The "Devil" part one

Long ago when I was just a normal Ather there were several Ather countries, however they weren't free not in the slightest. Back then the Ather could be likened to a slave race, unable to think and function independently from their Master's order. Only a luck few wouldn't be under "their" control, they were the bloodless. But the blooded were different, they were stronger, faster, more powerful. It was almost as if the blooded were built for combat, and not simply retrofitted for it.

It's been nearly 600,000 years since then, but those times remain fresh in my mind, as if someone was to carve it anew anytime it would fade. They were called the "Devils", for none knew where they came from, and they could not be challenged. The Devils were so powerful that they had forcibly crossed into our world. They made my race commit sins that can't even be described without causing pandemonium, and for said sins I cannot blame Zebur, the coward he may be, for starting this war. However it was thirty years before the founding of huma when my world was truly shaken, and the world was horrified.

I was living in the capitol of Raygene, Shekel, as it was known. It wasn't a great place to live, with the remains of slaves and POWs strung around the city as decorations of sorts, but it was far better than the outskirts of the country. I was lucky enough that my mother was one of the bloodless, so I was free from the devils' control. However, I wasn't free from discrimination, trust between the Ather and other races was at an all-time low, all because of a damn contact between a foolish child and "their" kind. Back then I was just a weakling, an Ather rank, but I was happy enough as a shop keep. I worked at a small general store as a counter man, and I was saving up enough to buy it outright, however this dream never came true. I was working on a busy day for our shop, and I had about ten days before I had to do my ten years of mandatory military service, when the thick walls of Shekel fell.

When the east wall fell it was like a volcano had gone off or the emperor himself had lunged at the heavens. The walls were nearly thirty meters thick so when it fell, we all knew the devils had arrived. Pandemonium ensued with people, civilian and soldier alike, running in the streets away from the eastern breach. I looked in horror as smoke began to billow into the sky and heard the cries of thousands, and as I watched I slowly saw the beautiful blue slowly become a flaming orange. While I was staring at the destruction, I was thrown out of the building by a wave of customers, and was soon being trampled underfoot. It was at that moment I believed it was the end, and I would die a slow painful death because of my injuries.