Deva not only had the privilege to witness the descend of one person towards a path of no return but also ensured that Lucia and Arin are unable to find a way of reconcile, maybe they'll compromise through her but that will be temporary measure.

In between these two there will be Vilinielle, that will be attacked by both sides and slowly further weakened.




The disappearence of Yin Vin didn't affect Lily to a degree that she became mad like in the past but it ate her inside enough to send some of her men to find her traces and hopefully find her, and after a long month of waiting she obtained the location of Deva which was located in the headquarters of an infamous group of bandits.

Normally she should've sent some soldiers to save Deva, eradicate the bandits or even negotiate with the local nobles to listen to a request of hers but she decided to join with her men and together went to pick Deva.

It was a decision she made immediately the moment she heard the news and prepared to travel to Deva's location with her knights and some mercenaries she hired with extra precaution, in addition she had to do it in secrecy in order to avoid an uproar.

Whoever Lucia couldn't do the same, she didn't have the same authority she has in Intris but like Lily she obtained Deva's location and despite the reclutancy to trust a suspicious piece of information that might've be a trap given to her through a letter, she still departed towards Deva's location.

Saria wasn't an exception, a strange rumor was spread in her mansion that was focused on a name she still hasn't forgotten, despite all the maids and personnel of her mansion shrugged it off as nonsense or gossip to waste time, she didn't think the same as the name Deva is extremely rare in her world.

All three arrived in the same location and chaos descended.




Outside the dungeon Court of alignment a rather reclutant Pride and other five women were waiting for a certain someone to return.

"Ugh.Do I really need to maintain this appearance?" Pride complained after she drank a potion and transformed her appearance which was similar of Vilinielle.

"*gulp**gulp* Phew...Deva said so and so you have to." Edea indifferently said as she too drank a similar potion.

"Ah, I apologize for Edea. She has been like that since Deva left us a letter before we could even wake up. Really..."

"Theresa, you traitor. How can you not feel something with Deva doing that kind of thing, I swear that she seems to purposely making us angry to make us punish her." Edea angrily pouted at Theresa.

"Since it seems like that shouldn't we just not have sex with her for a month as a punishment?" Velena proposed but was quickly rebutted by Ira.

"Can we even restrain in doing that? We barely can contain ourselves in a day with her with us, how can we even last for month? That's just a punishment for us while Deva might even accept it with a grin on her face!"

The four lamented and sighed as Deva made them too dependent to her whole being.

Era tilted her head, "Then isn't it better for us to just indulge ourselves on her."

At that the other four smiled and nodded in approval as they started to share their own ideas on what they want to try on Deva.

As a strange bright pink-colored atmosphere enveloped the five, Pride could only stand there and listen to all the obscenity the five released from their mouth and become more and more disgusted as she listened in detail their own ideas.

Around the six individuals no trace of life could be found and only dead bodies are left.

Only the flora and fauna remained the same.

The demons Deva left alive for Beatrice to feed were used as punching bag by Deva's wives and suffered more than they should've before they died.

Their remainings were piled just near the entrace for the dungeon for the Demon Queen to see.


