
July 18, midnight


Ever since I broke my arm, I haven't been able to help out at all. I feel useless. like, I literally have to wait for one of them to rescue me. I wouldn't mind helping, but Lou, made me promise not to. So, since I love this boy I had to promise. We were now walking through the woods up north or well I think.

"Curls how's your arm?"

I looked down at my arm calculating my answer, I mean it would be obvious if I lied. But really?

"it's fine" I said feeling the heat of Louis eyes on me "I can move it around, more than I ever could yesterday."

"that's still not good harry" Finnick crouched down listening to something " But Finn-"

"but Finn nothing, just ask Louis, he would say the same thing"

Louis gave me an appointed look," Look, I can't just stand here, and let you guys do all the work. That's just. Just not right" i argued


"Curls we know that, but if you try to fight, it's going to drag you down"

"so is depending on you guys to rescue me"



"what? It's true, i can't lie to him. He does have a point"

Lou looked down at my arm speculating something, then looked at me, "Fine Harry, do whatever you like. But when you die...don't come crying to me"



"save it, we have to focus on the task at hand. Finn what do you hear?"

"I hear talking, but it's faint"


"how is that good sass masta?"

"really" i interrupted " you really made nicknames for all of us?"

"yup, Finn right here is....prince charming"

"let's focus please....Jo, which way should we go?"

"Well....if charming here, said that he hears talking up ahead, we should go this way-- West so we can avoid the group. Otherwise, we would have to fight through them. But I don't think that's a good idea, with Harry's arm and all"

"he has to keep up, or he's going to get all of us killed" Louis seethed

"okay Louis, I heard you loud and clear, you don't have to do all that" i glared back. If he wanna be an ass, I can be one too- well try- I'm a sweetheart. You do know I used to work in a bakery right?

"good we should fight"

"but we don't know how many of them are there" Finn argued

"most likely it would be four or five, depending on how many trainees was in the dome.....that was sixty-four, so since some of us has 4, or six people there will roughly be 12 groups"

"wow....speak English for me curls"

i sighed " there is 12 groups- well eleven since we eliminated one"

"since we eliminated them"

"i helped too Louis, you can include me too"

"and how many is in these group?" Finn questioned "I would say the probability of 4 wouldn't be less likely"


"four. Mostly it would be four in all groups"

"what if theirs six in the groups smart ass?"

"well Louis, I did say mostly...get it through your thick skull

"no" he walked up, knocking his shoulder against mine, making me jolt in pain

"what was that for"

he stopped and turned around, smirking at me "what do you mean?"


"guys, let's keep moving, alright. We're moving west"


"no Lou, west"


It was sunrise. We've been hiking for at least twelve hours. "Alright guys, we need rest, Finn sleep, i can take watch

"Lou no I can-"

"I mean it Finnick... rest"


he really has a sweet bone. Me and Jo found ourselves a nice well um, an almost nice dirt bed? I layed down facing Louis in the process. He was sharpening his blade in a sawing motion. I moved my head causing a twig to break real smooth styles. Louis looked up, glared at me, and turn his body away from me continuing his sharpening.

What's wrong with him?

Word count:676💕✋🏾