King's Gambit 008

<< r e i j i >>


I wanted to say that I had no recollection of what happened last night — between me and Eisuke. If only I could make myself believe that the alcohol I drank took over my whole body that's why I did what I did. But, I'm obviously fully aware of everything. I'm not even that drunk to begin with.

After I sucked him off, we made out once again. And for Who-knows how long we kept kissing and touching each other. He even jerked me off a couple of times. I was so exhausted but everytime I close my eyes I could still see that erotic look on his face. And thanks to that, I couldn't get a wink of sleep, I'll get hard if I see that damn look on his face again. My mind and, more importantly, my body, could still clearly remember the way Eisuke kissed me and teased me.

The moment I finally succumbed to that desire, the guilt of doing it with Yuma's cousin vanished from my mind like it never existed in the first place. But now that I'm completely sober, and hungover, Everything was coming back to me and I wanted to punch myself for losing my reason.

Even though it was Eisuke who kissed me first, even though he was the one who initiated, and no matter how much his eyes were filled with desire for me that night, I still shouldn't have done that.

I could do it with anybody else but not with Yuma, not even with his dear cousin.

"I'm so dead if Yuuma finds out about this…" I kept mumbling to myself.

"Reiji. Why are you up so early?"

I turned and found Natsuki about to sit beside me on the bar's counter. He gently placed a cup of hot coffee right in front of me.

"My head hurts like hell…"

Not just from a hangover. I suddenly realized that this hangover was totally bearable compared to this dilemma about Eisuke. I reached for the cup and carefully took a sip of the coffee. The bitter aroma flooded my nostrils while the strong taste sent a sense of relief into my aching head.

"You had it rough last night." Natsuki said while throwing me a knowing look partnered with a subtle smirk.

I shook my head but it only made me dizzy, "Man…" I massaged my temples, "You have no idea."

He scoffed, "Why? Was the boy no good?"

"Nah, on the contrary, he was…" I sighed in defeat. "...A beast."

Natsuki shrugged, "Fair enough for the hunter."

I suddenly felt so frustrated I just buried my face into my hands. "We shouldn't have done that… I should've controlled myself." Then I suddenly turned to Natsuki, glaring at him. He looked back at me confused.

"You should've insisted on taking me with you last night… I even asked you first." I whined.

"Huh? What am I supposed to do? You followed him on your own accord."

I once again buried my face into my hands, "Argh! Yuma will hate me..."

Then I felt a hand rested over my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Well… He just doesn't have to know. Don't worry, I won't say anything."

"I thought he doesn't even like me… why would he do that?" I just continued mumbling to myself, completely disregarding Natsuki's existence.

"And here I thought, you two already have something going on before this." He said under his breath but enough that I could hear it.

I gave my bar stool a little spin to face Natsuki. His eyes were puffy and his handsome face looked tired. Made me wonder if he hadn't slept last night either. I took a deep breath, "Just to clear things up, Eisuke and I didn't go all the way last night. Thank Goodness I was able to stop myself from crossing that line. And, Yeah, I'm sorry I lied to everyone when I said Eisuke was my new partner. I was just planning to show Eisuke to that bastard so he'll stop pestering me. I never thought Eisuke would ride on to that show."

"I kinda figured that out. After you said both of you don't have that kind of relationship and Eisuke also said he got involved when you used him to get rid of Kenji-san."

A sudden memory flashed into my mind…

'Senpai, if you're planning to use me better use me properly.'

I remember Eisuke saying that last night. Was he pissed that I used him to get rid of that bastard? Was his actions last night on purpose?

He didn't like anything, even a tiny bit, about me. I annoyed him so much he probably hates me. So, it only makes sense that he was only trying to get back at me for using him, that's why he did that last night.

"Reiji, why don't you use me instead? I can be your partner for the meantime." Natsuki said nonchalantly while staring straight into my eyes.

I was caught off guard. It sounded so serious and yet my mind wouldn't believe the things he said. I opened my mouth and before a word even rolled down my tongue Natsuki suddenly laughed. I was taken aback once again.

"Just kidding!" Natsuki kept patting my back, "Just kidding."

Honestly, I was relieved. I was just about to brush it off knowing he already has someone he loves.

I gasped when I realized I almost did it with him last night. I asked him to hold me even though I knew he already had someone in his heart. I almost made him do something he doesn't want to do.

"The heck I'll believe that?!" I chuckled, "A man in love shouldn't joke about that with somebody else."

"I know. I know. Here..." Natsuki pulled out a green box from a paper bag sitting over the table beside him and then placed it right in front of me, beside my cup of coffee.

I stared at the box for an eternity. "What's this?"

"Just open it." There was a hint of smug in his voice.

I slowly opened the box and in the center sits a yellow gold watch with a dark brown strap. On the watch, 'Rolex' and 'Daytona' along with a few more words were written.

The watch was so beautiful.

I looked at Natsuki again. He was smiling at me with such a gentle smile.

"Happy Birthday Reiji."

"W-Wait, Natsuki… this is...?"

"Obviously, it's my gift for you."

"No! This is Rolex, Natsuki! And you're telling me that you're giving this to me?!"

He raised a brow, "Why not?"

"God knows how expensive this watch is?! I don't think I can accept this Natsuki. I feel like I'll be committing a crime if I take this."

My heart was pounding so crazy right now. I'm aware that Natsuki is kind of rich but I never thought he's this rich, rich! Now that I think about it, he gave me quite a few expensive looking presents before.

He bursted into laughter, "The heck, Reiji?! I especially got that for you. I'll be really sad if you don't accept my gift."



WHEN I RETURNED TO MY ROOM, EISUKE WAS ALREADY UP AND ABOUT. He just walked out from the bath when I arrived, he was only wearing a damn towel around his waist. I couldn't help but ogle at his body. And immediately, the memories from last night came flashing back into my mind. I had to look away just to stop myself from fantasizing and getting turned on by myself.

"Senpai, where did you go?"

"My head was hurting when I woke up, so I went out to grab a cup of coffee."

"I see… Well, we have to pack our things up now." He was still walking around the room only with a towel wrapped around his waist. What a temptation so early in the morning…

I took a deep breath. I could only attempt to calm myself. "Eisuke, why don't you put on something first?"

Suddenly our eyes met and then his lips curved into an obvious smirk. I immediately averted my gaze.

"At least you're not pretending like you don't remember what happened last night, senpai."

"Why would I? I can remember everything so I beg you, Eisuke, put on some clothes."

He gasped, "Don't tell me, you're embarrassed?!"

I looked at him, this time, amused. "As if." It's my turn to smirk at him, "I'm not some virgin to be embarrassed about that, we didn't even go all the way."

"Right. And next time, we'll definitely go all the way, Reiji-senpai."

My mouth gaped open, I was lost for words I couldn't even retaliate. The fvck is with this kid?! Is he serious?

Before I knew it, Eisuke was already standing close in front of me. I have to take a step back to gain distance from him. But he also took a couple of steps forward, getting closer to me.

"What are you doing, Eisuke?"

He leaned down, bringing his face close to mine.

"You're so annoying, senpai."

Then he inched even closer until our lips were finally pressed together. My heart was pounding so hard against my chest. He held the back of my head pulling me closer as we kissed, locking my head in this position.

We nibbled each other's lips as if last night wasn't enough. Eisuke was sucking on my lower lip while his free hand caressed all over my back. My knees were starting to feel weak, I had no choice but to wrap my arms around his neck.

As if breaking free from this kiss was never an option. But I'm weak to kisses, especially kisses that were good like Eisuke's.

"Hmmm…" A moan escaped my mouth as I gasped for quick air.

I could feel Eisuke smiling as his lips met mine again. He then pulled my waist towards him and that's when I felt something hard pressing against me.

He's hard. And there's only a thin piece of towel covering his dick.

I had to gasp as the thought sent shivers down my spine.

king's gambit chapter 08//end