Chapter 29: The Reveal

Over the next month, Damien was able to make most of his gifts for the future avengers. Even being able to modify them completely for their intended users. Getting the completed gifts stored in metal cases, shaped like capsules, for future delivery. The capsules are capable of self delivery to the intended party with the use of repulsor technology.

Over the next few months many events took place, which were monitored by Alfred and Damien. Tony continues to improve and test his suit, along with the meeting with Obidiah and the 'Ten Rings' kidnappers. Dr. Banner getting in contact with Samuel Sterns. Tony's first flight in the upgraded suit along with the later fight against the ten rings in Gulmira Afghanistan. Even the fight that Tony and Obidiah had on the night of November 24th was monitored and recorded.

There were even a few missions and projects from SHIELD that were monitored like project TAHITI that had a trial experiment in March of 2010.

When Banner sends a blood sample to Sterns on April 12th, the sample is tracked and monitored until arrival at Stern's lab. When sterns began testing and making artificial copies of the blood sample, a mosquito drone was sent to get a sample. The sample was later scanned and analyzed to show how the Gamma radiation was interacting with Banner's blood and dna.

Then Tony appears before the senate on May 8th. There was a hearing about the Ironman 'Weapon', and the senate wanted to confiscate the armor for their own uses. But the hearing ended in embarrassment for Justin Hammer and the senate not getting what they wanted. Although after this hearing there was extra surveillance placed on Justin Hammer without anyone being aware.

Then there was the attack on Tony Stark at the Circuit de Monaco on May 23. Ivan Vanko, in a patchwork exoskeleton, walked onto the track of the race and then attacked the race car Tony was driving. Shocking the world, as there was now proof that there are people in the world capable of making a hitech suit of armor like Tony with the ability to cause him harm. Although the incident ended with Vanko being imprisoned, the drones recorded his meeting with Justin Hammer. His hidden release and subsequent 'hiring' at Hammer Industries to complete the Hammer Drones.

------------------- 2:45 pm, 5/30/10, Star Labs------------------------------

All those events lead up to today. The Saturday afternoon following Tony's birthday party. The most talked about event of the previous day. After watching the surveillance of the private conversation with Tony and Nick Fury, Damien began to plan for the attack at the Stark expo the following night. Tony just got the expo diagrams from his old office and is heading home to reinvent a new molecule. While Damien on the other hand is gathering all the evidence and files on Justin Hammer. All his illegal deals, treasonous actions, and even the corners he cut in the production of his weapons. Spending most of the day on that and mankind sure that his new and improved supersuit was ready for action.

----------------5:25pm, 5/30/10, Star Labs-------------------

Damien:" Alfred, did you finish compiling the video of Hammer's interactions with Vanko?"

Alfred: "Of course, Sir. And I took the liberty to add the files and documents of Hammer's illegal activity to the folder to be sent out at the same time. A copy of the folder is queued up to be sent to multiple sources of media at your order."

Damien: " That's great. Have the folders sent to the media anonymously through different channels after the fireworks go off. And make sure that shield and the authorities get the video of Hammer with Vanko the moment Stark leaves the expo tomorrow." *tomorrow is going to be an interesting night. Tomorrow I will step out and help Stark a bit and Finally reveal Upgrade to the world officially.*