Chapter 177 The one lurking in the shadow

If a person were to assimilate themselves to another feeling every thought and emotion from that person then normally they would become insane. Even if they weren't feeling anger the anger of the person they were assimilating would be shared, not only that but every single thought would be shared and assimilated.

Seleolia was exactly experiencing that even now.

If we were talking about a simple mind as that of a pet dog or a wild wolf then their thoughts and emotions would be rather simple compared to that of the more complex creature such as humans, gods or sentient monsters since pet dogs and wild wolves most of the time are driven by their instincts and basic needs.

But what about Deva? She was not that different to a human's mind but the fact that she constantly sought scenarios that caused extremely immense reactions was not good news for Seleolia adding to the fact that Deva was also a Demonic user.

Constantly, every single minute, Seleolia was bombarded by these intense emotions from Deva: lust, anger, anguish, melancholy, delight, glee, amusement, pleasure, pain...

Similar to emotions, Deva's thoughts were not really that complex but the number of them was extremely high and even the pattern was difficult to understand in certain times. In the outside, someone wouldn't be able to tell what a person was thinking they wouldn't know that the person they were talking with was in reality thinking about other things or was ridiculing you in their mind but Seleolia could, she could hear the numerous thoughts Deva was having at every moment.

Deva would think about dinner and a second later her thoughts would shift to what her wives might be doing and a moment later her thoughts might shift again to another topic, then it would suddenly slow down to the point that Deva would start to ponder profoundly about a single specific topic and most of the time they reveal to be about useless and little things.

In summary, for years, Seleolia thoroughly heard and felt Deva's emotions and thoughts to the point of having a mental breakdown.

Deva's thoughts and emotions could either quickly swift from a sweet and gentle one to a more grotesque and darker one or progressively change the level the intensity of emotions and thoughts. The only thing Seleolia could do to Deva was to draw her blood, when the occasion presented itself, and feast on the blood she collected with the utmost care and reverence since it occurred very rarely.

There was no need to say how much Seleolia deteriorated mentally just by bearing the burden of constantly feeling and hearing Deva's emotions and thoughts but one could applaude how control she had to resist the urge of keeping Deva and her blood all to herself and herself alone since she was easily capable of doing so. She could shroud everything around them in darkness leaving only the two of them and spend the rest of their long long time in the darkness but hadn't done that...yet.

She could feel the boundless love Deva was feeling towards her wives. The happiness she was feeling just by spending time with them. The sorrow and guilt by seeing atrocious acts but also the poisonous glee and sadism by doing evil and heinous acts. The interest in seeing other worlds or the eagerness when an interesting rumor was circulating around the world. The little and insignificant thoughts of her daily life. The extreme fantasies of her carnal desires towards her wives. Her opinion of every single thing...

The more Seleolia spent her time as a shadow of Deva the more her psyche deteriorated by the large amount and intense thoughts and emotions and it was a miracle that she still remained in the shadow of Deva.

It wouldn't take that long to Seleolia to start to change for the worse. The road she chose that at the beginning seemed to be the best, now is the cause of her ruin, but she couldn't help it. She wanted to be with Deva and protect her.

It was unthinkable to Deva that danger was lurking just beneath her or that someone was feeling a certain way towards her.





Velena absentmindedly moaned as she felt a strange sensation spreading inside her body, her eyes were unfocused as she was more focused on the hot and addicting sensation growing within her.

"More...more..." Velena enthusiastically licked the juices dripping from Deva. Deva moaned as Velena assaulted her. Velena was intoxicated by the taste and the effect the juices were giving to her. She licked and gulped greedily while touching herself.

The room was filled with moans, while the girls were scattered across the room one could feel even in the distance how the atmosphere was filled with lust and passion.

"Ah! Velena I'm....Ahhh!" Juices smeared Velena's face but she wasn't bothered at all rather the smell filling her nostrils was making her wetter.

"Ah!" Sensitive as she was Deva moaned in delight feeling the the tongue of Velena twirling inside her squeezing out of her even more juice.

Era, the remaining one to be touched by Deva, was feeling abandoned seeing that she was the last one...yet thinking that this one was also one of Deva's play her pussy was aching to be touched and abused.

"H-huh?" Suddenly, Era felt the invisible restraints starting to lose their effect and gradually Era was free from her bonds. Not only to her but the entire room started to return to its normal form.

The mist gradually disappeared, the restraints, toys and previous orders that couldn't be disobeyed started to disappear.

Deva started to feel weaker and the moment later fell in the ground as her legs gave out, not only her but most of the girl either fainted or collapsed in the ground. Only Ira and Era were perfectly standing while Deva remained conscious.

"Oh..." Deva already knew what was her fate and despite that she attempted to drag her heavy body away from Ira.

But seeing this Ira only licked her lips as she approached Deva.

"Mmm...let's see who is the real dominant here."


