Chapter 166 To have a good time

Since Gina and Tina met Deva they have been more happier than before, they might even call it a fated encounter.They slept, ate and laughed together and passed several years together in bliss. They wouldn't even think for a single moment that meeting Deva was a omen of misfortune even if the person itself was the cause and it is causing their suffering.

The two didn't know where they were but within that little and claustrophobic space they had to witness their beloved being killed over and over again and humiliated in front of them.

As if time seemed to pass differently from their perception a minute gazing at the agonizing death of their beloved seemed to be a long and slow process.

Recently, however, instead of gruesome and slow deaths they have been watching Deva being ravished by other women while degrading her.

This was even worse than witnessing their loved one being repeatedly killed. Their beloved was being raped just right in front of them who were unable to stop such thing.

Slowly feeling numb after seeing Deva's deaths their numbness quickly vanished and replaced by hatred and ire as the women started to violate their love.

If before they didn't even attempt to struggle and tug at the chain binding them now they used all the strength they had to break such chains to the point of exhaustation. Yet, no matter how much they screamed, how many tears they spilled or how they tried to stop the sight in front of them the reality was just cruel with the scene that continued as if their efforts and suffering seemed to not reach anyone.

What is more bitter and harsh to them is that the face of their beloved was not filled with disgust but bliss and happiness. The person who they claimed for themselves was wearing an expression that only the two of them should see.

With anguish and misery Gina and Tina could only watch the sight in front of them.

They didn't have anything other than themselves until Deva appeared and just a few years later the most precious thing in their heart died in front of them and is now being ravaged in this hellish place.

The two could only call this minuscule place as a 'Hell' designed just for them to torment them for eternity. Unknown to them this architect who designed this Hell was Deva herself. It is a place specifically designed for the two of them.

Time will stop the moment Deva leaves the place and would continue to flow the moment she returns. It is just a place for Deva and her wives' entertainment and a place where the dungeon can obtain a bit of energy every time it is used.

Deva considers the two girls a kind of trophy who can only stand there as she interacts with them when she felt to do so. It wasn't even that good for drawing energy from, in fact Core called it even a waste of energy but that didn't stop Deva and created such place just near the room where gods are being milked.

"Core states that Deva is indeed a pervert of another level." Core said flatly as she watched the two rooms from outside.

"Well, this pervertness of mine gave us both a room where we can obtain energy and high-tier ingredients without wasting too much effort."

"Core is indeed troubled with coming up with a response towards this perverted owner of mine..."

Core couldn't say any complaint about the results of Deva's ideas. Sometimes Deva's methods seemed to be quite unorthodox to the point where one would start to think whether Deva really planned such thing or just came up with it while fooling around and enjoying herself. Either way both possibilities are extremely scary.

Core glanced at Deva who was smirking at her.

Her owner, who has the appearence of that of a woman in her early-twenties, saved the world if not the universe or even what she called 'Everything' several times, to be more precise three times.

How funny.

The person who likely has the highest qualifiations to cause chaos and destruction saved the world while the ones who are supposed to be heroes are either blissfully ignorant or engaged with internal conflicts.

The same person whoever also has the qualifications to save people and even reform the current social system of Intris.

It does not mean that Deva has good intentions or the intention to save people, in fact Deva's nature is the opposite of such statement: Bad intention and the intention to quell her infinite amusement seeking and curiosity.

What she has is the means and the adaptability to do both ways: saving or harming. What is unfortunate to everyone other than her close ones and subordinates is that she is more prone to the latter.

Core's focus shifted once again towards the two rooms. Core had the premonition that this place will be soon filled with any kind of room that showed how Deva's mind was filled with perversion.

"'s Aine doing? Great?"

"Core finds rather difficult for the divine one to feel great after what you did."

"She helped us didn't she? Well, we used her but nonetheless she helped us capturing these gods."

As Deva continued to talk Core gazed at her.

"Time will change her a bit to appreciate such life."

What is frightening about her is how she can have both common sense and a distorted way of thought.

"Core wants to ask something."

"Oh? Go on. I'm all ears."

"Your quest to kill that ogre has been completed. Now, do you have any goals? And Core is not talking about finding a Devil amongst the countless stars and universes."

"To play with my wives."

Deva responded immediately.

"You see, I've been in these domains and passed years inside them without the company of my wives. I want to bring them to an adventure where we can have fun together, like slaying monsters or even conquering a dungeon together."

A simple goal.

To play with her wives.

"Mm! There is my teacher to find, those Major gods and Devils to interact with and my toys to play with but the most important thing for the time being is spending time with my sweet wives!"

Deva smiled.

"In fact, we visited you guys to inform you that we'll be going in a dungeon."


