The races... Humans once more...

last time I covered their existence it was just my sheer confusion at their existence but now i will fully express whatever the hell they are...

The first human... that would be very hard to answer because you could look at them as the base race... Originally all races were like them as i already said and were further evolved from there on, but they did birth One and she was the first vampire. One had a weak darkness that she had access to, but it was more than enough to conclude that she was the next stage of human evolution, and was rated 6.7 on the measure so she had quite the strength.

However, the first real human nation is without a doubt the Raygene empire and they are the main influences of humanity as a whole. They were one of the most violent nations in history and technically do still exist but they have fallen far from their former glory, and it is the place i call my home land. It was where i was born and raised and i lived there for a long time as a supporter of the war effort. Not that i was a human mind you i was just an Ather, but it was my home and i fought for it. Now enough about me let me tell you about it, the country was founded because of a disagreement between brothers. They were the princes of Requis and hated each other with a burning passion, so it eventually boils over in a very disgusting battle between the two brothers, and Nagata left the royal family and founded his own nation. However, Nagata lacked nearly every resource needed to call his cabin a nation, so he just became a plunderer until his nation was unchallenged.

Their absurd founding aside they did many good things for the world and many bad things as well. For example, they made it standard that royalty had two surnames, one for war and one for times of peace. This tradition carried over into their literal successor; Huma, in Huma the war name is Rayza just like it was in Raygene but their peace name is Lustra. I have forever but i don't really spend it on just their weird culture... Long story short they live long lives are stupid strong for a weaker race and have ridiculous tenacity... Oh I forgot to mention that they made slavery after a summon mentioned it would be more effective than just murdering everything that opposed them.

Now we're getting to the juicy parts the things you want to know the ranks, they go: Protohuman (slave), Subhuman(slave), Demihuman(slave), Human(base), Advancehuman, Peasant, Commoner, Noble, Knight, Lord, Baronett, Baron, Viscount, Count, High Human, Marquis, Duke, Archduke, Royal, Prince, Queen, King, High King, Imperial, Grand Archduke, Imperial prince, Emperor, Ancestor, Spirit, Divine ArchHuman. Their top three ranks haven't appeared in generations and i am probably the reason why, not that i feel guilty about it but it is quite boring being alone in my limits... yeah I knew an Ancestor rank once but his strength was lower than i expected. That aside all the lower ranks of the remaining humanity are all the descendants of slaves, and that magic kinda lasts forever in a bloodline.

If I had to explain their magic like before I'd get lost in a tangent, but I can tell you how it works and is used... not it's history probably. Their magic uses mana to create temporary elemental phenomenon, and anything they make with magic must be sustained with mana else it will dissipate. However any reaction caused by this phenomenon will be permanent, for example; if you use fire magic to light a fire, the wood will be burned until ignited and the initial flame will die out, but the wood will continue to burn. So through that logic that's how humanity acquired highly advanced technology within a relatively short period. Also their ability to utilize electricity is unparalleled because all of their original advancement was based on it, and thanks to the continued war effort they have been catching up with us demons in regards to magical utility.

And onto the...'THE MOST NOTABLE FIGURE!!!' Man I'm kind liking this formula and all I have to do is repeat it time and time again. Ahem back to the subject there are many, many, many people that I could slap onto the pages of any race but here I think one of three deserve a spot... First up you have the strongest commoner, I want to tell you about my best of buds but he deserves his own page. Second you have a man so revered that he became a god, Argent Rayza, butttt he also deserves his own page... wait I think I already wrote one centuries ago, when I find it I'll share it with you! Now the most whack of the bunch, The king of 100 Tears, and boy oh boy did this man commit atrocious deeds.

Wait I'm almost out of paper I'll go get more and see my nephew while I'm about.