Chapter 145 Time brings people together and grow


"Miss Deva! Miss Deva! Is really the body of a male is different from a female?"

"Not only their body. This depends on history and culture but there's oftentimes where males are treated better while females are not or vice versa."

"You mean how people see their roles and responsabilities?"

"Yes, while there might exist a place where both are equally viewed it does not mean the two are the same."

"Eh? I'm confused...people see them as equal yet they aren't..."




Despite an odd girl Theta is an overly cheerful and overly active seeking most of the time any kind interaction with me.

There wasn't any other single soul in atleast thousands of miles away or maybe we were the only living beings in this world, either way being alone and doing nothing for the girl is not an option.



"Ahah Got ya-ah!" *bam*

"Don't be overconfident, kid."

"Mou! That's unfair! There's an age gap and experience gap and everything!"

"Hmph! You can't say these lines towards an enemy."




A girl that cannot live alone and needs company otherwise she'll start to crave for it. That's not a problem, there's a reliable and kind soul, me, to accompany her and guide her to a suitable path for her.


"This fried rice is totally different from the normal one! So delicious! Though it doesn't give me the same energy I need like with snow..."

"How can even snow be comparable with proper real food..."

"Miss Deva! For me snow is different!"

"Then no meat for you tomorrow since snow seems better to you."

"No no no! Don't be...erm a sundere? Yeah don't be sundere Miss Deva, your meals are extremely delicious."




Days, weeks and years passed in repetition and yet as Theta grew she became more of a fine lady and extremely attached to me.

A world where only two people lived together. And we solidified a kind of relationship similar to a teacher and a student, atleast that is what my character seemed to appear.

"M-miss Deva...Do you really need to be so close?"

"What's wrong Theta? Are you feeling well? Your face is so red..."

However that cannot be said for the other party.

Even the slightest of touch from me is able to make Theta blush like a tomato. A few weeks ago being in close proximity was the norm and even gazing at each other's eyes was the norm. But now it seemed to be not the case.

"No...I've been feeling so weird these days..."

"There's no helping then, rest here until you feel better, okay?"


I taught her most of the important basics that a normal person should learn other than emotions.

Maybe some of the contents of my teachings could have made her feel something but I didn't specifically teach her how to live with certain emotions.

People start understand a bit of their emotions by undergoing enough experiences in life.

"Here, some soup. Open your mouth."


"No buts you seems to have a be a good little girl and-"


Shouting, Theta startled the woman. It was too fast and sudden that Theta wasn't able to immediately understand what happened


"Then I'll give you some space, okay? Rest well."

Theta's heart pounded loudly inside her body. It was unpleasant. She was feeling a mix of emotions she never felt.

In her bed, Theta closed her eyes.

Theta felt something different when interacting with the person she considered to be like a mother. In fact her biological mother didn't do anything compared to what Deva did to her.

A mother. A teacher. Someone who helps her and raise her to be a better person.

Theta understood her position yet...

"Am I in the wrong...? She never taught me anything about these..."

Thinking about the person who accompanied her made her heart flutter.



She yearned for more. Was Theta the only one feeling that way? Theta didn't know despite spending most of her time with Deva other than night.

There was distance that Theta wanted desperately wanted to shorten yet she couldn't find any solutions.

"Snow...Ice...please give me advice...I beg you..."

No one responded.

"Why...a long time passed since I heard your voices..."

Alone and desperate, Theta felt her entire world crumble. When together with Deva, Theta could feel warmth spread across her body.

Time passed, "Ah, the soup she left is now cold." Theta blankly stated, she didn't know how much time passed nor her body required sleep.

Getting out from her tent Theta immediately stopped in her tracks.

From her place Theta could hear faint grunts from the tent where Deva usually sleeps.

As if the entrance was slightly left intentionally open, Theta silently walked towards it and peeked inside.

With eyes tightly shut off and a cloth on her mouth Deva grinded her wet core to her fingers while a hand gently fondled her breasts.

It was too much for Theta that she froze.


The image of her teacher doing naughty stuff was embedded in her brain and soon enough both her body and heart reacted.

Heart beating even more loudly than before, Theta ran away and returned to her tent. She didn't even ask to herself whether she was too loud and noticed by Deva or reason as to how she coincidentally saw Deva.

Whereas her heart and mind were already in chaos now they are more in chaos than before.

How she should react. How her current feeling are either good or bad. Or why instead of feeling disgusted Theta felt extremelly hot and wet thinking about Deva beneath her moaning and...

Theta couldn't help herself and reached towards her...




"Theta? May I come in?"

Just to be sure Deva asked loudly before entering inside.

Deva smiled as she observed Theta and her bed with her aura.

Enchanting her nose, Deva could recognize a smell she was familiar with.

Nearing the girl, Deva gently stroked her head.

"You are growing so well." Like a mother Deva affectionately whispered to the girl.

"I have been living with you as if you were my family and I kinda feel to be like a family..." Sighing, "I really miss my wives."

Acting as if she didn't notice a slight change on Theta, Deva continued to talk and stroke Theta's head before eventually leaving.

A pair of white eyes immediately shot open the moment Deva left, "Wives...married...ah..."

A strange ominous tone left the girl's mouth.


