King's Gambit 006

<< e i s u k e >>

AFTER WORKING THE WHOLE AFTERNOON, NATSUKI-SAN INVITED US FOR A SPECIAL DINNER. Reiji-senpai's work was so smooth, not wasting any time and effort at all. After touring the resort, it's undeniable how amazing and beautiful the whole place is but more than that, what amazed me the most was Reiji-senpai's efficiency in working. While I was at awe with my surroundings, he was in his professional mode the whole time, as well as Natsuki-san. Senpai knew just by looking at the place what kind of approach he'll do in terms of design, he knew where to focus and most importantly, he's so confident he could exceed the client's expectation. It's hard to think he was just working in this field for a couple of years.

Just like what Andy said, Reiji-senpai was so hands on in training me. It was really easy to follow his instructions and I think I did better than I expected. Besides the fact that I spent the night researching and studying, what brought out the best in my ability was senpai's guidance.

'I'm not good with the camera so I'm counting on you, Eisuke.'

Is what he said, but the way he visualized the space it's as if there was a camera lens installed in his eyes.


Natsuki-san greeted us when he saw us arrive at the lobby. He changed into a slick outfit as if he's going on a dinner date. His smile was more dazzling than before.

"Why are you so dressed?" Reiji-senpai commented as he tugged the hem of his black coat.

Natsuki-san chuckled in response, "I look good, right?"

"Psh." Senpai shook his head with a small smirk playing on his lips.

After our talk this morning, I can't help but drastically take notice of Natsuki-san's advances to Reiji-senpai, like those subtle flirtatious actions and teasing. What bothered me was his frequent skin ship towards senpai. I know, the two of them had history together and I am fully aware that they already did the unimaginable (for me atleast) but… they already ended that kind of relationship right?

"Let's go? Our dinner is waiting."

The staff greeted us as we entered the restaurant and then he guided us to our seats. We were just here earlier this afternoon but the design of this restaurant is really outstanding – each side is overlooking the beach with glass as its walls, the furniture and lighting were imported and made by artisans famous for their hand-woven chairs and furnishings. The ambience of this place is a mixture of coziness and elegance.

Our multicourse meal was served so smoothly by the servers while also explaining what we're going to stuff into our mouths. And most importantly, all the foods are good. It's not every day that I get to eat in a place like this.

I took the camera from the bag and I was about to take a photo of the food when I sensed pairs of eyes boring into me.

"Oh… You have one diligent junior here, Reiji…" Natsuki-san remarked with a smug smile.

"Of course. I am the supervisor, it's only natural he'll be as good as me." Reiji-senpai looked at me with a proud expression clearly showing on his face.

I should be annoyed by that conceited comeback but that face has taken me aback and, unexpectedly, I didn't hate it. My face felt tingly trying so hard to suppress a smile.

AFTER THAT WONDERFUL DINNER, NATSUKI-SAN BROUGHT REIJI-SENPAI AND I TO THE VIP BAR. This resort's another amazing facility. And it clearly showed in senpai's expression, this place was his favorite.

We sat by the counter where we could clearly see the display of all these expensive bottles of drinks lined up behind the cool-looking bartender.

"Let me order for you guys." Natsuki-san offered, paired with his charming smile. He then turned to face the bartender. "Queen's Park Swizzle for Reiji, Off-menu whiskey sour for Eisuke, and bourbon for me, Ken."

We watched as the guy behind the counter, whom he called Ken, made the drinks for us. This was my first time in a bar like this and I don't even know what to order, good thing Natsuki-san did it for us.

"By the way, Reiji, I can't drink much tonight. I have to leave early in the morning tomorrow."

"Huh? I was under the impression we'll be drinking all night."

"After this project, I promise, I'll treat you." Then he glanced over Reiji-senpai's shoulder to look at me. "You too, Eisuke."

"Sure." I said.

Ken placed our drinks right in front of us and we all took a careful sip on it. My drink was strong but after it passed through my throat, it was surprisingly smooth and good.

Almost an hour passed, and we're all enjoying our drinks and chatting as well. Until Reiji-senpai's phone rang. He looked at the screen to see who was calling then he excitedly excused himself to answer the call. He went to the direction of the comfort room leaving me and Natsuki-san.

'I wonder, who was calling for him to be so excited…'

"Ah… he beat me to it again." Natsuki-san murmured while sipping on his drink.

I glanced at him, and maybe, my thoughts were clearly written all over my face when he suddenly chuckled.

"You want to know who was on the phone and what I'm talking about?" He raised a brow at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Not really. But he looked excited."

"Do you know that today is Reiji's birthday?"

Again, my thoughts showed on my face.

He laughed again, "You didn't, right? I thought so. I was actually about to give him my gift, but that person beat me to it again this year.

"Who are you talking about?"

Reiji-senpai returned in haste. And the excited and happy expression he was wearing earlier was gone, and replaced with something else I could only see as desperation.

He looked Natsuki-san dead in the eye, "Natsuki, what's your strongest drink here?"

"Huh? What happened?"

"Just answer me!"

"Uh.. Undue Diligence is quite strong."

Senpai immediately turned to look at the bartender, who was silently watching with a straight face. "Give me that one."

Natsuki-san's eyes met mine, somehow I can also tell what was going on in his head.

Damn, what happened during that short call? Who ruined Senpai's mood? I had the hunch that it was someone special to him, and for a second, I thought it was Yuma. But Yuma won't do anything to upset his dear friend on his birthday.

"Oy, Reiji. Drink slowly." Natsuki tried to stop senpai but he shoved his hand and insisted on drinking this strong liquor.

"Senpai, calm down."

He emptied the tall glass in one go then he turned to face Natsuki-san. He's looking at him with desperate eyes, like his life depends on him. "Natsuki… Hold me just for tonight."

Wait? Did I hear that right?

One second he was so happy then another he looked like he was about to cry. Even Natsuki-san was surprised with what Reiji-senpai said but he immediately regained his composure as if he understood what's happening. At the back of my mind, and I don't know why, I hated it.

"Reiji, Eisuke's here. Why don't you ask him?"

"Eisuke and I don't have that kind of relationship! I can't lay my hands on him..." He grabbed Natsuki-san's arm with pleading desire. "Please, Natsuki..."

Natsuki-san looked at me with an expression full of worry and confusion. There's something boiling inside of me – rage, displeasure and even an awful sense of desire.

Why was he acting that way?

What happened? I want to know.

Why was it only me who didn't know anything?

Natsuki-san glanced at me again as if asking for permission, I know, I have no right to give. He wanted to tell me that he'll be taking Reiji-senpai when senpai's already clinging to him for his dear life.

Natsuki-san heaved a deep sigh. "Okay... let me take you to my room..."

My hand, as if it has a mind of its own, grabbed senpai's arm. I was dumbfounded too but I hate the idea of them leaving me here alone, clueless of what's happening.

"Eisuke, let go." Senpai pleaded with a hint of desperation.

"I don't want to. I don't know what's happening but... Let's go back to our room, senpai."

"Eisuke-kun... you heard Reiji, right? He can't get you involved here."

"I already am. The moment he took me to Haru's bar and used me to get rid of that bastard back then, I was already 'involved'. And like you've said, you and senpai are done. 'You' can no longer get involved with his affairs."

They were caught off-guard for sure, my words came out bitter than I expected to. Then Natsuki-san just started laughing. "You have the guts to say that huh?"

"I'm sorry, Natsuki-san. Let's go back to our room, senpai..."

Senpai's eyes were full of reluctance but he slowly let go of Natsuki-san's arm.


THE SECOND WE STEPPED INSIDE OUR ROOM, I PINNED REIJI-SENPAI TO THE WALL. He looked at me with eyes full of concern, confusion and hesitation, as if he's about to commit a sin with no room for forgiveness.

"E-Eisuke, what's wrong with you?"

"I should be the one asking you that, senpai. Why are you asking Natsuki-san to hold you when I'm right here?"

"We don't have that kind of relationship in the first place, Eisuke. Yuma will be very pissed if I lay my hands on you!"

"Yuma is not here right now." I inched closer to him until our bodies were almost grazing with each other. "Senpai, if you're planning to use me, you better use me properly."

I closed the distance between us until our mouths crashed into each other. He stood motionless for a second, dumbfounded of what's happening, but after my hungry nibbling on his lips he soon returned the kiss. His lips are so soft and I can't help myself from biting into them and every time I do, a moan escapes from senpai's mouth. He wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me even closer to him. Our tongues were busy tasting each other as I pressed my body against his and I could feel him getting hard against my thigh.

I opened my eyes for a second and found senpai almost melting right in front of me. 'Damn, this is turning me on.'

"Senpai, let's move to the bed..." I whispered. I no longer have the patience to wait for him to answer so I just brought him to the bed. This time, he's lying on his back while I hover on top of him. His face was beet red and extremely embarrassed to meet my eyes.

"I-If Yuma hears about this... he'll hate me..." His voice was trembling like he's about to cry.

"He doesn't need to know..." There's a hint of anger in my voice and I don't have the intention to hide it. He's been saying Yuma's name all this time and I'm starting to get annoyed by it too.

We kissed once again, this time more aggressive and hungrier than earlier, we almost forgot to breathe. We would gasp for air for a split second then return back to our kiss instantly like we can't get enough of it. Like our life depends on it. Reiji-senpai sure is a good kisser and I suddenly hate the thought that another man tasted him like this before.

A nasty thought suddenly came into me…

'I want to make him annoyingly scream my name tonight.'