The races (Elves)

Oh hello again, I can see you're reading my journal again. Not that I'm bothered. It feels nice to have a pen pal in a way... But it seems you don't want to know me all that too much, instead you want my many millennia of knowledge. So let me tell you about those races.

On Axios you have the six primary races, humans, ather, elves, dark elves, beastkin, and dragons of which humans serve as the base. I find the elves one of the most interesting races, all because of a slew of issues.

The elves used to be powerhouses that could rival the ather at birth, plus with absurd 100,000 year long lifespans there wasn't nearly anything they couldn't do which was befitting of the direct descendants of a god. But that was the past and THIS is the present. Long ago when the founder of Huma was still very active within the Raygene Empire, one of their biggest foes was funnily enough their sister nation the Requis dukedom.

The Requis dukedom was and still is the largest elven nation, but now they are the last "Elven Nation". At the time they were taking massive losses, losing thousands of soldiers each day, their population was rapidly dwindling and they couldn't do anything about it. All due to Argent the Devil Slayer, as he was known as. Honestly I do believe his rank far exceeded Ancestor how else could he have been so dangerous, but sadly I don't have any way to prove it. Regardless the elves didn't didn't manage to recover until the Great Dragoon War, but when Etmata left power they were almost extinct once again.

Now the elves are again facing extinction once again, not because they are needlessly weak, but due to their seclusive culture. In their culture things get odd depending what and how you look at it. For example they believe nature MUST be revered, protected, and utilized, which made them have the best magics for manipulation of nature. That sounds great, until you look at how they use it... all of their architecture is plant based, which would be fine. But the elves must do all three at once, meaning they have wildlife everywhere, shrines in the oddest of places, and ZERO forest management. All these things do add up, throw in their pride, low birth rates, and inbreeding due to said pride, they are a race now on the decline. The only place I know Elves thrive is Huma.

Although their culture is odd, their magic is powerful. It allows them to manipulate plants animals and the general balance of an environment. This allows them to rapidly grow plants given they have a seed, or use the bodies of living things to emulate the properties of plants one has come in contact with. Elven magic also allows them to control simple animals quite well, and more complex ones for short amounts of time without being able to give too complex of orders. It isn't as good as my telepathy but it will do the job. The elves are also said to be able to heal people, that's not true, but isn't false either. To heal someone they Must have experience with many different medicinal plants, and have eaten all of them, so only those who are rich, royalty, or adventurous can "heal" people.

The species ranks go; Mud dweller, Earth dweller, Villager, Branch dweller, Tree dweller, High elf, High tree dweller, Sky grasper, Sky dweller. In elven society the one is only allowed to interact with those of the same rank, regardless of how many are left.

Now if I had to tell you of a particular person of that race... I could talk about "The Highest Elf". He was a shrewd man and thankfully is very dead. He is also known as the first elf, but honestly I don't know very much about him. He was said to be able to manipulate entire forests, army's of beasts, in and shut down the minds of unguarded people. I mean... like I'm the demon king, but not even I would be as much of a scumbag as he was. Let's just say that thanks to him everyone alive has a little Elven blood in them.