Shining Gold

It was a few hours past noon when a trio of young adults, two boys, and a single girl, got out of a car in front of a giant warehouse.

"Are you sure this place is abandoned?" One boy asked as he looked around at the other three silent warehouses, which creating a surrounding that felt more like they were walking through a ghost town at midnight, even if was the middle of the afternoon.

"Don't worry, remember that this place was a toy warehouse that shut down a few years ago, now it's just an empty building. Which means a good place for you to use your power that isn't out in the open." The other boy said with a smile as he chuckled to himself.

"Let's hurry this up, I don't like how this all looks, it's creepy." The girl said as she put her phone in the pocket of her sleeveless sweater, making her short skirt and legs more noticeable.

The trio were obviously Damian, Kai, and Ari. They had decided, after talking over breakfast and coffee, that they would find an empty place to let Damian test his powers.

They searched abandoned and deserted buildings around the town but found little locations. Instead of in their town, Kai found an area near the harbor where about a dozen warehouses had shutdown. They checked the info of the companies that used the warehouses and confirmed that they had stopped business.

Entering the warehouse after opening a door in the corner of the building, the trio took a breath of dust filled air. This caused them to all have a coughing fit outside of the warehouse for a few minutes. After settling that they went inside and inspected the building. It was mostly filled with empty space with a few empty wooden crates and containers sitting around in random spots on the ground.

On the far side of the warehouse, there were stairs leading up to an elevated rectangle-like room Damian correctly concluded was an office. Agreeing that this was a good place to test Damian's power, Kai went outside and called Ari on her phone.

Confused as to what he was doing, she attempted to ask a question after placing her phone on speaker. Confirming that Damian was able to hear, Kai interrupted Ari by asking Damian to release a little bit of his power so he can see if his throne appears in the sky.

Hearing of the plan, Damian released what he figured was a small amount of his vast power. By doing this his eyes turned a light shade of gold as a paper-thin aura covered his body in golden light. With Kai being told that Damian was releasing a small amount of power, he laughed on the phone as he walked into the building saying that nothing appeared in the sky.

This allowed them to all understand that as long as it is below a certain amount of power, the throne wouldn't appear in the sky. With Kai walking back up to the other two, they looked at Damian.

"First we need to see the physical effects of your powers, try running to the wall and back." Ari said as she looked at the opposite end of the warehouse, an estimated 50 or 60 yards away.

Nodding at Ari's suggestion, Damian, still using his power ran to the far wall,reaching it in a few seconds. This left the trio dumbfounded by how easily he broke the limitations of normal humans. Running back to his friends, Damian looked like he had a golden like following him as he zoomed past his friends reaching the opposite wall in under a few seconds with a trail of golden light behind him.

"I'm a lot faster with my power activated!" He yelled as he looked at his legs and took a few stretches while his friends jogged over to him.

"Well now we know that you are faster! What about your jumping power?" Ari asked excitedly.

"I was just about to test that." He responded as he crouched down a jumped towards the ceiling, instantly reaching it after a second. Unfortunately slamming right into the hard framing of the ceiling, causing a large thud to resound throughout the warehouse.

As Damian landed on the ground he laughed a bit. "That didn't hurt at all, this is so interesting."

After that, they did many more tests of Damian's powers. This ended taking up so much time that the sky was getting dark by the time they were finished. They were satisfied with the feats they witnessed with Damian's powers.

They learned that Damian could move around below subsonic speeds when running around the area. Though they couldn't really tell by just looking, they gave an estimate since he didn't break the sound barrier just yet.

It was estimated that he could easily break the sound barrier when he uses more power but for the sake of secrecy, they kept it to a minimum due to the current situation.

Damian also tested a few abilities he said he had instantly learned when he obtained the powers. First, he was able to throw lightning at targets, striking them almost instantly. He was also able to create a semi transparent gold force field around his body to block projectiles.

This would need more testing but by throwing multiple things at Damian, Ari and Kai were surprised how much he could do with his power. It was an extremely versatile power. As gamers, the trio of young adults were excited to see and experience such superhuman feats only accomplished in video games, now doable in the real world.

As they stood outside of the warehouse, beside the nice-looking black 4 door sedan, Damian was playing around with his lightning when he proposed a question to them. "Should I try and create something from my power? I have a small feeling it would work."

"Do you mean like the armor that the avatar on your throne wears?" Kai asked.

"Something like that. I want to try with a weapon first though... but idk what weapon would be good for me. I was just a normal high school student a few days ago." He replied with a bit of melancholy as he checked his phone, confirming that it was around 7pm.

"Just try and make anything, it might be one of those "weapon your heart desires" type deals." Ari said as she opened the door to the front passenger side and sat sideways in the seat.

Deciding to try and go with his subconscious hints, Damian held out of his hands out away from the car as golden lightning began to gather in his palms.

"I won't try to imagine something, I'll just let it come to me..." he said in his mind as the lightning in his palms began to expand into a large baller of golden light before slowly dissipating upwards into miniature orbs of gold.

Looking at the weapon that had appeared in his hand, they all noticed it was a katana style sword with a gold and black cloth hilt. The sheath was primarily black with golden symbols painting the entire surface of it.

Damian took a few seconds to try and understand what the symbols were, but he was unable too translate a single thing by the time his head started to hurt from his attempts.

"That looks pretty cool Damian, it's a katana!" Ari said as she got out of the car and stepped over to him before grabbing onto his shoulders. She was shorter than him so she stood on her tiptoes as she peeked at the newly created weapon.

"It looks insane man!" Kai said as Damian slowly pulled the entire blade from the sheath. As he did this though, his power began to leak out of his body as if trying to flood the area. The entire blade was a shining black that seemed like it was trap anyone in an dark world if they looked at it too much.

Taking a swing with the sword, albeit awkwardly, it felt like Damian almost had a second arm. He knew that he was extremely inexperienced with things like sword fighting so he would also need to practice more.

Slowly sheathing the sword, he managed to get rid of the urge on his mind to cover the sword in his aura before swinging it. As he sheathed the sword, his excess aura receded into his body.

"We will come back another time to really test my power, right now I think I need a good mask." He said as his weapon turned into a golden lightning bolt before entering his body as he stopped outputting his aura.

"I know a good mask shop, remember the one we went to for Halloween that one year Kai?" Ari said as she went back to where she was sitting previously and sat there once again. This time she moved her legs to sit properly in the car.

"Somewhat. It was a few years ago so I can't remember too well." Kai said as he sat in the back seat of the sedan. "We should go and really get some food though, we only ate breakfast today," Kai said as his stomach grumbled in agreement.

"I'll put in the directions for the mask shop Damian, we can go there after we get some food!" Ari said as Damian sat the driver seat of his car. As they began to drive off a chuckle was heard from the shadow on the wall watching with a view of where the trio and car were positioned before.

"A new king as well. Hopefully, he doesn't get in my way, I'll have to remind him personally next time." A slightly distorted and solemn voice was heard as the shadows became silent again.

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