Survival Instinct

July 18, noon

due to the embarrassing encounter with Louis, I decided to wake up first and get started with this raw- thing, well fish. 'what are you making, curly?"

Johanna stretched and started hacking the tree with her axe " what did the poor tree do to you"

"it messed up my hair" I stood up and handed her the fish, "really, messy hair...we can be killed, and your hair is more important"

"well, looking good," Finnick interrupted " comes with it's perks,right Tomlinson?"

Louis rolled his eyes, " well sometimes, but if you have curly hair, like hazz does, you don't have to do much"

"please have sex somewhere else" I dropped the fish "ew, I'm innocent how dare you guys! I'm changing the this fish needs eating"

"of course hazza, conspiracies right?"

" y-yeah, you know that's not funny Lou, I was nervous"

"nervous?" he walked over and picked up the fish, dusting it off, expecting it "you were nervous around me?"

"well yeah, a little" I said staring fondly in his eyes "well don't" he walked up, swiping a curl behind my ear-

"UM.. sorry to interrupt this.. moment, but we do have brains to smash"

"alright Finn" I said with a huff " but first we have to eat this"

"that's raw, styles"

"no shit Jo, let him speak"

"thanks Lou"

'ew, this Larry stuff is gonna make me gag"

"whate- what? Who's Larry?" I said cutting the fish in half with my arrow

"you two... Louis, Harry...Larry. Duh"

"oh...well this is Sea Bass, you can eat it raw"

"changing the subject are we?"

"you know I used to work in a bakery?"




We finished eating, and finished the task at hand, Lou eliminated April, Finn killed Brianna, Jo killed Magna, and I had to eliminate Barbara, she was nice soul. I used to work with her at the bakery.

"Okay hazza, that guy right there is Tyrone. He's the strongest one here, well physically. I'm going to need you to shoot an arrow at that tree,so he can go west, and us East."

"But Lou, wouldn't it be wise to fight him now. I mean, it's 4 against one

"Well yeah....but we would also be drawing attention to ourselves, and we don't want that"

"okay leader"

I climbed up the tree on the longing branch and pulled back my arrow, aiming at the left branch


Instead of shooting the branch, I shot Tyrone in his arm. The imbalance of the branch snapped, causing me to go tumbling down on Louis


"Are you alright Lou" I said still lying on top of him "emotionally I'm fine, but physically I'm you're still lying on top of me."

"oh sorry!" I blushed, and sat up, causing a shooting pain to go to my arm

"shit.. my arm"

"wait hazz, don't move...JOHANNA, FINNICK BRING YOUR ARSES HERE"

"Lou what the hell, you just told everyone in the forest our location"


"look, I'm sorry, but Harry fell out the tree, and now his arm hurts"

Jo looked at my arm doing tests on it. She tried to make me move, but every time I did, a shooting pain would go up my arm. This time worse than the first one.

"well, we have good news, and bad news, choose one"

"umm good" Finnick said staring at my arm

"harry still has good bone structure but.... are you ready Lou?"

"yeah... go ahead"

"his arm is broken"

WordCount: 584💕✋🏾