Chapter 164 Three mothers

There are two people that I can regard as my mother. The first one is the one who bore me inside her womb and birthed me, the one who barely cared for my life but I cannot just forget where my blood is related...that to a courtesan or whore. Then the second one is the one who taught me what living means and provided me both education and love, while short I still remember most of her important teachings.

A human prostitute that shares her blood with me and an ancient Devil that, even if she had an ulterior motive by approaching me, treated me like her own daughter.

Both is what one can consider as family no matter how hatred you have for one.


"My child..." A woman veiled by darkness whispered to my ears.

Why I feel more connected to this mysterious figure than the two...?

"I can finally see you..." Sadness, relief...even longing. The woman with her hands cupped my cheeks. "It always pains me everytime my daughters gaze at me like that..."


Warmth spread the moment the woman embraced me. I could feel my soul deeply connected to this woman and without noticing I was already leaning my whole body to her.

My surroundings could be described as being surrounded by brilliant stars where both I and this woman floated, compared to the size of these stars to us we were but just ants.

" matter what kind of form you return I'll always regard you as my own..."For some reason the woman sighed in sadness. "As time passes and as you and your loved ones continue to walk forward you'll eventually meet me in person. Just this time...just this time let me hold you like this for a little longer..."

"Who...are you...?"

"I'm your mother,dear."


"Yes...I did not bore you in my womb and birthed you like mammals do or anything like that. I...I created you from the negativity, immorality and unholy of all universes. It was a feat that few celestial beings could do and from what I see you also created one."


"That's right. But unlike her you can do as you want and I cannot force you to do anything I want." The woman lovingly stroked my head.

"But we are intrinsically connected with each other whether we like it or not."

My body seemingly weak could only mutter a word at a time. Being in the woman's embrace made so lethargic that the only thing I wanted to do was to keep listening to her soothing and calm voice.

"The same goes for the little purple being following you. You've been really a good girl."

Being praised and at the same time caressed made me completely slacken. Other than a cute 'hehe' I remained in the warm embrace.

A being that could pull you out from a domain and survive in the outer space is not someone you would want to trifle with and most likely be cautious with...but...I was oddly cozy and warm being between her arms. With her pillowy breasts where my head was situated and how gently her arms were wrapped around me already made me feel sleepy.

It is not the hold of a lover but that of a mother towards her daughter. While similar there were significant differences.

"If we could just remain like this forever..." The woman whispered ominously but my dazed and groggy self didn't react to such thing and only snuggled closer to the woman's touch.

"Dear child, we will see each other more and more...for the time being this is a goodbye."

"No..." I whined as the heavenly warmth seemed to slolwy vanish

As I drifted in sleep the woman's voice became more and more vague.




"Hey hey...please drop those things from your hands..." The avatar said with a slow and calm voice but one could notice that within that voice there was a hint of nervousness.

To calm a beast in frenzy one needs to either give what they want or attempt to calm them down. And the avatar could only go with the second option.

"I apologize that Deva is still not here even when I promised that she would be back in a week...most probably she just went somewhere to play around...Hiii!" As the avatar muttered those last words bloodlust skyrocketed and was directed to the avatar.

"Pl-ay. Ar-ound...?"Velena appeared instantly behind the avatar as she intensely gazed at her.

"Do you mean. That during these long years she has been fooling around...?"

"While we were suffering like this...?"

"N-no! Obviously no! She needed to take the heart of a girl to succeed!" Digging her own grave, the avatar said hastily under the pressure of these five women.

"Oho! So she was wooing someone!"

Understanding what she just did the avatar hurriedly tried to fix the misunderstanding. "No no no! Please let me-"

"Heyo! I'm back!"

Before the avatar could continue a voice resounded earning the attention of the six.

"What's wrong...? And why is Mother Nature here...?" Deva tilted her head in confusion not knowing that she just returned in the worst time she could return.

"I'm sorry...I tried my best...really I'm sorry..."


The avatar vanished the moment she said those words leaving the clueless Deva to her own demise.

Deva smiled and continued to feign ignorance, "So? No huggies for your wifey?"

Deva knew. Velena, Ira, Theresa, Edea and Era knew that Deva was purposely provoking them. matter how much one had self-control one wouldn't be able to control themselves if they were subjected by a small smile of smugness that smeared Deva's face.

And in no time Deva found herself constricted by the five. Their arms were wrapped around Deva like rope.

They deeply sniffed her scent for minutes and remained in such position for longer than five minutes. Blissful smiles filled the faces of the women but such smiles quickly morphed into ferocious ones.

Seeing those smiles Deva only brightly smiled back.

"I'm back!"


