Chapter 226 Decision

"So, yeah, that's what happened." I said casually to the elven king.

Thaleasin's face was tense partly because of what occurred in the stronghold but he was mainly tense because I visited them, any attempt to hide any emotion from me was useless so Thaleasin didn't bother to hide them and asked why I visited them.

"I don't believe you just came here to see me and tell me this, what is in your mind, Deva?"

"Aw, aren't you my father-in-law? I just want to spent some time with the family of my adorable wife."

"I could have believed it if Theresa and Edea were with you like usual but you came here alone which there is something intrinsically suspicious about that, so spit it out and tell me what you want."

"Aren't you treating me with too much spite? I know you are still a bit embarassed because of what you had to do last time but come on be, like, more kingly and stop being so childish."

"The one who can be the most childish here is you and yet..."

Thaleasin struggled to say the next words and when he was about to spit them between his lips he was interrupted by Deva.

"Yet, you can be the most mature and practical? Haha, there, I said it myself so that you wouldn't be embarassed, hahah."


Thaleasin pointed his finger as his face was red as a tomato but he stopped as Deva suddenly seemed to sink in her own chair, the pair of crimson eyes gazing in the void.





"...! You surprised me! Don't do that!"


Thaleasin watched the odd person in front of him as if he didn't know her.

Deva's entire aura seemed to be drained and entirely different to any of the previous kind of persona Thaleasin had interacted.

Thaleasin remained silent together with Deva who was silent as a rock.

Thaleasin begrudgingly remembered that Deva was older than him and, from her own words, she experienced a vast number of memories which was similar to have lived to the same amount of the memories she experienced, like a reader that read thousands of books lived thousands of lives.

A monster. A monster among monsters. That is what Thaleasin would evaluate Deva, not by her talents or anything but her existence as a being and despite that one won't be able to notice that as she could act like a normal person or act in any kind of role.

"...Huuuuu...good riddance, I should have rested before coming here."

"O-oh, you good?"

"Yeah, it has been a long time since I emptied my mind and emotions."

"Care to explain?"

The situation became weirder and weirder for Thaleasin as he saw the abrupt change in Deva's aura but he noticed that even though her aura diminished during those minutes Deva's eyes maintained a trace of lucidity.

"Hmm...while I said emptying my mind and emotions it is more than that, you know, I still remember and feel bit of pieces of memories and emotions from the ones I observe and instead of cutting them off after a session I instead let them remain in a part of my mind and heart, and there they linger and slightly affect me and that I mean in abrupt change of mood without really having any logic behind them so it was just like being drunk, but instead of alcohol it was from memories and emotions and that previous thing was sobering myself and entirely clearing my mind."

"Oh, so that's why you are sometimes so insane, you were drunk all the time!"

"Ugh, it's like that but at the same time it is not, anyway from my story you understand what's happening."

"That you are just an insane bitch?"

"My, how unkingly of you to use such vile words!" A discernible fake tone could be heard. "Your world tree might be able to ward off the various calamities and powerful spells that can threaten your lands but I advice you ,now, to protect your tree more than before. You wanted to know what I wanted? I tell you now..."

It didn't take more than a dozen of my words that prompted Thaleasin to interrupt me.

"De-fi-ni-te-ly no!"

"There there, calm down, I only stated my intention and not the purpose of it."

"It is mainly for their protection and well being."

"Protection? Well being? I think they are safer being surrounded by monsters than being with you."

"I know you are worried as a overprotective father but I really am not thinking anything shady and the only elves I am in love are Theresa and Edea."

"You mean that my precious Lyra and Glyny are not lovely and not worth of love?!"

"That's an overprotective father for you..."

Despite this display of his I knew he was trying to let my guard down even though such thing was extremely slim.

Why would I let them go with you? Is there danger coming towards us? What kind of danger is there that it is better for them to be with you? That was Thaleasin was most likely thinking.

I sighed, "There is danger above us that will engulf the already chaotic Intris, recently they haven't made any move but they are certainly ready now and I cannot guarantee Intris' victory over them."

"Why? Why would you-"

"This was a request of Theresa, she doesn't want her sisters to be involved in this but if you were to refuse she would noentheless accept your decision."

Thaleasin remained silent for a moment before saying, "Give me some time, a day that is."

"...sure, I'll wait in one of the guest rooms." I said that as Thaleasin walked away.


"Well, that was easy."


