Chapter 157 A sprouting yandere

Beings that live a really long time either become indifferent to everything, become crazy or manage to remain sane. And Perpetua is in between in the last two mentioned before.

She would've likely gradually become crazy as she rewinded and rewinded, but...!

Deva's appearence halted such thing for the time being and, however, instead slowly made her presence more and more relevant to Perpetua's heart.

Even if Perpetua were to be poisoned, trampled, beated to death or suffocated in a way or another she would always find Deva by her side after a rewind. That also worked to the other way around in a scenario where Deva is killed with Perpetua that would reach a point where she would rather commit suicide than walking alone in a dark road where death only awaited her.

As long as Deva was with her then...she would be able to really not lose hope and if there wasn't a way out of her curse then she would gladly spend this kind of eternity with Deva.




In a room where the moonlight slightly illuminated it a girl was deeply gazing at the face of another.

Perpetua softly pinched Yin's cheek who in return just mouthed a weird 'Hueee-' in her sleep. A particular line of saliva flowed down from Yin's mouth and such thing didn't escape from Perpetua's attention and without thinking too much she wiped it with her fingers.

Feeling the wet sensation on her fingers Perpetua couldn't help but bring them to her mouth.


Doing something that she shoudn't do...Perpetua was strangely feeling excited more so if the thing is connected to Yin.

The mouth that the saliva came from was slightly open...that Perpetua deliberately put the finger that wiped the saliva and licked and therefore both of their saliva mixed in that finger.

If viewed from an another perspective one could only see a girl doing something strange and nothing more than just a girl interested of her maid. However Perpetua already lived more than a human should have and doesn't lack any experience in love or anything related to it, then that makes the act more disturbing, it isn't a pure action from naivety but instead worrying. A chill would run through one's if they knew such thing.

Breathing heavily, Perpetua watched Yin once again before turning around and trying to not do anything weird or that can cross the line.

The next morning Perpetua felt a gentle whisper beckoning to wake up. A blurry image of an angel appeared on her mind.

The angel had a face that matched the heavens yet her body was sinful as hell, those two combinations brought Perpetua to bring her arms up and pull towards herself that heavenly figure.

Ignoring the shocked gasp from the figure Perpetua put her lips on that of the figure, expecting to be just a dream Perpetua instantly became in turn shocked as she felt the soft lips pressing against her and the body seemed to share the same softness and sweetness press against her.

Now fully awake Perpetua watched at the blushing face of Yin but didn't reject such thing and clumsily kissed back. Something took over Perpetua and instead of stopping she guided in kissing the inexperienced Yin.

How adorable. Is what Perpetua thought as Yin let herself be dominated and guided by her tongue. Maybe because it was too much or that Yin seemed to not have any previous experiences, Yin was out of breath and couldn't think straight after several seconds.

As the two pulled themselves up from their dream-like state the two unconsciously brought their hands to their own lips. Yin seemed to be unable to properly register what just happened and sat there with a dazed look, while Perpetua watched Yin in such state and couldn't help but gulp at the sight of a defenseless prey.

The misty eyes that weren't looking particularly at something, the head slightly tilted towards the ceiling and Yin's lips were once again left there just for someone to kiss them once again.

A rather dark thought appeared inside Perpetua's mind.

-There no way that such little thing can defend herself. One way or another someone will take her for themselves.

A thought that was quickly discharged as Yin woke up from her stupor.


Without giving Perpetua time to talk, Yin ran off without saying a word. Sounds of steps echoed outside Perpetua's room and soon enough such sounds became rather inaudible from Perpetua's room.

Like the previous event such action was abrupt but instead brought inside Perpetua an emptiness that she couldn't explain. As if something just disappeared from her or ran away.

"What did I do...?" Perpetua muttered as dozens of emotions swirled inside her just with one morning, other than the last one Perpetua was...delighted and strangely happy with such emotions revolving around Yin.

"I should run after her and apologize and slowly make her..." Perpetua stopped there as she found herself more and more invested towards Yin than she should do.

Burying her desires, Perpetua made her way outside her room. And ran towards where Yin went.




It was morning so there weren't many people in the academy or in the dormitories but there was a garden between the two buildings and such little garden was properly taken care of by a girl.

A gentle soul that would help anyone that asked help or help the students who were in need.

Perpetua doesn't interact with anyone and if needed she would do so without exerting too much of her energies and attention. And other than Deva Perpetua doesn't really know anyone or bother with them. Like that, Perpetua only saw Deva talking and interacting normally only with her.

By the time Perpetua found Yin, she found her with another girl smiling and giggling with her. Noticing Perpetua, Yin hurriedly excused herself and once again ran off somewhere else.

Despite the other girl just giggled and waved at Yin, Perpetua could only hear a mocking laugh as she watched Yin's back.

It hurt. More than a death could deal. A feeling of pain overwhelmed Perpetua. A pain that she had to endure during her early rewinds. Yet she is now feeling it once again.


