King's Gambit 005

<< e i s u k e >>


Reiji-senpai and I both turned to the direction of the voice. We found Natsuki-san walking towards us. He looked so different from the first time I saw him. Maybe it's because the way he dressed today is so refreshing compared to the business suit that made him look austere and intimidating. He's wearing a slightly oversized knitted white sweater in a pair of khaki jeans. His nice build makes even a simple outfit standout.

"It's too obvious you just woke up huh, Reiji?" He said with his welcoming smile never leaving his face. He brought his hand to gently brush Reiji-senpai's fringe. Then he turned to me briefly as if he just remembered I came here with senpai. I greeted him 'Good morning' that he just responded with a nod.

Reiji-senpai rolled his eyes, "FYI it's been a while since I woke up."

Natsuki-san chuckled, "Sure. Sure... I know how bad you are in the morning… The car's right there. Let's go?"

I was about to grab Reiji-senpai's hand carry but Natsuki-san reached for it first.

"Natsuki, I can carry my bag. Give it back." Reiji-senpai was trying to pull his bag from Natsuki-san's grip but the guy just smiled at him.


Reiji-senpai and Natsuki-san have been exchanging banters since we left the bus station. Senpai is sitting on the front passenger seat while I am thankful to sit here at the back and ignore them…

As if I could.

Again, I was forced to listen to their silly (and annoying) conversation.

When I first met Reiji-senpai, I would always find myself wondering how a guy as annoying as him could attract people around him? What did they see likeable in this guy's personality? What's so fun about being with him?

Yeah, he had such a loyal friend in Yuma but I just figured, Yuma had no choice but to be stuck with him being his childhood friend.

Many years have passed and I still don't have answers to those questions. Maybe because I didn't even bother trying to find one. And until now, he's still the same, just as I remember his annoying ass back in highschool, and he's still surrounded by people who like him. And they're nice people to boot.

Why doesn't he try to be in a serious relationship with one of them? Like Natsuki-san, he seems like a good guy and it's so obvious that, somehow, senpai is special to him.

It's way better than settling down to meaningless relationships that he could cut off at any convenient time.

As if fooling around with different people can make him happy…

"Are you okay, Eisuke?"

I immediately raised my eyes at the rear view mirror where I met Natsuki-san's gaze, there's a hint of concern on it that was directed at me.

"I'm fine. But why did you ask?" Obviously, I'm confused.

He returned his stare back at the road, only then I realized that senpai was also looking at me through the mirror. "It's just… your expression. I thought you're hurting somewhere."


'My expression he said? What kind of face was I making?'

"Eisuke? What's wrong?" Reiji-senpai turned to face me, worry plastered on his face.

"Seriously, I'm fine."

"You sure? Tell me immediately if you're feeling uncomfortable." He reached out to lightly touch my knee.

We're both startled when Natsuki-san suddenly snorted.

"Sorry." He said trying to hold his laughter. "For a second, I doubted if you're really Reiji."

"Huh? What do you mean?!" Reiji-senpai shifted again, this time, to face Natsuki-san. Again, he was able to take back senpai's attention.

"I was totally convinced the word 'worry' doesn't exist in your dictionary. I've known you for a while now but I couldn't remember a time you showed concern for someone. So… Eisuke's a special case huh? I'm quite jealous."

"What do you take me for? You're just not aware but I'm an extremely compassionate person." Senpai said, sounding so proud of himself. Natsuki- san snorted again which made senpai pause for a second, throwing daggers at his handsome face. "Besides, Eisuke is Yuma's cousin so it's only natural I'll take good care of him."

"W-Wait!" The car swerved for a bit there, I can see Natsuki-san's eyes widen through the rear view mirror. "Eisuke is Morikawa-san's cousin?"

"Huh? Did I not tell you before?"

"Hell no! Wait. Did Morikawa-san know that…" He glanced at me for a split second. "You're doing it with his cousin?"

"Ahh…" Reiji-senpai grunted as he covered his face with his hands. "What the fudge… No, Natsuki… actually…"

"Natsuki-san, please don't tell Yuma." I cut in, then I caught Reiji-senpai looking at me in disbelief.

Awkward silence filled the car before Natsuki-san answered with a serious tone and straight face, "It's not my place to tell anyway…"

"Thanks." I mumbled before facing the window.



We're just at the lobby but I can already tell that this is a vast place, somehow, it made me wonder if we could even stroll the whole place in just a day. We have a lot to work on today and i have to work hard in taking photos that will pass in Reiji-senpai's eyes and at the same time, learn how all of this works. As much as possible, I don't wanna be criticized too much like what happened at the mock project, that's why I stayed up extremely late to do some research.

"I'm glad Reiji's okay." Natsuki-san said. He was standing beside me while staring at the direction senpai took earlier.

"Why wouldn't he be okay?"

He glanced at me before answering. "Well, usually, everytime he cuts off a partner, he'll be spending a few nights drinking and spending the night with any guy he just met. He would keep doing that for days, even weeks, or until his guilt subsided."


"I can never be so sure but I think he's feeling guilty and lonely every time he's tossing someone away when they fell in love with him. He was punishing himself for not being able to return their feelings and, instead, for using them for his own desires. That's why I was worried if he's been doing the same thing these past nights. But looking at him now, I'm glad he's doing better than I thought.

There was a sad smile on his face but at the same time a great sense of relief on his expression. Suddenly, it occurred to me why they've been talking on the phone a little too often these past few days. I thought they're being unprofessional for wasting their time during office hours chatting and bantering on the phone.

"There's nothing of that sort. Senpai was going home directly from the office. He didn't even go out and spend the night somewhere. I think he was too busy working on this project…"

He let go of a deep sigh and this time his lips turned up in a big gentle smile. "I was hoping I could cheer him up on this trip but I think it's no longer necessary. Thank you for being by his side this time…"

He had so much concern for senpai as a friend. I can't even blame him because if I was the one in his shoes, I would be just as worried for Youjin.

But, could there actually be something else in this overwhelming concern?

"Natsuki-san, do you perhaps… love Reiji-senpai?

"Yeah. I love him." He answered without a tiny bit of hesitation.

I caught my breath. I was just about to brush it off but it didn't occur to me that was actually the case.

"But before, you more or less insinuated that you don't have that kind of feeling for senpai? Senpai even said you're already in love with someone?"

He answered me with a bitter sweet smile and then he brought his finger to his lips, asking me to keep it a secret. He placed his hand over my right shoulder, "Good luck, Eisuke."



Reiji-senpai exclaimed as soon as Natsuki-san opened the room reserved for the both of us then he found out that we're sharing a room. Surprised as he was, Natsuki-san looked at him as if he didn't understand why he's freaking out.

"What's wrong Reiji? I thought it's fine if you and Eisuke-kun shared a room..."

"Sure. Sharing a room is fine but… even a bed?"

"Sorry Reiji. I decided this on my own. I just assumed it's fine since you and Eisuke are, you know?"

Reiji-senpai shook his head as he massaged his temples, his face red from either anger or from being flustered. "We're here for work, Natsuki."

"You're right. I deeply apologize. I will prepare a new room for the both of you." Then he turned to look at me with an apologetic smile. "Sorry for the inconvenience Eisuke."

I have no idea why, but Natsuki-san's words from earlier came to mind, "I was hoping I could cheer him up on this trip but I think it's no longer necessary. Thank you for being by his side this time…"

I took a couple of steps entering the spacious room. "It's fine, Natsuki-san. Reiji-senpai and I will use that room."

"What did you say, Eisuke?"

I brought my hand to gently brush Reiji-senpai's cheek. "Let's use this room, senpai. I know we're here for work but I think this is also a good time to enjoy ourselves."

Senpai's cheeks turned redder, only this time I'm sure of the reason why. Seeing him flustered makes me want to tease him more. I feel like I just tamed a wild hunter. I can't help but draw a smug smile as senpai averted his eyes from mine.



"BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID, NATSUKI WILL REALLY THINK WE'RE IN THAT RELATIONSHIP. Even back then in the car, I was just about to clear this misunderstanding but you have to go and say something misleading like that." Reiji-senpai dropped on the bed the second Natsuki-san left as if he just lost all his strength.

I sat on the edge of the bed that's covered in white sheet, and even all the pillows were white. "Even though you're the one who started this 'misunderstanding'?"

"That's why I was trying to clear things up!" I watched as his chest expanded as he took a lungful of air, probably attempting to calm himself down, and then exhaling everything all at once. "Even Haru was convinced you're my new partner. I can't even go out to find a guy. My reputation will be ruined…"

"Reputation? Do you have something like that to take care of?"

He rolled to his side in order to face me. Leaning on his right hand he smugly said, "I don't entertain two fuckbuddies at the same time. That's the reputation I'm keeping safe."

"Oh, I know. Even Natsuki-san said, I have nothing to worry about."

His eyes widened. "Natsuki told you that?!"

"Yep. I thought he was just teasing me but at least now I know it's true, coming from you."

"Ah, I remember, earlier you guys were talking so seriously. What were you talking about?

"Hmmm? Is it about the stuffs you like during sex?" Senpai's jaw dropped as continued to listen. "He was just being nice by giving me tips and the kind of foreplays you want. Ah, he also told me your sweet spots.."

He sat up then grabbed me on my collar. "Eisuke, stop teasing me! Natsuki won't do something like that!."

I ignored him as I continued enumerating these obvious lies. Deep inside I'm enjoying his reactions. "He even said you liked being on top..."

I felt his grip loosened and when I glanced at him, he's embarrassed to the core he can't even look at me.

"Damn, that Natsuki!" He mumbled.

"Don't tell me that's true?"

"Damn! That guy's asking for trouble!" He got up ready to storm out of the room. "I will chew that bastard's ass!"

"Wait, senpai! I was just making fun of you… Natsuki-san never said anything like that!"

He immediately turned to me then grabbed me on the collar again. "You son of a bitch!"

I can't help but laugh. I was laughing so hard, I had to gasp for air. "I never thought my guess turned out to be true. Damn!"

This is so funny and so damn entertaining. Who would have thought that teasing this annoying guy would give me so much pleasure?

Reiji-senpai let go of me and fell to the bed on his back. "You're really something else huh, Eisuke?"

king's gambit chapter 5//end