The Races (Humans)

I was going to do dragons, but humans, humans are just freaks. I mean like think about it from my perspective, I am an ather (offshoot at this point) legit the most efficient combat machines in the world, calling us the most powerful race wouldn't even be wrong and I'm not even being racist. However, humans have almost completely caught up and in only a million years.

When I was a kid humans had one element they could use, Lightning and that was it, but as the war continued to escalate and our demon offshoots began to become a thing humans had to adapt to even be able to fight with us on remotely equal footing. They were a dominant race because of their technology being highly advanced at the time, but that alone wasn't enough and the absurdity of their tenacity shone through, for example fire magic do you know how that came to be? I'm going to let you think about for a second-A little girl made it after she saw a demon burn a man to death so she copied it to the best of her abilities so she could use it against her mother, so she enlist... legit she was my neighbor when it was invented, Jane Smith was her name and she seemed pretty nice but her mother, oh boy don't get me started, lets just call her garbage. One night i hear horrible screaming next door as if they were being attacked, so i ran over and burst down the door and ran inside to help them. But when i arrived Jane was laughing as she torched her mother's limp corpse, I was both horrified and proud... long story short i adopted her, and then let her enlist as a combat medic. (Good thing she was a half elf).

Oh, what about earth magic? An old human black smith was pretty racist, he hated dark elves with a burning passion because they had an innate connection with the earth and its metals. The funny thing was the elves knew this and were all complete scum about it, they would mock him about his "Garbage that not even a dragon would be stupid enough to use!" one day a kid tried to tell him about how all his effort was wasted and he was better off dead in a hole. Understandably he was pretty pissed, so he went into his smithy and grabbed some ingots and used his mana to forcibly turn them into a sword in just a few seconds, then he ran out and decapitated the brat with his "dogshit" sword. In court he was just as much of a dick, when his prosecutor tried pressing him, he just made the earth swallow the man whole and crush him to death. Did i mention he was a dark elf that was also a regular visitor to his shop. Yeah.... Humans are weird. All of their elements have some story like that attached to them.

Also did you know they are capable of injecting an element into each other? Jane showed me and it's weird, so she would bring one of her friends over and light a fire in the fire place so we could save on power and her friend saw her do it. So Jane shook hands with this girl and she was suddenly able to use fire magic.

Enough of this magic speak, let's talk freakish biology. They are very compatible with every race, as in biologically, like if you expose them to enough mana of a different race, they'll just evolve just so they can make it too. Feed a human enough elven blood and they'll become part elf, and it goes on. They can also have children with every race and that's the weirdest part... For example, a Beastkin can only have children with humans and ather/demons, elves with humans, dark elves with ather and humans, ather with humans, dark elves, and beastkin. Dragons are the only lot that don't really seem capable of interracial breeding but the current royalty of huma would say otherwise... let's just say they're a maybe with humans... I know it sound contradictory, but i mean the females can accept from any race, but that dosen't always work the other way around.

long story short they're too weird for me to understand fully