The "Devil" part three

As the sky darkened i felt something within me change, and i was staggered by the absurdity of the mana. There was so much mana flowing from the city that it had turned into a fluid that rained down even miles away from the capitol. We all stared into the sky as it was reduced to mere blackness and the ground shook violently, and we could tell that another devil was coming, indefinitely stronger than the one he had just slain. It burst forth from the ground and the air around us was rattled and our bones shook, it dwarfed the city walls and had so much mana that the ground was flooded. The people around me were fleeing in terror but I stared in awe at the sight i saw.

Argent was flying before the massive monster with mana on par with the wrathful titan. Then i heard a laugh as Argent's mana increased as if it was repressed this entire time, and then he said, "You damn monsters sure don't like me! Well, it's only natural when I'm the only person in the whole fukin' world that can even hurt you! So do you want to see what I've been saving?" The titan stood up to him unafraid of his power and said to Argent with rage in its voice, "You damn kinslayer, how dare you slay my brother you're nothing dif-" the devil was cleaved into quarters with a powerful surge of lightning but the words its lips uttered words that showed me my own insignificance to the world, "-erent from us, you were supposed to be our king!" It seems Argent was observing its words and spoke, "If You Dare assume i will EVER be like you, i will go to the hole your kind was born from and destroy every godforsaken thing your kin held sacred, past or future lives aside."

I still to this day have no idea what the context of their conversation was nor the limits of his power, but i do know that the secret he took with him would never be found until his successor. I know Argent died at the age of 175, but nothing about it made any sense. How could a man in the domain of the gods die of old age, especially when his race is very long lived and could easily live ten thousand years, but there was some evidence of a very different story going on. The Children of Argent had already been established when the royals of Huma announced that he had finally died to old age and that one of his children would be chosen to take his place, but we knew that something was off especially since they didn't do anything like do the traditional speeches about his life. Luckily one of his children could be pried for information if you had both the gold and wine to loose his lips, he was very useful to uncovering the truth. Through him we had found out that he had indeed died, but there was a catch, he had formed a second body, one that was godly as he then ascended into the god's realm.