King's Gambit 009

<< e i s u k e >>


I wasn't even drunk last night but something ignited within me that was too annoying to just ignore. This desire to monopolize and tease that annoying guy took over my reasoning that was barely holding on in the first place. Ever since that night at the bar, I may hate to admit it, I am starting to get interested in senpai.

As a person? Slightly yes.

Sexually? For sure!

Romantically? Absolutely not.

To be completely honest, it's beyond my understanding why I was so agitated when Reiji-senpai basically begged Natsuki-san to hold him last night. They've already ended that kind of relationship between them long ago but Natsuki-san was still in love with him, he won't say no to senpai, that's for sure.

And what did I do? I had my way with him despite his weak protests. His lips were so soft and he's too good at kissing, so good I completely lost my mind and allowed myself to succumb to my lower half's desire.

Not just kissing, the way his hands caressed my body and the look in his eyes as he stared at me, his technique and his expression as he was giving me a head, the way he's touching himself and his voice as he moans… God damn it!

Everything was so sexy and erotic. How could I hold back in that situation?!

But why was he so adamant at making sure Yuma wouldn't know about what happened? Was it because his best friend is my cousin and he didn't want to have that kind of relationship with his best friend's relative?

But Yuma and I are just cousins, we're not siblings and he's definitely not my father. I could decide on my own. Who I sleep with is not really Yuma's concern, even if it's with his best friend.

As soon as we reached our stop, I grabbed Reiji-senpai's luggages from his hands. He protested at first but he couldn't do anything at my insistence.

"Senpai, what made you so upset last night? You were so giddy before you answered that call and then all of a sudden you—" My words got stuck in my throat as I watched senpai's expression turn dark.

"It's none of your concern, Eisuke." His dim expression shifted in an instant, his mouth curved into a huge grin and then in a teasing tone he asked, "Are becoming interested in me?"

I studied his face carefully this time and I can't help but wonder, how could this person skillfully hide his true feelings as if they didn't matter?

"No way!"


WHEN WE ENTERED THE APARTMENT, Yuma surprised us by singing 'Happy Birthday' while holding a round cake with lit up candles in his hands. He was singing so enthusiastically that I'm glad he's doing this inside their home. Reiji-senpai also joined Yuma in this embarrassing birthday sing-along.

I stood frozen as I watched those two happily reunited in their own little world. Do they do this kind of act during each other's birthdays? Such an embarrassingly innocent yet strong friendship.

I've never surprised Youjin this way during his birthday before. In fact, I was never a fan of celebrating a birthday that's why I've never thought of doing something like this for someone and I've never wished to experience this either.

Because, for me, it'll only become a heavy burden.

"Eisuke, come here! Let's eat this cake." Yuma called. I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't even realize they were already heading to the kitchen.

"I don't really like sweet stuff…" I whispered, but somehow I wanted to eat it too. "Maybe I'll take a few bites."

Yuma chuckled, "I know. Reiji will devour everything so come on, quickly get your slice."

Even before Reiji-senpai and I could change our clothes and put our luggages away, we ate and drank first to celebrate Reiji-senpai's birthday. We also told Yuma how our trip went. Obviously keeping out the details of our night together.

Senpai sincerely doesn't want Yuma to know about what happened between us, so sincerely he almost pleaded with tears in his eyes.

Later that night, I couldn't sleep thinking about senpai. His expression when I asked him earlier what made him so upset still haunts me. It wasn't really my business to mind but I have this annoying interest and morbid curiosity to know that part of senpai — that part of him he's been trying to hide and has been keeping people at a safe distance.

"Yuma…" I said in a quiet voice.

"Hmmm?" He replied in a quiet murmur without taking his eyes off his phone.

"Do you happen to know if Reiji-senpai has another best friend aside from you?"

"Huh?!" This time, he turned to his side in order to look at me. He studied my face for a quick second, probably searching for a sign that I was trying to tease him and when he saw I was, indeed, serious, he gave me a lopsided smile. "I don't know. Last time I checked, I was his only best friend."

"Then, does he have enemies? Or stalker?"

"Knowing Reiji, he probably has one or two of them but he definitely could deal with them well."

Yuma really knows his friend, is what I wanted to think. But even best friends have one or two secrets they surely don't want the other to know.

"Why did you ask, Eisuke?"

"Uhm it's just that… last night, he was in a really good mood before answering a certain phone call but then he came back so upset."

Yuma returned his attention to his phone, "Really? Maybe he had a fight with his partner?"


Could be an old fuck buddy of his but he wouldn't be so happy and excited if that was the case, right?

Besides, I am his current partner and it obviously was not me.

And then, Yuma continued in a nonchalant tone…

"But when I called Reiji at around 12AM, his mood was still great. He was even giddy and excited while telling me that Natsuki-san was treating you two for drinks."

I instantly felt a chill run down my whole body, as if a bucket of ice cold water was poured all over me, after hearing what Yuma had just said.

'W-What the hell?'


FINALLY IT'S FRIDAY AND EVERYONE IN THE OFFICE DECIDED TO THROW ME A WELCOME PARTY. Even Yuma and Reiji-senpai's senpai, the President himself, is here. When I heard he'll be coming along, I thought there would be an air of awkwardness but I was pleasantly surprised when the company president was emitting a nice welcoming air. He's just like Yuma and I could see how close they are.

"Eisuke-kun, I heard some nice feedback from Reiji about you. You did a great job during your ocular with Reiji." The President, Touru-san, said with a really big smile on his face after he drank from his glass of beer.

We — me, Yuma, Reiji-senpai, Touru-san, Eri-san and 3 more employees, sat together at one long table while the others occupied another long table across from us.

Yuma chimed in, "Really senpai? Reiji has always been stingy with his compliments, it's a shame I wasn't there when he said that."

Everybody at our table laughed, well, except me and Reiji-senpai, who's already flushed red from drinking.

"I'm not stingy with compliments, I give credit when credit is due. It just so happened I didn't meet a lot who deserves such high praise from me." Reiji-senpai scoffed, pouting his lips a bit.

"We know!" Touru-san chuckled, then his eyes shifted from senpai to me. "Eisuke-kun must be really good."

Reiji-senpai chugged down his glass full of beer, "He's good but haven't seen all he could do yet."

"Then, let's give him a chance to show more of his skills."

I suddenly felt a gentle nudge to my side where Yuma was sitting. When I turned to look at him, I found him already staring at me with a big grin plastered on his stupid face, as if trying to tease me. "Isn't it great, Eisuke?"

"So, Eri and Yuma…"Everyone's attention suddenly turned to Yuma and Eri as Touru-san called their names in such a cheerful high-pitched voice. I caught a glimpse of Yuma, swallowing a lump on his throat as if he knew what his senpai was about to say. "When are you two going to get married?"

Yuma and Eri-san chuckled at the exact same time.

"Senpai, isn't it too early for that? There's so many things to consider before getting marriedl."

Eri-san stood up to pour beer on Touru-san's glass filling it up to its brim. "Yuma's right. It's not like we're not talking about it, but, yeah, it's still too early for marriage, Mr. President."

It would sound absurd, but I just learned today that Eri-san was Yuma's girlfriend. Back at the office, I would often see the both of them talking from Reiji-senpai's small corner but I've always thought they were just talking about work-related stuff. Besides, Yuma and I didn't go home together often. It was either: he's working overtime to finish up some work or he would let me go back home first because he has to go to his girlfriend's apartment.

My surprise must have really showed on my face when I heard about their relationship earlier because Yuma made a foolish-looking smile while scratching the back of his head while saying, "I lost the chance to tell you about Eri, I thought you would just figure it out or, atleast, Reiji will tell you."

But Reiji-senpai never told me.

Now thinking about it, he would just refer to Yuma's girlfriend as 'Yuma's Girlfriend'. He could just say Eri, it's easier to say and I even know her, but he chooses not to say her name.

I glanced at Reiji-senpai, who's sitting across from me. His cheeks flushed redder than just a few minutes ago and I can't help but wonder how hot his skin would feel against my touch. He was laughing along with everyone but in that split moment as he took a sip of his beer, a dark and lonely expression washed over his face.

A sudden pang of pain from within my chest was too bothersome for me to ignore and I thought gulping down my glass of beer could make it go away but the feeling only grew heavier.

My heart skipped a beat when senpai suddenly rose from his seat.

"I need some fresh air..." He announced nonchalantly.

"Are you drunk already, Reiji?" The guy sitting beside senpai asked in a mocking tone.

Senpai just scoffed at him before he walked towards the entrance of the pub and stepped outside.

Everyone's too immersed in their own fun conversations to even notice that I also stood up leaving my seat to follow senpai outside.

Cold breeze immediately greeted me which made me shiver for a brief moment. I looked around this dimly lit parking lot but senpai was not here.

'Where did that guy go?'

Then I saw a faint smoke coming from the small alley between the pub and the unlit building right next to it. I walked over there and found senpai leaning against the wall — his eyes stared into the darkness in daze and a cigarette pressed between his lips. He seemed too deep into his thoughts to even realize that I'm already standing right next to him.

I watched him gently grab the small stick between his thumb and forefinger as he inhaled from his mouth — taking a long careful drag, and after he's satisfied, he took away the stick and exhaled, blowing out sweet smoke from his nostrils and slightly-parted lips into the cold air.

"I didn't know you smoke…" My voice resonated through the darkness of this alley which startled senpai.

He immediately turned to look at me with his eyes wide open. He instinctively grabbed his chest with his free hand as he heaved a really deep sigh of relief. "Oh my god, Eisuke, you scared me! How long have you been standing there?"

"Hmm… maybe for about three minutes."

"You've been here this whole time and you didn't even say anything?"

I shrugged, "Didn't I just speak?"

He shook his head before taking a quick drag from his cigarette.

"Oh this?" He lifted the cigarette as if showing it to me, "I smoke every once in a while. Do you smoke, Eisuke?"

"Nah…" I answered nonchalantly. "I've had enough inhaling second hand smoke. Even Youjin's boyfriend smokes."

"I see…"

Again, senpai fixed his stare to the wall in front of us as his thoughts started to wander off once again. I even talked about Youjin and usually, he won't stop asking me more about my best friend.

What's he thinking so hard about?

It's not like I want to ask about the expression he made earlier. Or why he never said Eri-san's name when he's talking about Yuma's Girlfriend. And about that night, what did Yuma do to make him so upset?

"Uhhh…" Senpai grunted as smoke escapes his lips, "I want to have sex…"

All my thoughts from earlier suddenly vanished. "Let's do it."

He turned to look at me. Even in this dark alley, I could see my reflection in senpai's eyes and they're sucking me in.


"Let's go home and have sex."

king's gambit chapter 9//end