The Golden Nori

With Bonnet and Rackham gone Sybill turned her attention to the Gap'n.

"Kumar, Sybill it's time. We are going to have to step things up a notch to get this old rustbucket raceworthy."

"Sir, I have made a detailed analysis of the ships state, we are lacking in essentials. The Nori requires extensive upgrades. The drive is outdated and needs a substantial power up to haul the considerable mass of the ship up to competetive speeds. The life support systems are already starting to get overloaded and we are dipping into our supplies to satisfy the crews needs. A preliminary structural check revealed several revealed several weak spots in the frame. The ships Ai is so old that it has gotten quirky."

"The Ai stays Kumar" Blomar interjected.

"Sir, i'm not sure it's quite safe to do so!"

"LT. Kumar we are not going to embark on a galaxy spanning race in a ship without a personality, I just don't have that much faith in our crew. They need the Nori's guidance. From what I can tell of it, she has been quite tacit and insightful, remarkably so! She stays." Blomar turned to Sybill.

"That brings us to the other big point on the agenda, the crew. We are lacking in officers and bridge personel. And I can't even imagine what it must be like for the subcompartments, LT. Streets do you have something to report on that front?"

"Yes Gap'n, our original crews technical expertise was at best lacking, so with the help of the ships logs we have found and tried to integrate several of the new/original spacers of the Nori into appropriate positions. I have succeeded in convincing the ships Doctor, a Miss Laetia, to resume her duties under our leadership. Apart from her the general evaluation and, due to our harsh treatment, recovery of some of the other crew is still in a preliminary state."

"Good. As I understand it there should be a Chief Engineer about?"

"No Sir, he fell victim to that maniac"

"Well, no harm done. We should be able to recruit one at Haradhere. Any other notable positions that require filling in the short term LT. ?

Kumar spoke up: "Sir, considering we are going on a very long journey we should think about expanding our recycling efforts. How about a biolab? We already have multiple different species of crew aboard and it is rather likely that continuous operation of the cheap Waste'O'nutri is going to overload it at some point. Besides it is inefficient and will cost us money in the long term."

"That is a valid concern Kumar. It aswell should be adressed at Haradhere."

"Alright, I think we are done here for now. Streets, you get back to beating the crew in shape. Kumar you go do your thing."

Kumar and Sybill buggered off, Sybill to the messhall, and kumar back behind a terminal.

Dwight D. Rhymes was having a horrible time. Several of his friends had died to that bloody janitor, he had learned that from a brief conversation with the ship, and god help him if he ever got to that asshat he would personally throw him into the Waste'O'Nutri. However, for now he had other concerns. His ship was infested with pirates, the daft ship Ai has turned coats apparently as soon as the pirates came aboard, and his left leg was broken at the shin and sticking out from under him in an unnatural looking angle. Laetia has been throwing him pityful looks for a while now but it still wasn't his turn to the medbay.

"Yo Dude, ya used to be the cap'n here right? well well not anymore you ain't ay?"

"Ye man, you r our bitch now ain't you?"

"Yo Dude, cmon say it"

"Get lost you fucking twerps or im going to stick that disgusting imitation of a Cigar down where the sun don't shine!"

Anger had become a bit of a friend to Dwight. Bonnet and Rackham recognised a tiger with his back to a wall but wern't quite smart enough to act on it. Without any further ado Dwight hauled himself up to his functioning leg, which was an impressive feat as the ship was currently under thrust, and immediately threw his knuckles at Rackhams chin. However, Calico Jack Rackham, wasn't a stranger to fistfights. Infact he enjoyed them. The opportunity to have a propper slugmatch rarely presented itself with the multitude of wierd alien physiques and he was glad to have it.

He took one, he blocked the second, he countered the third by kicking the leg his opponent was standing on out away from under him.

"Now what we have here man, looks a bit like a ylorian dirt crab. Two short legs and two double jointed pincors at the rear."

"Dude, impressive. it's almost like art, I think you broke his other leg dude!"

The Room fell silent, then a lady came running, foam dripping from the corners of her mouth, in her hand she held a fresh Sniggers plate and in a flying smash crashed it on Rackhams head. Chaos ensued. Those that had watched the play with interest, fear or disgust, entered into a great royal rumble. Chairs were ripped from the walls, the gentleman ate a headbutt from the angry lady and blushed. People were screaming and generally beating the shit out of each other.

The Nori saw fit to play some subtle ancient wardrum beat, in her honest opinion, this was a necessary occurance. Pressure had been build and now it needed to be released.