Red King

Awakening within a red world, seeming much like an interpritation hell, a man with similarly red hair stood up and took in his surroundings.

"Where am I... what is this?" He asked curiously as he attempted to draw his gun from his side. Feeling nothing but the fabric against his leg, the man looked down at where he had been touching.

Surprising him greatly, a firearm that was always been in that spot every day for years, was now nowhere to be seen.

"How did I get here?" He asked himself as he turned around only to be greeted by a giant black cute with a red circle in the center releasing a red light.

"What... didn't I see this thing come out of that anomaly? How is it here?" He asked himself more questions as he placed his hand onto the cube's surface to see if he was dreaming or not.

Placing his hand on the black surface of the cube he noticed it was not hot or cold, as if falling from the sky didn't heat it up at all.

Determined to see if it was the same cute, the man, Cole, went around the giant cube feeling its surface. This took what seemed like 10 minutes, yet what dumbfounded him was the smooth feeling he felt all over.

He was certain crashing into the ground like it did would give it some scratches if not dents. Yet it was completely smooth on the surface.

Just as he was about to ask himself another question he was interrupted when information flooded his mind. Feeling the sudden impartation of unknown symbols into his mind, Cole felt like he had a splitting headache and lost his balance a bit.

Taking a few steps back while holding his head, Cole felt his surroundings get hotter, but not enough to harm him in any way. As he looked around he saw the flames in the surroundings surge towards him before curling around his body without burning him or his clothes.

While terrified of the situation, he felt the symbols in his mind change into English. Taking the time to learn the new information being revealed to him, he realized that he was able to make a wish with Pandora's Box.

"I know the wish I want..." he said as he looked towards the black cube and shouted. "I want to be strong enough to protect my family! That is my wish!"

Feeling the flames in his surroundings seep into his body, he began panicking as he thought that he would be burned alive from the inside out. Moments later, to his surprise, he felt that he had somehow gained control of the crimson fire.

[Initializing the Red King's System] A man's monotone voice resounded within the red world, startling Cole a bit. Cole was extremely confused as he looked around to find the source of the voice. Seeing nobody in his surroundings, he felt like he had simply imagined it.

Looking ato his hands that were now covered in a red aura, he came to the conclusion that the flames had become his power to wield in order to accomplish his wish.

Covering his hand in crimson flames he felt like he had become an entirely new person. Before he could comment though, he felt everything go black as his consciousness was removed from that space.

Inside the ruined military camp~

"Kyle where is the squad leader?!" A man asked as he ran up to another soldier while looking around. The surroundings were dust-filled and chaotic, with hundreds of people yelling random things the area had almost no semblance of order.

As the two soldiers looked around for their squad leader, scientists around them asking for help recovering their work or freeing their colleagues from the rubble. The previously calm camp had become a place of disorder and madness.

"I don't know James, we need to find the other two so let's split up. You look for them and I will look for the squad leader. I'll radio yo-" the man who had spoken to the squad leader before, Kyle, was saying as a massive pillar of red light erupted into the sky.

Looking towards the pillar he and James were very confused, but remembering his job, he held up his assault rifle and started running to the source of the light with James following closely behind.

"Radio the other squad members to head towards that light!" He said urgently to James as they ran past dozens of foreign soldiers who were simply staring at the red light.


Taking a few minutes to weave through the collapsed buildings, fallen trees, and idle soldiers. Kyle and James arrived at the base of the red light.

Forming a half circle entrapment around it, lower rank squads were already there with their guns raised. They nervously waiting for whatever was causing the light to show itself.

"Hold your fire!" Kyle said as he walked up to the red light, just as he was about to issue a few orders a loud sigh and familiar was heard from within the pillar as the top began to shatter into particles of red light leaving a crimson red throne high in the sky.

Sitting on this throne was a giant figure wearing red armor. Crimson flames also danced around the arms of the chair while the figure on it just sat there like a lord looking over their subjects.

Moments later the throne and the figure disappeared instantly into motes of red light while at the base of the previous light pillar, the soldiers were all shocked as a man wearing a high-ranking military uniform.

Seeing the familiar head of red hair, Kyle took a step closer while speaking slowly.

"S-Squad leader? S-Sir?"

Hearing the questions of a person standing in front of him, the man with red hair let the fire dance around his palm before he closed it over the flame, effectively causing the fire to cease.

"This is definitely going to cause an uproar if there are others. First I need to deal with these guys first." the man, Cole, mumbled as he crossed his arms and looked to the soldiers raising their guns in front of him.

"Squad leader?" The young soldier, Kyle, asked again as Cole fixed his glowing red eyes onto him. With the sudden action, Kyle hurriedly raised his rifle towards him. This caused Cole to frown but understanding the situation from their perspective, he simply issued a few orders.

"I know you have questions Kyle, but now isn't the time for that. We need to rescue people in the camp and make it less chaotic there. While we are doing that you will send out orders using my name. Have the nearest military base immediately find any disturbances in the area similar to what just happened here. I mean with the pillar of light and the throne, there should be others.

They are to send forces immediately and close off the area. If they find the people creating these pillars and thrones they need to try and isolate them from the public peacefully, don't try to use force! Now go! I'll answer questions with the higher-ups later!" The Cole said fiercely as flames flared up around his body before disappearing instantly.

"Y-Yes, sir!" Kyle said as he saluted and turned to the other soldiers who, although extremely confused and scared, also saluted before breaking off into smaller squads. This was effective in spreading the orders of the highest rank military personnel at that location, Cole, to every single American soldier present.

The ones who didn't speak the same language were still nervous and confused as the American soldiers left instantly after receiving orders, leaving them terrified and still raising their weapons towards the man who could seemingly control fire.

Looking at the foreign soldiers who were staring at him with a panicked look on his face, Cole simply shooed them away before taking out a cigarette and lighting it with his finger.

"This will cause so many problems... I better get a raise..." he said as he looked at the sky for a moment before shifting his focus in the direction of the impact zone for Pandora's box.

"I guess I'll go make sure nothing else happens..." he said as he used a bit of the power inside of his body, causing a red aura to cover him from head to toe, before taking off into a light sprint heading to the box.

"I never dreamed of running so fast at his age..." he said as he took a puff of the cigarette one more time before allowing it to be completely burned with his flames.

"This is neat."

(AN: Join the discord! )