The undying one

There was a rumor about it; the undying one, an existence so old that it had lived through the universe. It had seen everywhen. It had started out as something less but happenstance had transformed it. It couldn't die. It couldn't live either. The only friends it had that were there to last were space and entropy. Peoples lives were but brief flashes to it, civilisations like flowers that bloomed once a season and were replaced the next, Stars like lovers that eventually left. Blackholes remained. It hated black holes, with a passion. Radiation and heat meant freedom to it. The universe as it is known today is young. Its cycle had just started. The undying one had seen its end it had been there, he had waited, and waited, and waited for aeons. It saw all stars collaps, it saw the universe growing dark and cold, it saw all matter that was left outside of blackholes turn into iron, and it waited some more for it all to start back up again.

It wasn't sure why or how it existed, but it trancended the cycle. It had come out the other end and now there was light again and it grew exited. It gathered its powers , it remembered what it had been. Radiation fueled it. It found a planet and there it sat, waiting for life to emerge to once again become its champion.