Chapter 137 A city filled with latex

Deva gasped in amazement as she explored the streets of a city filled of skyscrapers.

Glossy black was the color that prevailed the city, to be more precise it was the color that most people wore.

As if there was a social pyramid those who wore a suit or clothing with the color black were always those who followed the directions or orders of those who wore a clothing with a color of red or purple.

And for Deva who wasn't of that world and didn't have any suitable clothing or proof of her identity was being hunted.

Despite being chased by officers wearing red catsuits, Deva was still charmed by the beauty the city offered despite a bit distorted from the eyes of a normal outsider.

Carriages weren't being pulled by horses but 'ponies'.

Wearing hoods that covered most of their faces other than the eyes and mouth which was gagged by a bit gag, and with their bodies wrapped around by a harness that also was connected to the carriage, these 'ponies' trotted and neighed around the city as their owner or coachman hit them with their whips or with their riding crop.

"*swoosh* *crack* Did I tell you to stop...? Your training session is still not over..." An owner shouted to her pony but Deva could see on both the owner and pony's expressions how they enjoyed hitting the other or being hit by the other.

The pair didn't even give a glance at Deva who hurriedly passed by as she was being chased by red officers.

Deva skillfully avoided any attempts of capturing her by these officers, yet despite how difficult their prey was these officers seemed to enjoy the play of cat and mouse they were having with Deva.

"May the Goddess make you redeem of your sins." A veiled woman clasped her hands in prayer as Deva passed her by, following her other nuns repeated the same sentence and clasped their hands in prayer.

Despite Deva referred them as 'nuns' their outfit was anything but modest and chaste, with their latex outfit that barely covered their private parts, gloves arriving to their elbows, thigh high stockings and chained wrists, these 'holy women' walked around the streets spreading the word of their Goddess.

"Stop right there!"

Deva's focus on them was quicky cut short as a woman wearing a purple outfit stood in front of her but Deva quickly ignored her and easily avoided her as soon as her pursuers neared her.

"Stop! I command you to stop! A lowly 'Pure' dares to ignore me? The-!"

However Deva was already far away from the woman and continued her exploration of the city and most likely by tomorrow Deva would be already far away from this city exploring another one.

As Deva explored the first city she stumbled upon in her second domain, the woman who she disregarded was fuming in anger as the red officers bowed their heads down.

"A Pure is out there in our city! Do you have any idea how valuable a Pure is?! Not born in this world they arrived here untainted and without any kind of corruption in their minds! The Matriarch is searching any Pure we can find and deliver it to her...if the Matriarch founds out that we missed a Pure she might punish us all!" The woman shuddered in terror as she didn't want her rank to descent to the bottom and live her life just in pure submission and bliss ignorance. She will probably live a 'happy' life filled with happiness and joy just by being controlled by a rank higher than her but to the woman there's no bigger happiness than being amongst the top and be the one controlling those underneath her.

"Quickly! Dispatch every agent available and capture anyone that does not have a 'brand' on them." The woman commanded and the officers obliged as a purple light appeared around their heads as if they were being influenced by her words alone.

Something that Deva will eventually find out and an information that Mother Mature kept to herself is that the moment one enters in this kind of system of dominance and submission they will be unable to deny any kind of command that does not harm their own body from a rank higher than themselves and that also applies for the reverse with anyone lower than your rank to be unable to refuse any demand you ask.

The competition to conquer the domain already started dozens of years ago with champions barely being sent in this domain.

Most entities already sent atleast one of their champions in this domain but all of them finished being entangled in this kind of system and easily forever trapped in the domain being unable to even find another champion.

Their fate to forever serve this 'Matriarch' in their state of blissfully basking in pleasure and having their mind break from the stimulations they aren't accusumed to.

Deva was one of the champions or Pure that is not reduced to a state of full submission but other than her all the champions that still hasn't been broken were unfortunately already been captured enduring all kind of stimulations to break them.

Yet despite all this Deva is still ignorant of her situation and continued her tour around the city and enjoying the state of being pursued by these offcers.

Bit by bit Deva learnt any kind of information about this world but before she'll be able to understand her position she will be already a wanted woman by every inhabitant of that world.




In the highest skyscraper.

A woman quietly sipped her wine.


Below her a naked woman struggled to maintain her position making the woman sitting atop of her slip the wine from her hands.

"Lick it." With a disinterested and flat tone the woman said.

Despite the naked woman tried to supress every ounce of her will to follow the words of the woman above her.

Yet her body seemed to follow onlt the woman's words and within seconds the naked woman found herself licking like a dog the liquid on the ground.

No matter how humiliating or degrading it was the naked woman's body continued to lick wine, yet the woman sitting at her sighed with boredom and wondered how more days the naked woman would take to break.

Behind the two there were rows and rows of men and women sitting on their knees and panting like dogs as they watched with jealousy the naked woman being abused by the other woman.

"There's only one left to capture and after her capture only time is needed to save this world. I will not permit any god or higher being to own this world. This place is mine and mine alone." The woman also known as the Matriarch muttered as a flame of determination appeared in her eyes.


