The Golden Nori

Bonnet and Rackham strolled down the decks in hope of finding, something. They had a vague idea of what they wanted to happen but concret plans were a bit of a nono for them. They had learned in life that to peacock right one had to keep his eyes open, the head lifted with a slight tilt, a semi permanent hint of a smile on the lips and under no circumstances allow themselves to micro look at the prey. Stare or don't, nothing in between.

They strolled around the ship. Passing from the crew messhall, through the dimly lit corridors of the nori to medical, in hope of finding, something. The Nori's corridors were not quite special but defenitly unique in appearance. They used to be made out of white coated iron bulkheads and surfaces made from aluminum recycled so often that it had a mystical feel to it from the thousands upon thousands of metal workers that had died various workplace accidents that saw them falling into molten metal. The crew were aware of this in the same sense that they knew that their food was made from their own excrements. They knew, they marvelled, they didn't care. To Bonnet and Rackham it was different. When they first had set foot on the Nori they knew she was special. The intricate patterns of mold rust fungi and aluminum patina fascinated them. By now they had admired its beauty on every part of the ship, except for Rackham who couldn't be allowed in the holo chamber for obvious reasons. They loved it. It had that quality of chaos to it that made for great art.

Even though Bonnet and Rackham had already aquired a bit of a doofus reputation among their friends. Yes they were both of the kind of people that thought in terms of friends not colleagues or coworkers or fellow pirates, and friends they had made with most of the crew.

"Yo man, pass, man"

"don't hassle dude"

"Ye man, sorry, but you been hanging on for a while now, can't know if you can handle it that well can I?"

"Nah dude i'm fine dude"

The bulkhead to the bridge slid open with a freshly oiled swoop and Sybill Streets appeared before them. An awkward moment of silence erupted with a freshly oiled swoop for them.


"What are you two idiots doing here, don't you have something to do? get to it. And what is that disgusting smell?"

"nothin' mam"

"mam, I think Rackham hasn't showered in a week, mam."

Sybill raised an eyebrow and the chewGar made a swift retreat behind the gentlemans back.

"mam, it's the showers mam. The ships Ai keeps pestering Rackham whenever he wants to enter a bathroom. It doesn't say so explicitly but keeps coming up with excuses. Rackham had to take his dumps in a bucket and throw it out the airlock for a while now mam, is not economical isn't it.

"Oh bloody hell Jack, you could have said something sooner. Ill get that fixed, now bugger off"

Bonnet and Rackham beat a slow retreat, starting the first couple steps backwards before turning and slowly strolling away, while Rackham blew in a cough a smokering big enough to encompass a person through the closing bridge bulkhead towards Sybill's back. With another nicely audible swoop that drowned out Rackhams coughing the bulkhead slit shut.

"close one man, but you do know I take my hygene seriously"

"Ye dude but the LT doesn't, I had to do something right?"

"Ye man good thinking I guess"