Chapter 128 Watching a harem

The seemingly chaste woman followed behind the Hero and not before long they arrived to a place where several tents filled the area and in the middle of them a bigger version of them was situated there.

As the two approached the bigger tent, they could hear several voices shouting at each other.

"*sigh* They are doing it again." Despite his long sigh the Hero seemed quite pleased.

As she was seemingly distracted by the shouts, Deva could feel his gaze observing every inch of her body but she ignored it seemingly unaware of such thing.


One of the voices inside the tent suddenly shouted and the rest inside immediately fell silent for a moment before rushing outside.

"Master Master!" "You've returned!" Two young girls excitedly shouted as they clung to the hero.

"Leo, I'm glad that you are safe." A woman in armor said with relief.

"You dummy! You made us worry! Idiot! Stupid!" And lastly a young woman shouted as she pounded her fists as hard as she could on the hero's chest. Despite her physical hostility the young woman was in reality the most happiest to see the hero amongst the girls.

In the center of all of this there was Leonhart, laughing and smiling as he was surrounded by these four beauties.

Deva stood just a few steps behind, watching and observing every movement and expression of each of these five individuals. A little smile slowly formed in her face as she found these people quite interesting, for her amusement that is.

"You! Who the hell are you!" The young woman haughtily said as she pointed her finger at Deva.

"Rin! Don't be rude! My apologies, the young miss here is quite competitive for some reason when there is a girl involved especially an outsider. My name is Johana, pleased to meet you outsider."


"It is not a grave matter Miss Johana. My humble name is Yin, I am follower of Mother Nature and follow her will." Deva slightly bowed her head earning some exclamations of surprise.

"Oh, so we have a cleric here, long time I see one that is not running away from us. But why is someone like you is here, alone, in this place full of danger." Rin asked.

"Rin." Leonhart scolded, "She saved me and please don't be rude to her."

"Saved you? You? The Hero? Your body can instantly heal itself! How!?"

"I didn't say anything about being healed, she saved me not only from hunger but also from several mercenaries and beasts when I was exhausted." Leonhart stated.

"Rin! Stop it! Questions for later, they are quite tired after all. Gina!Tina! Please show Miss Yin her temporary tent."

""Fiiiinee"" The two girls responded.

Without even giving Deva time they drag her away.

"Say, how was your adventure with Leonhart?" "Did something special happen?" "Did Leonhart try something bad?" "Don't be shy. We are all girls here." The girls bombarded Deva with questions as they dragged her away, their questions also heard from the other three.

"I only met the Hero just a few days ago. Nothing special happened. But he promised me that he would-"

Their voices now too far couldn't be clearly listened by the three.

"Really!?He said that?!"

But the squeals made only Rin somehow upset and jealous.

"Explain.To.Me! What kind of promise?!" Her glare piercing Leonhart and her fists ready to land on his face.

"Listen me out,okay? Not only she can defeat numerous enemies alone but she also possess some miraculous potions! Won't she be a great ally for our cause!? And more importantly, a cleric did not shy away from us! Since the Demon lord appeared most if not all clerics refused to join us since they followed their gods' will!"


"Also!She is a cleric from Mother Nature! Is not a coincidence that she saved me and that she followed me here!"

From afar Deva smiled as the two continued. How did these five survive with how they trust so much of a stranger's claims?

The relationships between these five seemed unstable, atleast from Deva's first impressions and observations.

For the time being Deva wanted to take her time in blending in this place.

She wanted more informations.





Three nude bodies played in the water.

"S-stop...t-that spot is...!"

"Now now sister Yin don't struggle too much now. These fingers mights end up inside you if you move too much and we don't want that, right?" A soft laugh echoed.

"You are so sensitive sister Deva, we cannot help ourselves if you continue to moan like that. How about this, if you can remain silent or atleast not moan for a minute then we'll stop." The young girl sinisterly smiled.

"But..." The other softly whispered to the woman's voice. "If we even hear a single moan during that one minute we'll edge you for an hour."

"E-edge?" Asked the woman confused.

"Don't worry about it. Hehe." The two momentarily forgot that the woman they pinned was someone that has never interacted with anything related to sex, atleast that is what the two presumed about Yin or Deva.

"I just n-need to resist one minute right?Then bring it on." Yin weakly tried to put a tough front but that only fueled the two girls in bullying her even further.

"Okay then let's start."

"Hiek!" Yin squealed the moment Tina fondled her breasts but quickly bit her lower lip.

Yin closed her eyes but that caused her sensibility to rise by a level.

It wasn't a good idea Yin thought as she felt all the sensations of every inch of her body.

The pair of hands holding her breasts from behind, exploring each breast with her fingers, pinching her nipples and playfully make them bounce them up and down.

That alone could make Yin moan but she persisted, her eyes rolled in the back of her head but she held her moans.

Then suddenly Yin could feel something struggling to enter in her rear hole.

"N-no!That's the w-wrong hole!"

However the finger like a tentacle continued to enter deeper and deeper inside Yin's hole.

"Just thirty seconds." They warned.

"Twenty seconds."

"Ten seconds"

Beneath the two Yin trembled as she struggled to even think.

"F-five more seconds...I-I wi-"

As if the two were just playing with her for the last fifty-five seconds, they sped up with their teasing.

"Ah!I'm coming! I'm-"

Before Yin could continued the two stopped and withdrew their hands on Yin.

"You lose!"

"Such a shame!"

"W-what...?" Exhausted and frustrated Yin asked.

"That's edging sister Yin with a little bit of denial."

"Edging?Denial?" Yin repeated as her mind was foggy.

"That's what we'll do for an hour!"

The two deviously smiled as Yin couldn't even move her legs.


