The world

Huh, I guess this is a journal that I'm going to write.... But too bad for you gods and whoever else decided to snoop through my journal..... wait, wait, wait, don't leave! please let me tell you about myself and my world. You see no one wants to get to know me anymore, they didn't have any interest with getting to know the most powerful being alive. I think it was because I could kill them by just existing, but I digress... wait don't leave! I'll... I'll... I'll tell you about some of the worlds history.

Ok .... It was over one trillion years ago, a being that was absolute breathed something into existence. Whatever that something was couldn't absorb all that power, heh not even close, and from that energy THEY were born. Those beings were the gods, nearly all powerful yet far less potent than that One's children but still far more powerful than any normal thing. They clamored for things to do and stuff to manage, so they asked the great being for the ability to create or manage the world that was born when they were. And it was given, but they still couldn't create anything that moved, that was alive. So they asked that being for another ability and they created to their hearts content, but soon they needed centerpiece for their world. So they asked that great being for one last thing, they wanted humans.

Again what they asked for was given. These humans were powerful but peaceful, until one day they suddenly became weaker, and violent. So to combat this sudden ultra nerf, the gods blessed the humans with hyper adaptation so they don't all die off. These humans are known as the Ancients, nowadays because all of the modern races are born from those guys. Back to the point, humans were weak at base but with their hyper adaptation they quickly regained their place as the apex, but soon one broke through literally.

The Asterals that was their sect, they might as well have been a whole nother species. They developed mana control, and then soon they found a new technique; Cultivating. It's now a lost technique because the gods felt threatened by this technique. Not because the endlessly powerful Astrals, but because the normal ones could now enter their domain not freely but they still could do it. One individual in particular made them shut everything down; a woman named Eshul. Twas a name she made up claiming that it's a god's favorite name, but the elves know her as the mother of their race. Back to the point she fooled herself into believing that the god of nature had fallen in love with her, and she would do anything to be with him.

So Eshul trained day in and day out for 100,000 years until she became the strongest living thing outside of the Asterals. Once she was sure of her success she made her move. Unlike the Asterals who at this point could come and go freely through the gods domain, she crashed her way in. And to the horror of the gods, she took him from his own domain and pulled him down to the world. Funnily enough I do believe he's probably still alive today, I mean he's a god for crying out loud. However with his abduction the gods put their foot down, and swiftly destroyed the Asterals, even if they had been friends at one point. But their cultivation technique is rumored to exist still, somewhere in this massive world.

Then all of the Ancients had their hyper adaptation taken away and the were evolved based off their culture. Now you have the six races; the ather, Humans, beastkin, elves, dark elves, dragons. They are all that's left of this world...