The "Devil" part two

As I lie there, I cried out with all my being in a futile attempt to live, we all heard something out of this world. The cries of pain unlike any other, an explosion, and then silence. Suddenly the shop across the street from me, exploded and a man slid out from the rubble. The man was a brown skinned human who appeared to be just under one and two-thirds meters tall, his hair was midnight black, and his features were marred with scars. I thought him dead, but I fought to my feet and staggered over to him to see if he was alive anyways, but as I was approaching, I noticed that he was chewing something, while grunting. Nervously I kneeled down and slowly moved my hand towards his neck, suddenly his hand shot upward and grabbed my neck as he sat up and looked me in the eye. I soon realized who he was the second prince of Raygene, Argent Rayza. Argent stared me in the eye for a second then he let me go, and stood up and began running towards where he came. At the time it looked like he up and teleported but if I thought about it there were footprints imbedded in the ground. That was the last time I saw him in person for a while but the story doesn't end there.

From what I was told Argent had ran right up to the devil he had injured and cleaved it in half vertically. Argent then was hit by tens of Blooded Ather all assumed to be Sage ranked, as the fought their way into the sky. I was outside the city when i saw it explode, and the emperor was flying overhead with a face of fear and horror. And the ground shook as we heard the screams of pain that he inflicted. The capitol was flooded with what can be likened to demonic mana and the sky wasn't just red any longer. The light coming from the city was so intense that it made the sunlight look dim in comparison, and the darkness that swallowed the entire province.